The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4262: Emperor Wuxi

In Ruyi Xuan, when Jiang Yun's feet had just stepped on the second floor, he didn't wait for him to see clearly what was happening here, and an indifferent voice sounded in his ear: "An emperor is here!"

What the voice said made Jiang Yun's heart suddenly awkward.

Although he didn't feel anything, the other party obviously wouldn't make fun of himself with this kind of thing.

In other words, the emperor really came.

Now in this Tianlin City, the emperor who can follow him to this Ruyixuan can only be Xuandi.

And this is in line with my previous speculation.

Since he stepped into the city of Tianlin, Emperor Xuan Emperor's consciousness should have fixed on himself.

Even Emperor Xuan may know that Ruyi Xuan is owned by Mo Qinghong.

In addition, he went to Da Motian from the Hai tribe and stayed for nearly four months. I believe that Emperor Xuan also knew about it.

These thoughts flashed instantaneously in Jiang Yun's mind, but his footsteps had never stopped in the slightest, and he had walked to another fellow who greeted himself, and said quietly: "I want to buy a sword! "

The man smiled all over his face and nodded, saying, "That son is the right place. Our Ruyi Xuan is best known as a sword."

"I don't know what kind of sword the son wants to buy, as long as the son asks, we should be able to meet."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "The tone is not small, if I say, I want to buy an emperor sword!"

The smile on the face of the man suddenly froze and slowly turned into a bitter smile: "The son is making a small joke."

"If we can sell Emperor Sword, why should our shopkeeper run away from this Ruyi Xuan."

Jiang Yun smiled and shook his head, "Well, show me your best swords."

"Relax, as long as the sword is good enough, no matter how much the price is, I can afford it!"

Next, Jiang Yun, like the guest who wants to buy a sword, carefully selected the sword on the second floor of Ruyixuan.

In the end, he even really bought a sword that could be regarded as a domain weapon, and Shi Shiran left.

And just as he was about to walk out of the gate of Ruyi Xuan, his ears also sounded again before reminding him of the voice of the person who came from the emperor: "Lin Ruiguang!"

Jiang Yun knew that this name should be the name of a guard in Tianwaitian, and it was also the eyeliner of Mo Qinghong inserted in Tianwaitian.

However, he only walked out of Ruyi Xuan when he didn't hear it.

Next, he kept walking and walked directly towards the north of the city.

Behind him, the figure of Emperor Xuan slowly appeared on the roof of Ruyixuan.

Looking at Jiang Yun's back as he went away, Emperor Xuan frowned slightly: "Did I guess wrong?"

"Tomorrow's army, it is reasonable for him to buy a handy weapon."

Shaking his head, Emperor Xuan didn't think about it any more. He took a step and his figure disappeared.

And just after Emperor Xuan disappeared, on the second floor of Ruyi Xuan, a middle-aged man stepped out and looked up at him, with cold flashes in his eyes: "As soon as this Devil Cloud comes, Emperor Xuan comes, Devil Cloud 1 Go, Emperor Xuan will leave. "

"In his capacity as Emperor Xuan, he would care so much about such a small human monk, so there is only one possibility that this person has an unknown relationship with Emperor Xuan."

"This time, the emperor might have glanced away. Fortunately, I was found. I must inform the emperor about this, just in case."

Jiang Yun did not know that his moment of whim and ran to Ruyi Xuan, although he didn't say anything and did nothing, had already caused suspicion between the two emperors.

After half an hour, Jiang Yun had already arrived outside the door of the Song family.

Looking at the unguarded door, which was just a cover-up door, Jiang Yun just wanted to reach out and knock on the door, and Xuan Di's voice sounded in his ear: "Come in!"

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows, and a trace of surprise flashed deliberately on his face, but soon returned to normal, he directly pushed open the false door and entered the Song family.

