The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4149: Someone waiting for you

That day, Jiang Yun used the mirror of time to see what happened after he was in a coma. When he saw his power was about to be exhausted by the mirror of time, he finally saw himself and blood in the radiance of the mirror. , And ... a figure who raised his palm and shot towards the bloodlessness!

Although the figure appeared, Jiang Yun's power was completely exhausted, making him just a glimpse of the figure.

However, he saw that the figure's body was almost entirely composed of wild patterns.

There is only one place, not a wild pattern.

This place is the palm of the figure!

And the palm of the silhouette is nothing else. It was Jiang Yun who brought it out at this moment.

For other things, Jiang Yun may still be wrong, but he is too familiar with the Great Wild Five Peaks, so he will never be wrong.

Entering the four chaotic worlds this time, Jiang Yunben came to find the descendants of the Nine Clan, so he deliberately brought all the Nine Clan relics to him.

After recognizing the five peaks of the Great Waste, Jiang Yun is not difficult to speculate.

The strong man of the barren clan imprisoned here not only used his barren pattern to help him improve the state of the barren pattern, but also left a barren line enough for his life in his own body.

Therefore, when he was in a coma and faced with the danger of death, this wild pattern appeared on his own.

Not only aroused his own scars, but also condensed into a figure.

In addition, he summoned the Great Wild Five Peaks hidden in his body, and killed the man with impermanence.

Naturally, the huge imprint left on the earth originated from the Five Peaks of the Great Waste.

Jiang Yun once had an idea that he felt a little absurd about the Five Peaks.

He believes that the Five Peaks of the Great Waste is not actually a mountain, but the palm of a strong man!

But now, he can finally be sure that his idea is actually right.

The Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness is a palm, to be precise, a broken palm!

Even, most likely, it is the palm of this barbarian strongman imprisoned under himself now!

Although Jiang Yun knew that it would be extremely dangerous to take out things belonging to the Nine Clan, not to mention the holy relics of the barbarians, but he would enter the forbidden land tomorrow, and he might even encounter the barren people.

Therefore, he will be here again today, wanting to verify his guess.

It's a pity that although Jiang Yun has taken out the Great Five Peaks, there is no response under the earth.

Jiang Yun waited patiently for half an hour, and only after seeing Liu Meng couldn't help but enter here, he put away the Great Wild Five Peaks and gave up waiting.

Liu Meng came directly to Jiang Yun, with a bit of grudge on his face and said: "Brother Fan, if you go, go back, it's almost an hour."

"How are you finding things?"

Jiang Yun stood up and took out a precious medicinal material and threw it to Liu Mengdao: "I was just about to leave, this is for you!"

After taking this medicinal material, the complaint on Liu Meng's face suddenly disappeared, and he smiled and said: "Oh, brother Fan, it's not that I said you, you are all good, but too generous."

"I didn't do anything, I just got so many benefits for you, and made me feel embarrassed."

"This time I'm reluctant to accept it, but not as an example, not as an example!"

Jiang Yun didn't even care about Liu Meng at all. His consciousness was still watching the underground, hoping to get a response from the strong man of the aboriginal before he left.

"Brother Fan, now that the things are in hand, let's go quickly."

"If you delay for a while, you may be too late to go shopping in Tianlin City."

In Liu Meng's urging sound, Jiang Yun could only sigh in his heart, followed him, and left the world.

Before coming to the teleportation array again, Liu Meng pretended to care: "Brother Fan, don't you really need me to accompany you to Tianlin City?"

"no need!"

"Then you must remember to rush back before the ancient hunting begins. If you miss it, the one thousand military credits for registration will be wasted!"

After watching Jiang Yun step into the teleportation array again, Liu Meng also hurriedly stepped into another teleportation array.

He is going to Tianwu Temple to ask how much this medicinal plant he just got is worth!

Outside the sky, Jiang Yun saw at a glance the many monks gathered at the entrance.

When these monks saw Jiang Yun, their faces suddenly showed envy, and some people nodded to him with a smile and greeted him with kindness.

Jiang Yun understands that in the eyes of these monks, being able to be the guardian of the heavens and the heavens is a matter of supreme glory.

Jiang Yun ignored them, but flew away in the direction of Tianlin City.

But after flying halfway, he suddenly reversed direction and flew into a dense forest.

A moment later, when Jiang Yun walked out of the jungle, his appearance, figure, and even his breath changed dramatically.

Entering Tianlin City, standing on the street, watching the people around, Jiang Yun could not help but sigh.

Although he doesn't like liveliness, he also hopes that one day, he will be able to live his longing life like most monks.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun walked slowly, integrated into the crowd, and headed in a certain direction.

Soon, a three-storey shop appeared in front of Jiang Yun. A small flag was inserted in the upper corner of the gate, and a kind of demon clan text was drawn on it!

Tianlin City is the only big city close to Tianwaitian, which is very prosperous.

Any family in Sijingzang who has a little influence will find a store here.

The Mirage, the first major group of demon clan, is no exception.

This shop is a shop opened by Mirage.

The reason why Jiang Yun came to Tianlin City was not to buy anything, but to ask about the situation of the Mirs today.

After all, he is about to enter the forbidden area, ranging from one year to more than a decade, and may not be able to return.

This made him have to worry about whether the Mirage would be attacked during the time he left.

Jiang Yun didn't enter the store directly, but turned around in a circle, making sure no one noticed himself before stepping into the store.

On the face, a buddy came and said with a smile on his face: "What do you want to buy?"

"Just take a look!" Jiang Yun said while speaking quietly towards the man: "I have something to see your shopkeeper!"

The dude was stunned for a while, but then nodded and said, "Son, wait!"

After a while, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Jiang Yun, and said with a smile on his face: "I am the shopkeeper of this shop, the son wants to see me?"

Jiang Yun still said with a voice: "I am reckless, I wonder if you have heard of me?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's name, a light flashed in the man's eyes, but there was no slight accident. He nodded and said, "Son, please follow me!"

After talking, the man led the way and led Jiang Yun directly to a room on the third floor, saying, "Please come in, there are people waiting for you."

"wait for me?"

Jiang Yun didn't expect that there were still people waiting for himself among the Mirage shops in this city.

Standing outside the room, Jiang Yun's consciousness could not see the situation inside, nor did he know who was waiting for himself.

After a little hesitation, Jiang Yun stepped into the room.

Just as Jiang Yun stepped into this room, two people appeared outside the Mirage shop.

Two men who also looked very ordinary, and one of them looked at the shop with a surprised expression on his face: "Finally found him!"

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