The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4228: Reincarnation

"How is this going?"

Jiang Yun frowned and looked suspicious as he watched the golden light from the samsara leaves, covering the hundreds of samsaras one by one.

You know, although the tree of reincarnation is a sacred object of reincarnation, Jiang Yun is now the master of the tree of reincarnation.

However, the golden light released by the tree of reincarnation at this moment has nothing to do with him, it is completely distributed by the tree of reincarnation.

However, on the body of all the samsaras covered with golden light, Jiang Yun clearly saw that there were illusory silhouettes that came out of their bodies and walked along the golden light that seemed to become a bridge The corresponding leaves on the tree of reincarnation.

Although those figures are illusory, the number is also large or small, but Jiang Yun is not difficult to see, they are the reincarnation of each reincarnation.

Among them, the largest number of silhouettes emerged from the samurai clan elders, with a total of hundreds.

However, this does not mean that the clan elders have experienced the reincarnation of hundreds of centuries.

Because the reincarnation of the samsara is different from that of Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's reincarnation truly experienced every life with his own soul.

The death of one life, the next life will appear.

The reincarnation of the reincarnation people is to cultivate a doppelganger through the unique reincarnation power of their family while the deity is still alive.

Once the avatar completes the reincarnation and returns to the deity, it will increase the deity's strength.

The avatars of these samsaras will disappear after they have successively walked over the samsara leaves.

But on the leaves, it will leave a mark shaped like a figure, as if the figure was imprinted in it.

Looking at these marks, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually narrowed.

Because he suddenly felt that with the appearance of these marks, the breath from the tree of reincarnation was constantly climbing.

As if the avatars of these samsaras are a panacea for the tree of samsara ...

Jiang Yun couldn't help saying to himself: "Could this be the holy thing of the Nine peoples, is it really the way to recover?"

Although Jiang Yun had long obtained the Nine Clan Relics, he also knew that the Nine Clan Relics were always in a state of rest and recuperation and could not exert their original power.

In order to heal their injuries, they had the birth of the Nine Clan in the Lower Realm.

But even so, they still failed to heal.

At this moment, the tree of reincarnation took the initiative to release the golden light, attracting the reincarnation of the reincarnation, imprinted in its own leaves, so that its breath has increased.

The whole process is basically like healing.

"It seems that if the holy relics of the Nine peoples are to be completely restored, they still need to believe in them, practice their strength, and contribute their own strength."

"In turn, the stronger the power of the relics, the greater the strength of the people of all ethnic groups who practice them."

Speaking of which, Jiang Yun's eyes lit up with light: "Even, even my master's strength will also be improved!"

Jiang Yun could clearly feel that as the breath of the tree of reincarnation gradually climbed, his own strength was constantly improving.

Although the magnitude of this improvement is small, it is actually happening.

"Then, if I can find all the clan members of the Nine Clan, and use the Nine Clan Clan to restore the Nine Clan Relics completely, then my cultivation can naturally be quickly improved!"

"It's a little difficult to find the other eight tribes, but the Mirage has a million people."

"If I were among the Mirage, I sacrificed the Mirage ..."

A look of anticipation appeared on Jiang Yun's face!

For Jiang Yun today, his only goal is to become an emperor within five hundred years.

Although this time is not short, he has also born the road of the emperor, and even has three emperor moods, but he is not completely sure that he can really achieve this goal.

Leaving the rest aside, from the realm alone, he is extremely far away from the emperor.

Now he is in five layers of reincarnation, and then breaks through the four layers of realm, but he can reach the vacant realm and become Heavenly Venerable.

There are twelve small realms in the suspended realm.

In other words, he still needs to break through the sixteenth realm in order to become an emperor.

The source of power he needs for every level of ascension is a huge astronomical number.

Despite the power of the Four Ancient Veins left by Master, he did not know how much power there was in the imprint, nor could he support himself as an emperor.

Therefore, he needs to find other ways to improve his strength more quickly.

Now, he actually found one.

In addition to cultivation for promotion, Jiang Yun also found that he could even know the samsara experience of these samsaras!

As if, their reincarnations are all in their own hands!

In this way, Jiang Yun watched the reincarnation of the samsara people while feeling the improvement of his cultivation, and was constantly imprinted on the samsara leaves.

Until all the avatars of the samsaras disappeared, the tree of samsara also recovered its golden light and stood there quietly.

At the same time, all the samsaras stood up one after another, and everyone's face was filled with excitement.

As Jiang Yun thought, the short-term worship just made them all aware of their strength and had increased to varying degrees.

The clan elder walked to Jiang Yun again, and once again hit the ground, his face full of excitement and said, "Thank you, lord!"

Jiang Yun smiled and waved his hand: "Don't thank me, it is a holy thing for your family!"

The clan elder straightened up and said, "Adult, if you are not in a hurry, can we delay for a few more days, we still have some things left unfinished."

"We can go to Sijingzang together after processing."

Jiang Yun asked: "How long do you still need?"

The clan elder thought for a while and said, "If it is fast, it will be a few days, and if it is slow, it will be more than a month!"

Jiang Yunwei pondered and said, "Then I will wait for you!"

Although Jiang Yun was anxious to go to Sijingzang, he also had some questions to ask the elders of the next samsara.

Moreover, for more than a month, he can still afford it.

Therefore, Jiang Yun and Jian Sheng lived temporarily in the samsara.

Jiang Yun did not put away the tree of reincarnation, but allowed it to stand in the clan of the reincarnation, for the reincarnation to worship.

This kind of worship is also good for the tree of reincarnation, the samsara, and himself.

Looking at the pious worship of the samsara, Jiang Yun couldn't help but think of Bulao Mountain in the Realm of Reality.

"Although I don't know where the holy things of the Nine origin originated, whether they were refined by the strong, or whether they were born naturally in heaven and earth, perhaps they can become holy things, also by virtue of the faith of the spirits to them."

Time, while Jiang Yun was waiting, slowly passed by, and more than twenty days passed in a flash.

On this day, the elders of the samsara, with all the samsara, finally came to the place where Jiang Yun meditated.

"Sir, we can start!"

Jiang Yun's gaze swept across the faces of these hundreds of samsaras, and it can be seen that most of their faces are embarrassed and reluctant.

Obviously, they are really unwilling to leave their home here and go to a completely strange place.

It also reminded Jiang Yun that Takamatsu once said that he would not avenge the samsara.

Because for him, all the samsaras are strangers except his mother.

Now, the minds of these samsaras should have the same idea.

This made Jiang Yun's heart sigh. He really didn't know why the reincarnation emperor wanted to take these reincarnation people away from their hometown to the emperor's mausoleum.

However, he was powerless to stop!


Jiang Yun stood up and stretched out his hand to take the tree of reincarnation back into his body, and at the same time he looked at the clan elder.

Over the past twenty days, Jiang Yun has also checked here with his consciousness, but he has never found where the so-called passageway is hidden.

The clan elder owed to Jiang Yun, and then walked to the reincarnation tree imitated by their ancestors: "Sir, if you step into this tree, you can reach Sijingzang."

Jiang Yun was slightly surprised, and the passage was hidden inside it.

However, he did not hesitate to step into this tree of reincarnation first.

Stepping in one step, Jiang Yun was dark in front of him, and he clearly felt that he had left the heavens.

But he couldn't wait to see where he is now. His complexion suddenly changed, and even exclaimed, "This is ..."

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