The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4570: Guchen's Dream, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

This Yuan He's strength was even stronger than the Fated Heavenly Venerable before entering the quasi-emperor, and he was really only a little short of being able to also be the quasi-emperor.

After Jiang Yun pondered slightly, he said to him: "You will follow me soon!"

After all the cultivators in the Sun and Moon Market were stamped with slave marks, Jiang Yun looked at the Fengming Tianzun and said, "Grandpa, I know that many of them have killed the Fengming tribe."

"The Captain wants revenge, you can."

"But you can only take revenge on your own strength, not the power of the slave mark, let alone humiliating them."

Fengming Tianzun nodded and said: "I understand!"

Jiang Yun didn't say much anymore. After bringing Yuan He into the boundary, he stopped his figure, turned his head and looked at him, "I have a place where you can break through to Emperor Zhun as soon as possible, do you want to go with?"

Yuan He couldn't help but was taken aback. He originally thought that Jiang Yun wanted to follow him by himself, so that he could serve as a guard and personally protect his safety.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun actually wanted to help himself break through to the quasi emperor.

After recovering, Yuan He nodded and said, "Of course I do!"

Jiang Yun continued: "The place I took you to is very special. There are my relatives and friends in it."

"I'm not afraid that you will leak this place out. I only hope that you can while practicing. If they have any questions, you can explain to them."

Jiang Yun himself had several times in the process of practicing, and he didn't know how to continue.

Then, Xueqing and others will inevitably have such troubles.

Although Yuan He's practice method may be different from that of the universe, the path of practice is the same.

Yuan He was about to enter Zhundi, and he gave instructions on the practice of Xueqing and others. Naturally, there was no problem.

What's more, now the universe of the heavens really needs the strong too much.

If Yuan He can break through to become the quasi emperor before the arrival of the domain war, then the strength of the heavens will increase by one point.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yun will not hesitate to offer conditions to allow all the strong in Sun Moon Market to submit.

The universe of the heavens really needs more and stronger combat power.

Yuan He nodded and said, "Yes."

Jiang Yun stopped talking nonsense and took Yuan He directly into the beads.

Feeling the power of the outside world that exists here, Yuan He, the great heavenly master, couldn't help being stunned.

I couldn't believe my eyes, I couldn't believe that there would be such a place in this world.

And this also reduced his rejection of returning to Jiang Yun and becoming Jiang Yun's slave.

Jiang Yun also called Xueqing and others to introduce them to each other.

Let everyone ask Yuan He for advice if they have something they don't understand in practice.

However, just in case, Jiang Yun secretly handed over the slave mark that controlled Yuan He to Xueqing.

Once he found out that Yuan He had any strange thoughts, he killed him directly.

After everyone continued to practice, Jiang Yun appeared in front of Wushu.

Wuhu raised his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "I will give you a few things!"

Inexplicably, "What is it?"

"artistic conception!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun had already reached out his hand and pointed to Wu Xing's eyebrows, and gave him the three-element artistic conception he had obtained, together with the incomplete water-flight artistic conception, without any secret.

To be honest, since he learned about the Five Elements Emperor from Mu Zhengjun, Jiang Yun has always believed that Wushang is more likely to become the Five Elements Emperor than himself.

Therefore, today he deliberately achieved no injuries.

Feeling the four-element artistic conception Jiang Yun gave him, his uninjured eyes suddenly lit up, and his face also showed a shocking expression: "This is an artistic conception?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I have only mastered these three and a half moods, and you need to understand the rest."

"Once you can succeed, then you will have a great possibility in the future to become the Great Emperor of the Five Elements."

Looking at Jiang Yun innocently, he naturally knew that the preciousness of the artistic conception Jiang Yun gave him was a priceless treasure.

Just when Wuhuan opened his mouth to say "thank you", Jiang Yun first stretched out his hand and patted Wuhuan's shoulder heavily and said, "Brother, no matter what, you must live!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, the uninjured face that had barely had any expression for many years, a rare smile appeared, and he nodded vigorously and said: "We will all live!"

Jiang Yun also smiled slightly, did not say anything, turned and left, and found Ye Guchen.

"Senior Ye, I have been busy just now, and I haven't had time to have a good chat with you."

Ye Guchen's relationship with Jiang Yun is both a teacher and a friend, and the first demon refiner in the lower domain.

In order to be able to kill Dao Zun, he turned himself into a demon and became a demon in the mountains and seas.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that Ye Guchen was an ordinary monk, but after Si Jingzang met the Great Monster Slaughter, it was Jiang Yun that changed his mind.

Sitting across from Ye Guchen, Jiang Yun told the story about Emperor Monster Slayer in detail.

In the end, he also gave Ye Guchen a demonstration of the demon transformation technique passed on to him by the Great Monster Slayer.

Ye Guchen listened quietly all the time, without the slightest change in expression on his face.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, he was silent for a long time before he said: "Jiang Yun, do you know why I became a demon refiner?"

Jiang Yun hesitated for a while and said, "I've heard that you were once victimized by the monster clan and you had some bad experiences."

"That's why you hate the demon clan so much, that's why you become a demon refiner, create your own way of demon refinement, and hunt down all the demon."

Ye Guchen laughed and said: "Hahaha, I am an orphan in this life, a beggar, no father, no mother, no wife and no children."

"Even, I don't have my own name, how could I be harmed by the monster race!"

Jiang Yun had never inquired about Ye Guchen's past, and he couldn't help but wondered: "Then about you, is someone else fabricated it?"

Ye Guchen suddenly closed his eyes and sighed: "It's not a fabrication by others, it's me."

"It's just that the real reason is that I myself confuse dreams and reality."

Jiang Yun frowned and asked puzzledly: "Senior Ye, I don't understand."

Ye Guchen continued: "Before I became a monk, after I was sensible, as long as I fell asleep, I would have a dream, a continuous dream."

"In my dream, I was in a strange place, a strange world."

"Although I don't know where it is, everything there, and the feeling it gives me, is obviously different from the world I was in after I woke up."

"The difference is not a difference in the environment, but a kind of..."

Having said that, Ye Guchen paused and said, "A difference between real and illusory."

Following Ye Guchen's narration, Jiang Yun's eyes widened, and his face was shocked.

Ye Guchen continued: "In my dream, I have a completely different life."

"I am not only a monk of not low status, but I also have my own wife and a lovely son. I have a happy and carefree life."

"The life in the dream is so real that I think that the dream is my real life, and the life in reality is a dream I have."

Jiang Yun's face gradually showed a touch of comprehension.

"Driven by this idea, I have completely lost interest in the so-called real life."

"I just want to fall asleep, I just want to dream, to see my wife and son in my dreams."

"Therefore, when I am awake, I am confused, like a walking corpse. I don't have the mind to do anything. I just tried my best to fill my stomach and go to bed."

"Originally, I thought my life would continue like this until I die."

"But I didn't expect that in my dream, I experienced the situation you just mentioned. A monster race broke into my home..."

Ye Guchen stopped speaking, clenching his hands unconsciously, shaking slightly, even in the closed eyes, tears slowly ran across his cheeks.

After a long time, Ye Guchen let out a long sigh, loosened his fist, and continued to say, "From that moment on, my two lives were completely subverted."

"But it can also be said that my two lives have merged into one and merged together."

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