The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4485: Tell the truth, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

The fate of the heavenly sovereign said to the angel patrol, many people in the days of the shortage knew it well, and knew that the fate of the deity meant domain warfare.

Although Jiang Yun believed that clarifying the matter of domain warfare to everyone would not change the thoughts and actions of other great heavenly beings to destroy themselves, but the fateful heavenly being still said it at this moment.

First, it was naturally to delay time and wait for Jiang Yun to walk out of Mengyuan.

Secondly, the fate of heaven is really puzzled.

An angel patrolling guards on behalf of the sky.

Although he was superior in strength, all he did before was to abide by his duties, never actively intervene in any disputes, let alone interfere with the development and changes of the universe.

For this, the Fated Heavenly Sovereign really admires and believes that few people can be as clear as an angel patrol.

At this point, even his son-in-law Jiang Qiuyang couldn't do it.

However, regarding the domain warfare, compared to the first domain of Gang that day, since the last domain war was over, it has been preparing for the entire domain, and the universe of heavens prepared for the battle before the domain war was about to begin.

If the angel patrol is always unaware, then everyone will naturally not be able to fault him.

But since the news of preparing for battle in the entire universe of the heavens was basically sent by the patrol angel, then it means that he obviously knows about the battle of the domain.

Knowing, but not saying, this makes the universe of the heavens, which have almost no chance of winning in the domain battle, even worse.

Therefore, the Fated Heavenly Lord needs to ask the angel patrol for an explanation!

However, apart from the formation of the sky, the nine heavenly veterans except the angel patrol were all confused, and they did not understand what the fateful heavenly veterans meant.

Naturally, they also cast their eyes on the patrol angel one by one, waiting for him to explain to himself and others.

In the face of everyone's gaze, after a moment of silence, the angel patrol said flatly: "Fate, how do I do things, I don't need you to teach me!"

"Since you know that I am on behalf of the sky patrol, you should know more clearly that you are not qualified to ask me questions."

Fengming Tianzun said coldly: "Yes, I am not qualified, but the question I ask you at this moment does not represent myself, but the entire universe of heavens, and the countless creatures living here!"

"Check the sky, whether you are patrolling the sky or the land, but the premise is that you don't forget that you are also a member of the universe!"

"Perhaps, because of your special identity, you may be able to save your life in the domain war."

"But if the universe of the heavens becomes a dead area, if all the creatures here are dead, leaving you alone alive, don’t say it’s right for you, even if it’s for the sky you represent, what is there? significance?"

"Surveillance, if one day comes, you will be an eternal sinner in the universe!"

The Fengming Tianzun's tone became more intense, and he was no longer asking, but violently accusing him.

Naturally, this also made the doubts in the hearts of God Lian Tianzun and others even greater.

Although Fengming Tianzun mentioned domain warfare and death, they still didn't understand what was going on!

The angel patrol was still not angry, and even his voice did not fluctuate at all, saying, "Today, we are here for Jiang Yun."

"Feng Ming, even if you are close to Jiang Yun, you are not Jiang Yun after all."

"Now, either let Jiang Yun take the initiative and let him give us an explanation, or we will enter the battlefield to find Jiang Yun."

Obviously, the patrol angel didn't want to make it clear about the domain war.

However, the more he didn't say or explain, the more he made the other Datianzun and others suspicious.

As a result, God Lian Tianzun looked at the Fengming Tianzun and said: "Fengming, can you speak clearly, what exactly did Xuntian hide?"

Although the other Great Heavenly Sovereigns did not speak, they all turned their eyes to the Fated Heavenly Sovereign and temporarily put aside the matter of attacking the formation of lack of heaven.

The Fengming Tianzun looked deeply at the angel watcher and said: "Well, since you don't say it, then I will say it for you today!"

Then, the Fengming Tianzun did not conceal it any more, and explained in detail about the domain war in front of everyone.

In the whole process, the patrol angel neither opened his mouth to interrupt, nor showed any strangeness.

But when the Fated Heavenly Sovereign spoke of the first realm of Tiangang, and said that Brother Junlin had secretly entered the universe of the heavens and fought with Jiang Yun, a faint light flashed in his eyes.

In the end, the Fated Heavenly Venerable said with earnest words: "Everyone, now our universe is a mess of scattered sand."

"Our thirteen major forces are also at odds with each other, fighting each other."

"In this way, when the domain war arrives, it is impossible for us to be an opponent of other clusters, let alone win the domain war."

"The reason why Jiang Yun is going to attack the Gu clan, this battle against the lack of heaven, is not to avenge his father Jiang Qiuyang as you think."

"His real purpose is to gather our scattered sand. Fortunately, in the domain battle, he can make a way of life for the creatures in the entire universe."

"Otherwise, why can Guyin and Guyang still live, why can't you die if you're wicked!"

"When the disaster in my universe is approaching, we are still killing each other here, fighting for life and death, is it necessary?"

As the fate of Heavenly Sovereign's words fell, the inside and outside of Array Missing Heaven, and even the entire universe of heavens, seemed to have fallen into dead silence at this moment.

Whether it is the great heavenly masters, the disciples under them, or the monks who come to see the excitement, everyone's face is full of shock.

Everything the Fengming Tianzun said was too horrifying and beyond their imagination, making them unbelievable for a while.

After a long time, Wanhuan Tianzun suddenly burst into laughter again: "Hahaha, fate, I didn't expect that you are getting old and old, and you will become more and more able to make stories!"

"I have to say, your story is really decent, I almost believed it!"

"Actually, you have said so much, but you just want to scare us away, so that you can let you go and let you escape today!"

The Fated Heavenly Sovereign didn't care about the Ten Thousand Magical Heavenly Sovereign at all, but still stared at the angel patrol and said: "The Sky Survey, what I said is true or false, you should know best!"

God Lian Tianzun also looked at the patrol angel again and said: "Heaven patrol, is it true that what he said is the order?"

This time, the angel patrol finally nodded and said: "Yes, what he said is true!"

"I let all of you prepare for the battle of Jiyu!"

"There are a total of 108 collection areas, and in the near future, there will be a melee."

"In the end, only one set domain can survive."

"The defeated Jiyu has only one end, that is, all the creatures in it will be completely erased."

Following the confession of the angel patrol, the surroundings fell into a dead silence again.

Especially the Wanhuan Tianzun who just thought that the Fated Heavenly Lord was lying, the expression on his face was extremely ugly.

No wonder, not long ago, when they asked the patrol angels about preparing for the war, the patrol's answer was that the preparation was related to Jiang Yun!

After a long time, it was the Ten Thousand Magical Heavenly Sovereign who broke the silence and said: "Xuntian, when did you know about the domain war?"

The angel patrol now has to answer questions: "I have known since the day I became an angel patrol!"

Wanhuan Tianzun immediately asked: "Then why didn't you tell us at that time."

"Even now, if it weren't for the fate, you still wouldn't tell the truth?"

The angel patrol suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the peace in his eyes was suddenly replaced by fierceness!

His frightening gaze stared at Wanhuan Tianzun and said, "Wanhuan, what I just said, can't you forget it now?"

"How I do things, I don't need anyone to teach me!"

Then, the gaze of the angel patrol swept across God Lian Tianzun and others one by one: "Also, now that you already know about domain warfare, then I ask you, today, we are continuing to attack this dying sky. Will Jiang Yun who wants to be the savior be killed, or turn around and leave?"

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