The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4304: Not amazing

Bloody gas!

Jiang Yun spent three hundred breaths, and the second kind of breath felt in this power was **** breath!

And this also made him more convinced that the vague idea that came out of his head was really likely to be right.

Therefore, he continued to try to feel the third breath!

Jiang Yun was completely immersed in the sense of this force of heaven and earth, but all the people who watched Jiang Yun inside and outside the Tongtian Pavilion fell into a slack state.

Wen Jin and Xiao Liu, including the nearly one hundred guards, were all dumbfounded and could not believe their eyes.

Even Jia Lao's face was somewhat shocked!

Although the duration of this persistence is not too much related to its own strength, it must still be related to everything the monk himself has, such as qualifications and will.

If you change to a mortal, or a weak person, step into the Tongtian Pavilion, even if there is protection from the Tiantian Pill, it will definitely die.

Therefore, Jiang Yun was able to stick to the three hundred interest rate, even though he couldn't explain how strong his strength was, but at least it can be shown that his path to practice is far more than others.

Naturally, Jia Lao stopped talking, and everyone kept silent, looking at Jiang Yun while calculating the time for him.

Time, slowly and steadily elapsing, inside the Tongtian Pavilion, began to have guards who have completed their cultivation step by step.

Although this means that there are already vacant rooms in the Tongtian Pavilion, no one is in a hurry to enter. They are all waiting for Jiang Yun, when they can't hold on.

When another three hundred interest time passed, Jiang Yun's body moved slightly, and finally opened his eyes that were always closed.

Looking at Jiang Yun, a light flashed in Jia Lao's eyes.

Because he can see that Jiang Yun's situation is just like the one who insisted on the seven hundred interest rate, and he can obviously persist, but he obviously has to give up.

Jiang Yun opened his palm towards Wenjin's booth and said, "Master Wen, can that medicine be given to me?"

Wen Jin also recovered from the shock.

At the moment, she really didn't have the slightest dislike for Jiang Yun, and she dared not continue to embarrass Jiang Yun, and she handed away Tiantian to Jiang Yun without a word.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yun took Futiandan, put it in the mouth, and closed his eyes again.

This time, after only ten breaths, he reopened his eyes, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and exhaled a breath: "What an overbearing power!"

Wen Jin stared at Jiang Yun and shook his head and said, "I think that if the power of the day is overbearing, it seems that you are not overbearing!"

At this time, Jia Lao suddenly said to Jiang Yun: "You don't have to continue to visit. With your strength, you can directly enter the fifth floor, which is the most beneficial to your cultivation."

"Five floors, 10,000 military achievements a day."

"Pay military service, you can start practicing. If military service is insufficient, please leave!"

In fact, Jiang Yun also understands that, from the first to the fifth floor of the Tongtian Pavilion, in addition to the different strengths contained in it, there will also be coercion released by the power.

The higher the number of layers, the greater the pressure.

If you are a weaker monk, you have to be distracted to resist coercion and practice at the same time. If you focus on two purposes, you might as well go to the lower level.

For myself, it is indeed possible to directly enter the five layers of cultivation.

Slightly pondering, he took out his token and handed it to Xiaoliu: "Then come for a day!"

Although Jiang Yun has become a general, he still has only one hundred thousand military achievements.

Therefore, he was prepared to give it a try first, and what it was like to practice on the fifth floor for a day.

Xiao Liu took Jiang Yun's token, reached out and stroked it gently, and handed it back to Jiang Yundao: "Fan Bijiang, there are twelve rooms on the fifth floor, basically there are always empty rooms, so If you come again next time, no need to wait!"

Xiao Liu felt guilty about Jiang Yun. After seeing Jiang Yun's time, he admired him a lot, so he specially told Jiang Yun to say something.

Jiang Yun nodded with a smile, and understood that Xiaoliu was telling the truth.

Although the strength that can enter the fifth floor is not too weak, but the higher the strength, the longer the practice time will naturally be. It is normal to retreat for ten years and a hundred years.

But if you really stay that long, the amount of military power needed is a little too much.

Ten thousand military merits a day, and three hundred sixty-five thousand military merits a year, and only the ancient madman like Yan Tianqi can get so many military merits.

But even Yan Tianqi will not be closed here for a year at a time, at most a few months.

For people like Wen Jin, it is generally calculated in terms of days, and it is already rare to stay up to a month.

Therefore, in the fifth floor room, there is almost no full situation.

Jiang Yun looked at Lao Jia and said, "Then I can start practicing now?"

Lao Jia said: "Yes, remember some time, we will not remind you."

"If you exceed the time, you will have to pay military power. If you can't pay enough military power, you can owe it, but you can only owe it to 100,000 at most. After that, Tongtian Pavilion will not be open to you."

After dropping this sentence, Jia Lao had turned and left, and walked to the teleportation array, facing the guards: "Okay, after watching all the excitement, go back to the queue."

Jiang Yun gave Xiaoli and Wenjin a clenched polite gesture and said, "Two, then I will say goodbye first."

Jiang Yun turned and walked up the stairs, step by step toward the fifth floor.

While Xiaoliu and Wenjin stood on the spot, after Jiang Yun's figure disappeared, he also turned around and left.

On the fifth floor, presented in front of Jiang Yun was a circular hall with twelve rooms in turn, all doors were closed tightly.

A special candle is placed next to each door. After entering the room, the candle is lit. When others come here, they will naturally know that there is someone in the room and will not bother.

Instead of looking at all the rooms one by one, Jiang Yun chose a room at random, reached out to light the candle, and walked in, closing the door.

Although the size of the room is not small, the furnishings are very simple, there is only one futon, nothing else.

However, when Jiang Yun exuded his consciousness, although he could not penetrate the walls here, he could sense that there were many seals and prohibitions hidden in the walls.

This is even true behind the door.

For a while, Jiang Yun did not know whether these banned seals were for the purpose of sealing the Tongtian Pavilion, or for the purpose of sealing the room to protect those who practiced in it.

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to this, but sat down cross-legged, recalling his previous experience in his mind.


At the same time, in the hall leading to the Tongtian Pavilion, Wen Jin and Xiao Liu, together with a group of guards, have already returned, but they have not seen Lao Jia.

At this moment, Wen Jin, although successfully pitted Jiang Yun once, did not expect that he was shocked by Jiang Yun again.

So that at this moment, she still had a dazed and incomprehensible color on her face, and she didn't even go to say hello to Xiao Liu, lowered her head, and walked out.

Xiao Liu also sat cross-legged next to the formation, and took a breath before speaking aloud: "The first and second floors have two places each."

Hearing the voice of Xiao Liu, those guards also recovered, and hurriedly walked out of the four, and handed their tokens to Xiao Liu one by one.

Tsutenkaku, returned to normal.


Tianshuai Mansion, Leng Yichen is sitting in his study, looking down at some jade slips.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him, and Leng Yichen didn't raise his head, saying: "It's a rare guest, what kind of wind is blowing today, even blowing you to me!"

"Tongtian Pavilion, are you busy now?"

The person who appeared across from Leng Yichen was Jia Lao!

Lao Jia looked at Leng Yichen and said, "Master, have you checked the origin of Fan Xiao?"

Hearing this sentence, Leng Yichen put down the jade jade in her hand and looked up at Lao Jia: "Unexpectedly, you are also interested in him?"

"Why, did he do anything amazing in the Tsutenkaku?"

Jia Lao said lightly: "It's not amazing, but it's just that without taking Tiantiandan, the power of heaven and earth entered the body and insisted on six hundred interest!"

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