No one came to receive him, but there was a breath of Emperor Xuan Emperor, who led him all the way to a Jingsha deep in the manor, and saw Xuan Emperor who was sitting there with his eyes closed.

With the appearance of Jiang Yun, Emperor Xuan also slowly opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Yun, his face showing a smile instead of a smile: "This time for you, I spent a lot of money! "

"Single space teleportation alone, one piece can be worth the ordinary small family's one-year practice."

"You said, should I also get some reward?"

Jiang Yun was also polite. He walked across to Xuan Emperor and sat down: "When I become a handsome man in the future, he will certainly pay back the price Xuan Di spent on me today."

Jiang Yun's words made Emperor Xuan smile slightly: "Is there any hope this time?"

"It's not possible this time!" Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "The position of Tianshuai requires at least the strength of the prospective emperor. I'm still far away from the prospective emperor."

"Unless Emperor Xuan can spend some more cost, so that my cultivation can be quickly improved before tomorrow."

"Don't be too high, as long as I reach the level of the emperor, I have the confidence to go to fight the imperial emperor!"

"Otherwise, I am afraid that you will have to wait for another period of time, as fast as hundreds of years, and as slow as thousands of years!"

"Hahaha!" Emperor Xuan suddenly laughed loudly: "You are not greedy at all!"

"Before tomorrow, it is not impossible for you to become an emperor."

"Simply, I will give you my self-cultivation, not to mention the emperor, let you directly become an emperor, no problem."

"Just, do you want it?"

Jiang Yun shrugged indifferently: "If the emperor really cuts love, then why don't I!"

Jiang Yun at the moment is really not afraid of Emperor Xuan at all.

He knew that he was too important for Emperor Xuan.

Not only is his great emperor's artistic conception a must-have for Emperor Xuan, but he is also the most suitable person to become a handsome man.

Therefore, even if his attitude is more arrogant, Emperor Xuan will not treat himself like that.

Sure enough, in the face of Jiang Yun's unscrupulous words, Emperor Xuan was not only annoyed, but also nodded with interest: "Yes, when I can't think of it someday, I will naturally find you and give me this body to you . "

Jiang Yun immediately clenched his fists at Xuan Emperor and said: "The Emperor has no jokes, so I will wait for this day to come."

"Hahaha!" Emperor Xuan couldn't help but laugh again, but halfway through the laugh, he suddenly stopped: "Mo Qinghong, is it in Da Mo Tian?"

Faced with the suddenly changing topic of Emperor Xuan, Jiang Yun nodded unchanged, "Yes!"

"Mo Qinghong, as well as Mo E, were in the ninth floor palace of Da Mo Tian when I left."

Jiang Yun understood that Emperor Xuan must have known the process of breaking into the magic world.

Therefore, it is better to tell the truth than to cover up.

Sure enough, the smile on Emperor Xuan's face reappeared: "You destroyed their eight palaces, so they let you go so easily?"

Jiang Yun also smiled and said: "When I left, the Demon Race had rebuilt the eight palaces."

"Mo Qinghong is also a demon emperor anyway, so I won't kill me for such a small thing!"

Emperor Xuan took a deep look at Jiang Yun and said, "You will stay here for the time being, don't run around, I will take you into the heaven and earth in a while!"

After dropping this sentence, Emperor Xuan stood up and disappeared.

After all, he didn't ask why Jiang Yun went to Da Mo Tian.

Jiang Yun frowned a little, but tomorrow began in Dabi, and today he took himself into heaven and earth.

However, it is okay to go in early, just to see if anything has happened in these days or seven days.

If possible, I would also like to go to District 93 and District 99 to see what happened to the two great emperors.

Even, he had to go to Moze and ask, why did he find someone to kill himself?

About an hour later, Emperor Xuan appeared in front of Jiang Yun again.

And this time, he was followed by a grey-haired old man.

The old man reached out and gave Jiang Yun a piece of jade and said: "Become the appearance of the people inside, we will go to heaven and earth now!"

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