The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4590: Win without losing, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

Hearing this sudden sound, all the monks in the universe, including the angel patrol, were suddenly relieved.

And Liu Peng, who was about to explode, smiled even more, his swollen figure instantly returned to its original shape, looking at a figure blocking him.

Jiang Yun!

In front of Jiang Yun, Feng Lingyu's outstretched palm was frozen.

It's not that she didn't want to continue, but because there was a little bee hovering constantly above her palm.

At the same time, the nine Great Heavenly Sovereigns who had surrounded the Fengling Domain Master once again came to the Fengling Domain Master's side and surrounded her.

The Wind Ling domain master still didn't care about the nine great heavenly elders around his body, his eyes just stared at Jiang Yun and said, "Who are you!"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Lord of the heavens, Jiang Yun!"

As Jiang Yun announced his name, everyone in Fengling Jiyu, along with Beisheng's gaze, immediately focused on him.

Especially Jiang Luo and Jiang Chunyu both narrowed their eyes and stared at Jiang Yun deeply.

Although this is the first time they have seen Jiang Yun, they have heard a lot about Jiang Yun.

To be honest, looking at Jiang Yun's image alone made them totally unable to believe that it was such a middle-aged man who, with his own power, wiped out nearly 200,000 monks in the Demon Tomb Collection.

However, looking at all the cultivators in the cultivator of the heavens, their eyes lit up, and even the attacks were even more powerful. The cultivators of the Feng Ling Jiyu who fought for a time retreated in a row.

It is not difficult to see that Jiang Yun's position in their minds is also their spiritual pillar!

As long as Jiang Yun is there, they will be fearless!

After Jiang Chunyu and Jiang Luo looked at each other, Jiang Luo asked, "Since this Jiang Yun is here, what about Jiang Jin?"

Jiang Chunyu shook his head and said, "Follow her, she can't die anyway."

"Now we have to pay attention to this Jiang Yun, and can't let him die here."

Jiang Luo nodded, and stopped thinking about Jiang Jin's whereabouts.

It's even better if Jiang Jin doesn't show up. Then, the credit for bringing back Jiang Yun will be less.

At this time, Master Feng Ling glanced at the bee hovering above his palm, slowly retracted his palm, and said with a cold smile: "What a master of the heavens,"

Jiang Yun squinted his eyes and took a serious look at Master Feng Ling. After an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes, he ignored her and swept his eyes around.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that Jiang Jin could not let him go easily.

But I didn't expect that the other party really didn't continue to follow him all the way later, which made him finally rush back to the universe of the heavens in the shortest time.

And the moment he stepped into the universe of the heavens, Jiang Yun saw that the main Feng Lingyu arrested Liu Peng, and Jiang Yun was willing to let her succeed, so he hurriedly used the crying bee to frighten the opponent and save him. Liu Peng who was about to blew himself up.

Now, Jiang Yun has time to take a good look at the current situation in the universe.

Behind Jiang Yun, Liu Peng, who was rescued by Jiang Yun, had already spoken in a low voice: "Master, disciple, please!"

"Just now, the disciple made a good suggestion, gave up the guardian power of the big formation, and changed all the power to attack the enemy."

Although Liu Peng's decision just now was extremely decisive, he also knew that one of his own decisions cost Master's billions of imperial origin stones.

Even if he successfully killed one of the enemy's quasi-emperors and many monks, the price would be too great.

Therefore, there is guilt in his heart.

Jiang Yun naturally saw the disappearance of the array of heavens.

Although he didn't know what happened before, he really knew his disciple too well.

Putting aside the strength of Liu Peng, he is actually good in all other aspects.

Especially when he was in the lower domain, he could even be considered as having personally hosted several life and death battles, and he was experienced.

Under such circumstances, even a monk whose strength is far superior to him, in terms of decision-making power, I am afraid it is not as good as him.

Therefore, since Liu Peng chose to abandon his formation and abandon his defense for offense, there must be his reason.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Tell me what these do."

"I told you a long time ago that whatever you want to do, you can do it."

"Even if the sky falls, there is a master who will support you!"

"What's more, it's quite a bargain to kill a quasi-emperor with a single formation, what a crime!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, everyone around him looked at Liu Peng with different eyes.

Especially the undead old man nodded again and again, showing appreciation.

They are one family, from old to young, everyone protects their shortcomings!

If Jiang Yun dared to scold Liu Peng, she would have to reprimand Jiang Yun if she said she couldn't.

While Jiang Yun spoke, he already had a general understanding of the battle situation in front of him.

The person who was at war with the patrol angel must be the northern sanctuary master who came alone.

The rest are the monks of Fengling Jiyu.

In addition to the Wind Ling Domain Master in front of him, there are a total of four quasi emperors.

Although the number of quasi emperors is one more than that of the heavens, the number of monks below the quasi emperor is far less than that of the heavens.

Now, with his return, the balance of victory in this war has tilted towards the universe of heavens.

However, looking at the sneered Fengling Domain Master, Jiang Yun felt that she must still rely on it.

In addition, Jiang Yun also saw Jiang Luo and Jiang Chunyu in the distance, as well as the Wanhua Tianzun behind them.

Naturally, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge that they should be members of the Jiang clan of the bitter domain.

Jiang Yun's eyes finally fell on Fengling Domain Master again, and after looking at her deeply for a while, then he said: "If I were you, Fengling Domain Master, now I will take To leave here."

Jiang Yun's words stunned everyone who knew him.

Because Jiang Yun was clearly advising the monks in Fengling Jiyu not to continue fighting, but to retreat.

This is not Jiang Yun's style of acting!

Moreover, now the heavens have an obvious advantage, everyone is like a rainbow, and it is even more important to put all the people in the wind to stay in the heavens.

Could it be said that Jiang Yun was worried that even if the universe of the heavens would win, there would be a lot of sacrifices, so he said that?

However, even if Fengling Jiyu is let go today, there will be other monks from Jiyu coming.

Especially after the real start of the domain warfare, death and injury are inevitable.

I avoided this time, and I couldn't avoid the next time. Weishi shouldn't let go of the opportunity to wipe out one party's domain just to avoid casualties.

Although everyone could not understand why Jiang Yun wanted to let Fengling Jiyu go, everyone knew that Jiang Yun must have his own plan, so no one questioned it.

Jiang Luo and Jiang Chunyu were even more confused, not understanding what Jiang Yun was going to do.

Feng Lingyu said with a cold smile: "Do you think that when you come back, you have already won the heavens and won't lose?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Not bad!"

Domain Master Feng Ling glanced at the crying bee still floating beside Jiang Yun and said: "Does it depend on you bee?"

The voice fell, and the body of Fengling Domain Master suddenly disappeared from Jiang Yun's front, and his fingers touched Jiang Yun's eyebrows extremely quickly.

The speed of the Wind Ling Domain Master was too fast, and the crying and laughing bee did not react at all when it was approaching.

This scene shocked everyone.

If Jiang Yun was really pointed by Feng Lingyu, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Jiang Luo's expression changed, and he shouted sharply, "Don't kill him!"

Feng Lingyu's fingers froze again within an inch of Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

However, her stopping was not because of Jiang Luo's voice.

Because her face showed an incredible color, she looked at Jiang Yun firmly.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand, gently pushed away the finger in front of him, and said to the master Feng Lingyu: "Now, you should believe it!"

"I'm back, I won't lose in the universe of the heavens!"

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