The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4200: Be in a bitter situation

Although Bitter Bamboo didn't know what happened to Jiang Yun's backfire, he was still very happy to find a world and enter the illusion to absorb some source gas.

Therefore, Bitter Bamboo immediately agreed, and immediately accelerated the speed, Jiang Yun had already crossed Jiang Yun in an instant, and disappeared from Jiang Yun's sight.

Bitter bamboo is about to break through to become an emperor-level strongman, whether it is real strength or physical speed, it is far more than Jiang Yun.

If there is no life and death monster printed in his body, Jiang Yun wants to take bitter bamboo as a slave, it is simply impossible.

Looking at the direction of the disappearance of the bitter bamboo, Jiang Yun let go of his palm and looked at the emperor source stone held in his palm, his face showing a strange look.

Although Jiang Yun has been in this fantasy realm for more than a month, this is the first time he has absorbed the source gas from the Emperor Yuanshi.

It wasn't until then that he discovered that although they are all called Diyuan Stone, the Diyuan Stone here is very different from the Diyuan Stone stored in Sijing.

This difference lies in it. For the time being, it has become a source of power called source gas, which is basically two completely different things.

The source gas contained in the emperor source stone in the Four Realms is as simple as it can be regarded as the power of the sky that contains little source of the emperor.

Of course, it is more refined than the power of heaven.

However, the Emperor Source Stone in the Fantasy Realm contains a source gas that Jiang Yun has never absorbed.

The most important thing is that this source gas transforms into a power far greater than any other source of power.

Jiang Yun said to himself: "This source gas should be the same as the spirit energy, the power to destroy the domain, and the power of the sky, but it must be a higher level of power source."

"In other words, this realm of illusion should belong to, a bitter situation!"

Four sets of realms.

In fact, the best way to distinguish is to see what the source of power is.

Sijing Zang, although there is an emperor, seems to be higher than the Jitian Jiyu, but the source of its power is also the power of the sky, so, strictly speaking, it should also belong to Jijing.

This real world of illusion, Jiang Yun didn't really think that it was actually a bitter situation.

Therefore, Jiang Yun wanted to find a world and enter the illusion to absorb the point source gas to see if it was the same as the source gas in the Emperor Source Stone.

At the same time, another thought came out of Jiang Yun's mind: "If this is really a bitter situation, would it be the old forget, that is, the bitter domain where my Jiang's vein is?"

At this moment, the sound of bitter bamboo has been heard from afar: "Adult, in the southwest direction, there is a world nearly a million miles away."

Jiang Yun temporarily withdrew his thoughts, immediately turned around, and flew away in the direction of the bitter bamboo sound.

After just counting the interest, Jiang Yun and Bitter Bamboo have entered a world.

The illusion in this realm is somewhat similar to the illusion in the Huajiang realm. The place where the two enter is a large city.

Jiang Yun doesn't care where he chooses to absorb the source gas. Anyway, he enters the illusion. He believes that his way of guarding can still leave.

But bitter bamboo doesn't work, so he is condescending and looking around: "Sir, let's find a place with fewer people."

"For the monks in this fantasy world, we are strangers."

"Especially with our cultivation practices, absorbing the source gas will definitely cause the source gas to fluctuate. Even if we don't pay attention to them, they will come to us and ask us why we are here."

"If we don't say anything, they will inevitably take action against us, and they will also fall into the illusion."

Jiang Yun also looked around and pointed at the top of a tallest building: "Go there!"

After talking, Jiang Yun, regardless of whether he did not agree with Bitter Bamboo, took a step forward and had fallen directly on top of the building.

Bitter Bamboo could not help but frown, thinking, on the roof, could the monk here not find himself or herself?

However, the next moment, he suddenly widened his eyes.

Because he suddenly saw that after Jiang Yun threw several Emperor Yuan stones, his figure disappeared from his eyes!

"Formation!" Bitter Bamboo's eyes lit up, and his face was suddenly bright, followed by hurriedly, and fell on the roof, whispered: "Master, Master, let me join the battle!"

In the air, a mist entrance was slowly opened, and the bitter bamboo swayed and digged into it.

Standing in the field, Bitter Bamboo turned to look around, and said with amazement: "Unexpectedly, the adult is still proficient in the formation."

"And, the power of this formation should be extremely powerful!"

Jiang Yun, who had already sat down, said faintly: "Hurry up and absorb the source gas, we will hurry up in a while!

Bitter Bamboo nodded repeatedly: "Yes yes!"

At the moment, Jiang Yun has absorbed a lot of source gas into the body, and this also allows him to be sure that his guess is correct.

The source gas in the illusion is exactly the same as the source gas in Emperor Yuanshi.

If you can always absorb this source gas, the speed of your self-cultivation will be much higher than anywhere else.

In short, this fantasy realm is an excellent treasure for Jiang Yun, even for all the monks of the heavens and the monks of the Four Realms.

"After waiting for Master to be rescued, I can practice here for a while."

"However, this time can not be wasted now!"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the bitter bamboo that was some distance away from him: "Sit closer to me."

Bitter Bamboo froze: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Nature is good for you!"

Although Bitter Bamboo did not believe that Jiang Yun would benefit him, he did not dare to be disobedient. He could only sit beside Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun ’s eyes suddenly showed nine color stamps: "Do n’t resist my strength ,look into my eyes!"

As the words fell, the nine colored marks in his eyes had begun to rotate.

Bitter Bamboo did not resist, anyway, his life was already in Jiang Yun's hands, so Jiang Yun was instantly brought into the dream.

Looking at the unchanging environment around him, Ku Zhu just wanted to ask what was going on, but his face changed suddenly: "The time here ..."

Jiang Yun said faintly: "I believe it is good for you now!"

"Ten days here, one day outside, one month later, we set off!"

Since the source gas here is of great benefit to oneself, Jiang Yun cannot naturally waste a little bit of time, deliberately arranged a dream that changes the speed of time lapse, and focus on cultivation.

Looking at the bitter bamboo again, his eyes were almost glaring out of his eyes. When he looked at Jiang Yun's gaze, it even radiated a dazzling light.

At this moment Jiang Yun is not only annoying in his eyes, but has become a rare treasure!

The formation method that can hide the figure, the dream that can change the speed of time lapse, in this fantasy realm, the existence of Jiang Yun is simply the best help for practice!

Forcibly suppressing the inner excitement, Bitter Bamboo sat down hurriedly, and took time to start absorbing the source gas.


Time flies, four years have passed!

Jiang Yun and Bitter Bamboo walked fast in the boundary, and Bitter Bamboo smiled at Jiang Yun and said: "Boss, one day in front of us, we will be able to reach the One World!"

Although Jiang Yun originally hoped to be able to reach the One World within three years, but after discovering the benefits of the source gas of the Fantasy Realm, he still delayed for a year on this path.

However, during these four years, he and Bitter Bamboo spent nearly 15 years on spiritual practice!

It also brought them great gains.

Today, he has entered the fourfold realm of reincarnation, and bitter bamboo is about to break through to the emperor level!

Bitter Bamboo smiled and said: "Boss, we have been on the road for a month in a row. I am fine, but does the boss need to add some source gas."

"Wait for entering into the realm, it is better for us to practice for ten days and a half months before we continue our journey!"

In the past four years, bitter bamboo has tasted the sweetness. Now even if there is no demon mark in the body, even if Jiang Yun drives him away, he will never leave.

However, Jiang Yun didn't even hear him, and even the speed of his flight slowed down unconsciously, staring straight ahead, his mouth like a dream: "How do I I feel like Master is near ... "

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