The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4432: Weakest emperor, update the latest chapter of Daojie world as soon as possible!


This clan elder who turned into a gecko, although the tail was owned by Jiang Yunzhuang, was not afraid, his body suddenly exploded and became a hundred feet in size.

When he wanted to come, his body became bigger, Jiang Yun could no longer pinch his tail.

But just as his body got bigger, a huge figure of illusion appeared behind him, also with the size of a hundred feet. He stretched out his hand, pinched his tail again, and compiled it fiercely.


This clever force instantly shattered the gecko's huge tail, as well as the bones inside, into a mass, which made the gecko clan suddenly scream.

Without waiting for his scream to fall, the huge figure had grabbed the tail of the gecko, and suddenly lifted its hundred-foot-long body high, just like raising a whip, toward the bottom, fiercely. Smashed down.


The gecko's entire body was heavily impacted among the five rolling hills below. The gecko-shaped mountain made a loud noise.

Under such a terrible impact, the tip of this mountain could not bear it at all. It collapsed directly, turned into countless falling rocks, and rolled down.

From the sudden shot of the gecko clan, to the collapse of the mountains, it has only been a long time before and after.

Jiang Yun's speed was so fast that until then, the other three clan elders finally recovered.

Wu Chang burst into a rant: "Jiang Yun!"

Wu Chang raised his hand, and the palm of his hand suddenly turned into a sky, patting him towards Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun turned a blind eye to the huge figure. He also raised his empty palm and greeted Wu Chang's palm.

At the same time, he continued to wave the gecko in his hand and slammed toward the mountain like a toad.


Accompanied by a series of earth-shattering impacts, Wu Chang's palm, along with the entire arm, had been smashed directly.

The mountain of toads, with a half-mountain mass, collapsed.

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly turned to Wu Xie and another clan veteran, "Did you both not shoot yet?"

Although these two men came back to their minds, they fell into stagnation again.

The strength of their four clan elders is similar. Under the joint efforts of the other two, not only did they not have a slight advantage in Jiang Yun, but they were all already injured. It would be of no avail for them to go on again.

They also finally realized that Jiang Yun's current strength has far exceeded that of the beginning, and he can completely crush himself and others.

Wu Xiewei hesitated and suddenly turned to Jiang Yun and bowed down, saying, "Master, I am also forced by Wu Spider, and I have no choice but to take an action against him."

"That Wu Shuxiu made a breakthrough, not only sealed the Spirit Venerable in captivity, but also self-proclaimed as a Spirit Venerable, and ordered me to wait to kill the adults, and also ask the adults to forgive sins.

Before Wu Xie's eyes, Jiang Yun saw her helplessness, knowing that she should be coerced by others, so it was no surprise that she was going to be defeated at this moment.

After listening to Wu Xie's words, Jiang Yun also lifted the gecko's body for the third time and hit the third spider-shaped mountain.

This time, all the mountains collapsed, and Jiang Yun's voice also sounded: "Wu Spider, let me see if you, after the cultivation breakthrough, have the strength to kill me!"

Under the earth, a gray-haired old man showed shocking colors on his face.

He is Wu Wu, not long ago broke through to the emperor level, thinking that in the entire Linggu domain, his strength should be invincible.

He didn't even care about the Spirit Lord, and where would he put Jiang Yun in his eyes?

After all, when Jiang Yun came here, it was nothing more than a real situation. Now, more than a hundred years have passed. Jiang Yun's strength has improved no matter how fast, and where he can go.

What's more, he always believed that Jiang Yun's last visit was able to conquer the Fuling clan. In addition to the strange mark of supernatural powers, he still relied on the three strong earthquakes that followed him.

Therefore, this time he put away the spirit puppets, and even the Wuling tribes did not show up, just sent four clan elders, thinking that with the power of the four of them, Jiang Yun should be able to kill him.

But he never thought that Jiang Yun would become so strong now.

At this moment, when he heard Jiang Yun's provocation, he was a little afraid to fight.

He was worried that Jiang Yun's strength had already exceeded himself!

Wu spider gritted his teeth and said: "Damn, what kind of adventure has he had over the years, how can he become so strong!"

"Does the practice environment of the Jitian Jiyu, and the strength of the monk, surpass our Linggu domain so much!"

Jiang Yun continued to wave the huge body of the gecko, and for the fourth time hit the Wuling tribe's ancestral mountain.

"Wu Spider, do you think it's okay if you can't hide out!"

"Since you dare not come out, then I can only invite you out!"

Jiang Yun raised the gecko for the fifth time, but this time, instead of hitting the mountains, he hit the ground where Wu spider hides.


The old gecko's tail was finally broken, and his huge body directly hit the ground, and he smashed a huge crack into the ground.

And Jiang Yun also stepped directly into the crack without hesitation.

Wu Spider's complexion changed, his teeth closed, and he didn't wait for Jiang Yun to approach. The powerful breath of the emperor-level strongman burst out.

Moreover, he opened his mouth and sprayed a black mist, with a strong smell of smell, like a storm, swept toward Jiang Yun!

As for himself, he took a step, stepped on the sky, and reached for a finger. Countless white silk threads were shot from his body and shot at Jiang Yun in the crack.

The black mist contains poisonous poison, and the silk thread is the spider silk of his body, the pole of tenacity.

When he wanted to come, Jiang Yun's strength was stronger, but as long as he was touched by his own black mist and entangled by his own spider silk, he would at least be poisoned and even lose the power of action.

Unfortunately, in the face of the oncoming black mist, Jiang Yun only stretched out **** and pointed it as a knife, slashing in front of him.

The black mist passed over his body extremely strangely, without hurting him at all.

As for the white spider silks, Jiang Yun still used **** to cut off again, and all the spider silks passed through his body as if he didn't exist at all.

The fear on Wu Spider's face was even stronger, and his own attacks were all resolved by Jiang Yun in the same way, understatement!

Jiang Yun has slowly walked out of the crack and looked at Wu Spider in the sky: "You are the weakest emperor I have ever met!"

This is not Jiang Yun deliberately teasing Wu spider, but the truth.

Although Wu Spider is indeed already an imperial strong, it may be because of the special environment of the Linggu domain, or because the time when Wu spider has just become an imperial is too short, which makes Wu spider's strength and the imperial strong in the four realms. The difference in strength is too much.

Naturally, this also made Jiang Yun finally realize his own strength for the first time.

I was in the reincarnation of Sijingzang, and I practiced at the peak of reincarnation.

Except for the blood of his first life, he used the emperor source stone for his practice, which is the power of heaven, so that his true strength, when placed in the ancient domain of the spirit, can cross ten or even more realms.

In the face of Wu Spider, Jiang Yun does not need to use all his strength!

"I do not believe!"

Jiang Yun's truth, when heard from Wu Spider, was naturally naked sarcasm, and it also made him roar, his body suddenly swelled, and finally turned into his true state.

A hundred-foot-sized spider, with two compound eyes, exuded a fierce light, glaring at Jiang Yun.

Looking at Wu Shu's recovered state, Jiang Yun suddenly showed a smile that made Wu Spider feel a chill.

And at the next moment, Wu Wu, Wu Xie and others couldn't help but widened their eyes, and saw that Jiang Yun had the root in his hand, which in turn controlled almost all the spirit puppets of the entire Wuling clan... Demon pen!

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