The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4276: Commander Fang Da

Facing Jiang Yun and the 38 guards, Leng Yichen remained silent!

If it was really only the 38 guards who pleaded for Jiang Yun, then it didn't matter if he refused.

However, all of the 38 guards signed up for this competition.

Therefore, behind each of them, stood the elders of their respective ethnic groups.

Although the clan of Shen Chaojun and Li Mo spoke directly, the other guards did not speak.

But obviously, these ethnic groups are tacitly acquainted with their young people's behavior in support of Jiang Yun.

This means that, at this moment, Jiang Yun's pleading is not just 38 guards, but 38 ethnic groups!

What's more, these thirty-eight ethnic groups have four major ethnic groups, and there is no small ethnic group.

This is not difficult to see since the thirty-eight guards were able to survive the hunt.

Although Jiang Yun saved them, at that time, all the guards involved in the hunting were just ambushed and attacked when they first entered the hunting site, and nearly half of the guards were killed directly.

Of these thirty-eight people, they all escaped one ambush, and some people even evaded Jiang Yun after only two ambushes.

They can survive, in addition to Jiang Yun's factors, but also related to their own strength.

They are all leaders among monks of the same rank, which naturally means that the ethnic groups behind them are also leaders.

Therefore, at this moment, even as a heavenly handsome, Leng Yichen does not want to offend such thirty-eight groups at once!

Of course, Leng Yichen also understood that the reason why these thirty-eight ethnic groups support Jiang Yun in return is not only to revenge, but also revenge!

Thirty-eight of them, almost died in the hunt, and the main envoy behind all this is Lu Wenlin.

Since Lu Wenlin took the so-called panacea that can identify the bloodless blood mark, and exposed it actively, Shen Chaojun and others remembered him firmly.

This matter, their family naturally knows where to take a breath.

However, due to Tian Waitian's existence, they were unable to enter Tianwaitian and killed Lu Wenlin.

Therefore, since Jiang Yun has taken the initiative to challenge Lu Wenlin at this moment, he is willing to avenge them. No matter whether Jiang Yun can kill Lu Wenlin, of course they are unconditionally supporting!

In another space, Emperor Xing's face showed a rare interest, watching what happened below.

Although he did not know Jiang Yun, nor did he know the grievances between Shen Chaojun and others and Lu Wenlin, but this matter made him feel very interesting.

As a criminal emperor, in fact, he didn't even care about the rules of the world, and he didn't mind letting Jiang Yun participate in the contest.

However, at this time, he was not prepared to speak. He wanted to see how Leng Yichen would solve the matter.

After a moment of silence, Leng Yichen's eyes turned to Lu Wenlin and said lightly: "Lu Wenlin, you have heard what they said. Now I ask you, can you dare to accept Fan Xiao's challenge?"

Leng Yichen's sentence seems to be seeking Lu Wenlin's own opinion, but in fact, it means that he has decided to make an exception once, allowing Jiang Yun to participate in the contest and challenge Lu Wenlin.

The reason why I still want to ask Lu Wenlin's opinion is just to find a way out for myself, but it is also putting pressure on Lu Wenlin.

As a general, facing the challenge of an ordinary guard, if you dare not, then even if I do n’t break this example, I still do n’t allow Jiang Yun to participate in the dabi challenge to you, but after the dabi, you will not Qualifications continue to sit in the general seat.

If you dare to accept Jiang Yun's challenge, then the two of you are willing to fight, one is willing to suffer, and it has nothing to do with me.

How can Lu Wenlin not understand Leng Yichen's thoughts, knowing that he has to agree if he does not agree at this moment.

However, Fang Ming took the lead and said: "Master Tianshuai, this matter is still unfair. That Fan Xiao, obviously did not sign up to participate in the competition. Now he is working with a large number of guards to put pressure on Master Tianshuai to force him. Change the rules of Dabi. "

"Master Tianshuai can't promise, once this precedent is set, then everyone should follow suit ..."

Not waiting for Fang Ming to finish his speech, Jiang Yun suddenly spoke with a loud voice: "Fang Da command!"

This drunk, constantly interrupting Fang Ming's words, and the sound was in the ear. Fang Ming's body suddenly shuddered, his eyes widened suddenly, and among the seven tips, there was slowly blood seeping out!

This scene was seen in the eyes of everyone, and all were surprised.

Jiang Yun apparently opened his mouth deliberately, hurting the chattering Fang Da commander with his voice.

Although this Fang Ming is only a reincarnation monk, but he wants to give him a shock with a sharp drink. Without a certain strength, he can't do it!

This shows that Jiang Yun's strength is really not weak, at least beyond the commander, and indeed has the ability to challenge the general.

After Jiang Yun shouted, he didn't go to see Fang Ming at all. Instead, he took a step forward and stood in front of Lu Wenlin, reaching for Lu Wenlin and saying, "Lu Pian, dare to accept my challenge!"

Lu Wenlin's eyes narrowed slightly and smiled coldly: "Fan Xiao, you are so bold!"

"Regardless of whether I accept your challenge, but you dare to commit the following crimes and attack the commander, you, guilty?"

Jiang Yun frowned: "Attack the Great Commander? What does Lu Pian mean?"

While speaking, Jiang Yun turned his head to look at Fang Ming. At first glance, he suddenly showed a surprised look and said: "Fang Da commander, what are you doing?"

"I was so anxious just now that I spoke a little louder. Did the prince hurt the commander?"

"It shouldn't be the case, the strength of the great commander will not be so weak!"

At this moment, Fang Ming, although the Qiqiao bleeds, has heard Jiang Yun's words clearly.

He really wanted to tell everyone that Jiang Yun's voice was a little louder. He simply intentionally contained power in his voice and attacked himself!

It's a pity that he can still speak where he is, fearing that a mouthful of blood will spur out of his mouth, so he can only bite his teeth, close his eyes, and calm down his anger.

Jiang Yun withdrew his gaze and looked back at Lu Wenlin: "General Lu, so many people watched. I just did nothing but call Fang Datong."

"If you want to blame me for committing the crimes below, I'm too wrong."

"What's more, adults, we can't stop walking because we are worried about stepping on the ants!"

Without waiting for Lu Wenlin's response, Jiang Yun has immediately said: "Okay, I still don't want to change the subject, I am asking you if you dare to accept my challenge!"

Lu Wenlin stared at Jiang Yun coldly, and after a long time, coldly said: "Why don't I dare!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and turned to look at Leng Yichen: "Master Tianshu, Lu Pian will have agreed to accept the challenge of his subordinates. I don't know if the adult agrees!"

Leng Yichen nodded and said: "Since Lu Pian will agree with himself, then I will make an exception, allowing you to participate in this competition, challenge Lu Pian!"

"Besides, challenge Dabi, let's start with the battle between you and Lu Pian!"

Jiang Yun clenched his fists at Leng Yichen and said, "Thank you, sir!"

"Master Lu, please!"

Jiang Yun took the first step and stood on the platform.

Although Lu Wenlin was reluctant, but by this time, he could not allow him to refuse again.

Looking at Fang Ming, who closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, Lu Wenlin said softly: "Relax, I will avenge you!"

When the words fell, Lu Wenlin also walked onto the platform and stood opposite Jiang Yun.

Everyone's eyes are basically focused on Jiang Yun. I want to see how strong Jiang Yun is.

Among them, another person's eyes are extremely hot, this person is Yan Tianqi.

He stared at Jiang Yun and muttered in his mouth: "You, Fan Xiao!"

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