The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4176: Illusion assimilation

"How is this going?"

Looking at his body becoming illusory and transparent, Jiang Yun's eyes could not help bursting into light.

In fact, he certainly understands what is going on. It is very simple, that is, he has already been assimilated by this illusion, and will soon become a part of this illusion!

Jiang Yun can be said to be very familiar with the illusion, and has experienced many incredible things in the illusion.

For example, in a lucid dream created by himself, an illusory child created by himself, after growing up, even successfully walked out of the dream and became a person in reality.

However, he was assimilated by the illusion and became a part of the illusion. Such a thing, Jiang Yun did not even think about it, nor did he think that he would meet.

Then, after being assimilated by the illusion, will it continue to exist, and will not appear until the next time the illusion appears.

In other words, since then, he has directly disappeared into nothingness.

The next time the illusion reappears, will there be one more person here.

What kind of identity did you have at that time, and was it real or illusory?

But anyway, Jiang Yunke definitely does not want to be a part of this illusion, and stay in this illusion forever!

Just, how to leave?

"There must be a way to leave!"

"Because Master has entered the illusion, he must have encountered the same situation as me, but in the end he left smoothly."

Jiang Yun's mind calmed down quickly, his thoughts turned quickly in his brain, thinking about the way to leave.

At the next moment, he lifted his feet and wanted to leave the restaurant from the window, leave the world, and go to the boundary to see if he could get rid of the influence of this illusory power.

However, his feet had just been raised, and his face had changed again.

Because he found that this kind of power not only made himself illusory, but also made his cultivation practice affected.

It's like having a big mountain, suppressed in your own body, making yourself struggle.

Of course, with his own strength, he can contend with this force and move forcibly, but the speed of his movement is not comparable to the illusion that the outside world is disappearing at a very rapid rate.

"Since this is an illusion, then I will dream against fantasy!"

In Jiang Yun's eyes, nine colorful marks suddenly appeared, exuding nine colorful lights, which just wrapped his body and made himself like a cocoon.

In the light, Jiang Yun quickly outlined a lucid dream for himself, hiding in a dream.

Jiang Yun in the dream is standing in Jiang Village.

However, Jiang Yun's complexion became more and more gloomy, because that power turned into a dream, and also entered his own dream, surrounding the whole Jiang Village.

Those houses quickly became illusory. Looking down, Jiang Yun saw that half of his body had become illusory.


On his eyebrows, a streak suddenly appeared, and at a frantic speed, he quickly filled his whole body.

Then stretched out his body, interweaving seventeen wild patterns, and also forming a cocoon, covering his body.

Famine power can ignore most power attacks, Jiang Yun hopes to be effective for this power.

It is a pity that under this double protection, Jiang Yun can still clearly feel the force that will make himself illusory, can see his body, and continues to become transparent.

It seems that even two forces still cannot protect themselves and cannot stop this force.

And Jiang Yun murmured: "How did Master let himself out of the illusion?"

"His old man has neither the power of dreams nor the power of waste. Is there anything ... the power of the ancients!"

By this time, Jiang Yun could not care whether the power of the ancients was useful.

He took a deep breath, and a horrible demon burst out of his body. The left and right sides of the body vaguely showed a head.

The power of the ancient demon, the power of the ancient demon, but all the ancient power that can be used, all of Jiang Yun's brain is used.

However, under these layers of power, Jiang Yun can still feel the power, and can still see that most of his body has become illusory.

"Burial coffin!"

A coffin flew out of Jiang Yun's body, and in an instant, there were countless spaces condensing towards his body.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, the use of the burial coffin can at least summon millions of layers of space.

However, this power from the illusion is like water.

It is like a torrential flood, with a destructive trend, it can easily destroy everything.

But it was like a trickle, continuous, permeating through the millions of spaces, through all the protection of Jiang Yun, invading his body, turning his body into a phantom and transparent.


At the same time, outside the Huajiang City, which has not completely disappeared, there are two figures on a ten-foot high mound, standing there, looking far away from the direction of Huajiang City.

These two figures, a man and a woman.

The man was the middle-aged man who attacked Jiang Yun when Jiang Yun first came to this world.

And beside him, there were more young and beautiful women.

It's just that the woman's face is extremely pale, without the slightest blood color, and her spirit is a little weak.

Especially in those eyes that should have been clear, there was an abnormal gray.

The woman looked at the direction of Huajiang City, a pale look on her face, and asked the man softly, "Brother, you said take me to find something good, where is it?"

"Is it hidden in this illusion?"

The man smiled and said: "Sister, don't worry, the eldest brother can lie to you!"

"You can rest assured that after the illusion disappears, we will see it."

Although the man said this in his mouth, he could not help but whispered secretly in his heart: "The cultivation of the outer realm, bold and courageous, dare to take the initiative to talk with the creatures in the illusion, must have been assimilated by this illusion, and became part of the illusion Now. "

"Just don't know if his body can stay."

"If I can, then I will be able to make a lot of money this time."

"But if you can't, the little girl will be disappointed."

Speaking of which, he glanced at the woman with a look of anticipation on her face, and she couldn't help complaining about herself, which was too unrelenting.

You should n’t tell the little girl that there are good things in advance, and you should n’t take the little girl here to wait.

In case, when the time comes, the cultivation of the Outer Realm does not even leave the corpse, wouldn't it make Xiaomei Kong rejoice.

Next, the two of them no longer speak, silently gazing at the Huajiang City that is gradually disappearing, and the entire illusion.

This illusion appears extremely fast, and within a few moments, it can cover the entire world.

But now it disappears, but it is much slower. In a quarter of an hour, all the buildings, the entire Huajiang City finally disappeared, revealing the endless barren world.

The man turned and said to the woman: "Little girl, you are waiting for me here, don't run around, I'll go and see!"

Although the woman wanted to be with her elder brother, she nodded obediently: "Okay, elder brother, you need to be careful."

"Do not worry!"

The man smiled slightly, his figure had already rushed out.

"Where is it?" The man instantly entered the range of the original Huajiang City, walking extremely fast while constantly looking around, looking for Jiang Yun.

About a moment later, the man's eyes suddenly brightened, and he saw a piece of clothing corner under the yellow sand not far away.

"found it!"

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