The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4611: Jiang Yun's first battle, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

This is because Jiang Chunyu and the others have already been to the universe of the heavens once before, knowing that the creatures of the universe of the heavens have given up most of the area, and they are all concentrated in the days of their mandate.

Therefore, they did not choose to enter from a different position this time, but instead concentrated on the position of the Mandate Heaven and entered the universe of the heavens in a unified manner.

At this moment, within the confines of the heavens, even the creatures with no cultivation level can clearly see the five golden roads that lie outside the domain.

On the four roads, there were more than 100,000 monks standing on each, but on the only road, there were only a handful of five people.

More than 400,000 cultivators, the weakest is also the Breaching Dharma Realm. Just wherever they stand, they give everyone an extremely strong sense of shock and oppression.

In the universe of the heavens, let alone ordinary mortals, even cultivators, many people bow their heads and dare not look directly at each other.

However, the vast majority of cultivators, instead of looking away from their gazes at this moment, they did not flinch from the other side's gaze, **** for tat.

They are not without fear, not without fear, but they know that behind each of them, there are people who need their protection.

If even they backed down and didn't even have the courage to look directly at each other, then this battle would not be necessary at all.

It can be said that this time, they are really ready to die in battle!

Jiang Yun and the patrol angel were standing at the forefront of the Fated Heaven.

The ten quasi emperors such as Fengming, Immortal, Fengling, Liuyue, and Yuan He stood in the formation of Fengmingtian.

No matter what contradictions they had between them before, at this moment, they have put down their contradictions and confronted the enemy together.


Loud noises like thunder came, and the formation of the Fated Heaven was already fully operational.

The reason why Jiang Yun and the patrol angel had to stand outside the formation was to prevent the opponent's monks from having a method similar to Fengling Jiyu's breaking the formation.

This battle, the formation, really is the key to the victory of the universe.

Therefore, in any case, we must protect the formation and extend the time for the formation to be breached.

At this moment, Jiang Yun looked directly at Jiang Chunyu and other seven Jiang clan members.

The gazes of the other seven were also looking at Jiang Yun.

Feeling the naked killing intent no longer concealed in the eyes of the seven, Jiang Yun understood that the angel patrol was right.

The five cultivators in the Jiyu are here to kill the heavens, but the seven of them are here to kill themselves.

Understanding all this, Jiang Yun suddenly laughed!

Because he remembered the family rules about Jiang's line he heard from his sister.

Jiang's lineage is the most avoiding kinship.

But now, these seven collateral tribesmen are going to kill themselves.

Although Jiang Yun did not have the slightest sense of belonging to the bitter domain Jiang Clan in his heart, nor did he identify his own clan, but he really couldn't figure it out. Since the other party already knew his identity, why did he still deliberate here I want to kill myself!

However, he didn't bother to think about it!

Today, I still avoid killing them.

Not fearing them, not fearing Jiang's family, but not wanting to engulf the creatures in the universe.

As for the patrol angel's proposal to let himself escape and wait for a chance to come back for revenge, he did not consider it at all, nor would he consider it.

"Only fighting!"

Whispering these four words softly in his mouth, under the gaze of all the creatures in the five great spheres and the spheres of the heavens, Jiang Yun suddenly took a step toward the five golden roads!

Only when he reached a place only ten feet away from the other party did Jiang Yun stop his figure, his face was calm, and he stared at the more than 400,000 monks who said, "Master of the heavens, Jiang Yun!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his voice: "Who dares to fight!"

Jiang Yun's words shocked everyone.

He is absolutely going to challenge the 400,000-plus monks of the other party with his own power!

After being shocked, the monks of the five major areas quickly ridiculed them.

"Does the domain master of the universe of the heavens have a bad mind?"

"That's right, he is alone, challenging us at this time, isn't he trying to scare us away?"

"Among you, who is willing to fulfill him, don't be polite with him, let him go on the road first!"

In their opinion, Jiang Yun is not challenging at all, but looking for death!

However, for the monks in the universe of the heavens, this scene reminds me that Jiang Yun was on the ancient way of fighting for the sky. He also used his own power to fight under the siege of hundreds of thousands of monks. A **** deed!

At this moment, their morale was somewhat low, and they were suddenly excited because of Jiang Yun's simple words.

A large number of monks shook their bodies, preparing for the protection of the formation, to fight alongside Jiang Yun!

However, just as they moved, the angel patrol suddenly said, "Don't move."

"The first battle, let Jiang Yun!"

"This is his responsibility as the domain master!"

Although the words of the angel patrol made everyone a little puzzled, they did not dare to defy and had to stop and stand in place!

Regardless of the ridicule of the five great Jiyu monks, or the surging of the sky Jiyu monks behind him, Jiang Yun seemed to be unaware, still standing there calmly.

Among the five major areas, a quasi-emperor elder snorted coldly and stepped boldly, ready to meet Jiang Yun's challenge, and by the way, kill the majesty of the heavens.

But before he could walk out, Jiang Chunyu had already spoken first: "This is a battle of life and death. Do you still have to fight alone?"

"Domain warfare, no rules, quick fight and quick decision!"

Jiang Chunyu now has no slightest contempt for Jiang Yun, so where would anyone dare to let Jiang Yun go head-to-head.

He worried that if these people in the five major regions really challenge Jiang Yun one by one, then Jiang Yun might have the ability to kill all the quasi emperors!

As Jiang Chunyu's voice fell, the old man naturally took back his steps.

However, the domain masters of the four major domains all ordered: "Offensive!"


Four areas, more than 400,000 monks, like locusts, densely packed, swarming into the universe of heaven!

The monks in the universe of the heavens suddenly all looked worried.

Because Jiang Yun was still standing there at the moment, and didn't mean to step back.

They wanted to rush to help Jiang Yun and share some pressure for Jiang Yun, but the angel patrol did not speak, so they could only continue to watch.

The cultivators of the four major areas originally thought that the heavens would have defenses, but he didn't expect it to be unimpeded.

In an instant, there were thirty or forty thousand cultivators who instantly entered the universe of heavens.

At this moment, Jiang Yun moved!

A mountain appeared in front of him, a mountain shaped like a palm!

The mountain was high and Wanren directly smashed it heavily toward the oncoming monk of the four major regions.

From a distance, it looked like a giant palm, photographed towards everyone.

Although this mountain looks quite imposing, but the weakest of these thirty-four thousand monks is the Breaching Dharma Realm, how can they care if such a mountain falls.

Most people just glanced at the mountain, then withdrew their gazes and ignored them.

And the one who rushed to the front, the old quasi-emperor who was just ready to single-handed Jiang Yun, smiled coldly, raised his hand, his palm instantly soared to the same size, and faced the fallen mountain.

At the same time, he did not forget the sarcasm in his mouth: "That's what you can do!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, his expression had already changed drastically.

Because his palm has hit the mountain.

But the next moment, his palms shattered directly, but the mountain was almost undamaged, still smashing down heavily.

Not only this old man, but the complexion of the three to four thousand monks had also changed.

Because they have also noticed that the strength of this mountain is far beyond their imagination, and they can't even escape the range covered by this mountain.

This is not a mountain at all, but a palm!

At this moment, although they wanted to take another move to resist this palm, it was too late.


Accompanied by a loud sound that made the entire universe seem to be trembling slightly.

This mountain finally fell heavily, covering the 30,000 or 40,000 monks!

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