The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4654: Live again, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

As Jiang Qiuyang's wife, Feng Wuyan naturally knew something about Jiang's situation.

Whether it was the awakening of blood, or the struggle between Jiang's direct line and collateral line, she had heard of it.

And just like Jiang Yun, she has no good feelings about Jiang, especially as a mother. At this moment, after learning about Jiang Yun's awakening blood, the first thing she thinks of is Jiang Yun's danger.

Jiang Qiuyang was taken aback for a moment. He was patronizing and happy. He hadn't thought of this yet, but at this moment, hearing Feng Wuyan's words, the excitement and joy on his face immediately faded like the tide.

Because Feng Wuyan was right!

He did not know whether Jiang, who was far away in the bitter territory, could feel the awakening of Jiang Yun’s blood, but as the eldest brother of Jiang’s sixth generation, he was regarded as the future patriarch of Jiang’s cultivation, so he knew the family Some secrets in it.

There are indeed several ancient existences in the Jiang family, who are always looking for people with deep blood.

And what they said to the outside world was to train and take care of these descendants, but Jiang Qiuyang knew very well that their real purpose was not simple.

However, because of their noble status, and the Jiang family has not had a blood awakened person for a long time, they did not do anything out of the ordinary.

But now, a Jiang Yun suddenly appeared, so once these people know about it, will they be tempted?

Also, the collateral line has always wanted to replace the direct line, will they take action against Jiang Yun?

Seeing the change in Jiang Qiuyang's complexion, Feng Wuyan's heart also sank, "Isn't someone really going to shoot Yun'er?"

"Doesn't your Jiang family have a family rule that is not allowed to be a family member?"

Jiang Qiuyang said in a deep voice: "If the one who makes the move is the one who makes the house rules!"

"What to do then!" Feng Wuyan's expression suddenly changed and said, "Once they make a move, then Yun'er can't resist at all!"

"Don't worry." Jiang Qiuyang stretched out his hand and patted his wife's hand gently: "Now is the time for domain war."

"Even if someone in the Jiang clan senses Yun'er's bloodline awakening, they will not be able to enter Jiyu before the end of the domain war."

"After the domain war, Yun'er should come to our place. When that happens, I will tell him about it and let him beware."

"Then, I will agree to my ancestor's request, let him unlock my cultivation base and send me back to Jiang family."

"After I go back, I will no longer suppress my cultivation realm and break through the emperor!"

"When I become the emperor, no matter who it is, whoever dares to move Yun'er, I will kill anyone!"

At the end, Jiang Qiuyang's eyes showed a fierce light.

His wife and son are his Nilin, no one can move!

Feng Wuyan looked at Jiang Qiuyang, and no one knew better than her that her husband had already possessed the cultivation base to become a great emperor.

However, he has always suppressed the realm of cultivation, even when he was besieged by angel patrols and others, he did not break through.

Now for the safety of his son, he is determined to break through.

In this way, although the son is insured, the husband's efforts over the years are in vain.

"Okay!" Jiang Qiuyang narrowed the fierce light in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face again: "Maybe we think too much, maybe Jiang will not be aware of it, and even if it is, it will not be harmful to Yun'er."

"After all, counting time, it should be time to compete for the qualification to enter the Eye of Illusion and Trueness."

"In the Jiang family's suspended realm, I am afraid that no one is more suitable to participate than Yun'er. Just at this point, they will not be disadvantageous to Yun'er."

"Don't talk about it, it's rare to be happy today. Let's go and talk to Mr. Shen."

Since Jiang Yun came here, the relationship between them and Shen Lao has eased a lot.

When nothing happened, the two sides also moved around from time to time.

After speaking, Jiang Qiuyang took his wife's hand and walked out.

Feng Wuyan knew that Jiang Qiuyang was really happy today, so he reduced the worries in his heart and let him take him out.


At the same time, a white-haired man appeared in a secret realm of Jiang Clan of the bitter domain, it was Jiang Jingxi who took the road to God.

Jiang Jingxi respectfully stood in front of a waterfall extending from nothingness and said, "Why does the Seventh Patriarch call me?"

Inside the waterfall, an old voice came out and said: "My Jiang clan has a bloodline awakened, I hope you will bring this person back."

"Blood awakening?" Jiang Jingxi was slightly startled, wondering why he didn't feel the slightest.

But of course he didn't dare to ask more, he just bowed and said, "I don't know where that tribe is."

The old voice said: "The universe of the heavens!"

"What!" Jiang Jingxi's complexion suddenly changed and said, "Could it be Jiang Qiuyang?"

The old voice said: "I don't know who it is, but since it is from the universe of the heavens, it is not Jiang Qiuyang, it must be his son Jiang Yun."

"When you see them, you will know it naturally."

Jiang Jingxi shook his head despite the shock in his heart, and said: "Seven Patriarch, it is the time of the domain war. I cannot enter the universe of the heavens."

"However, I can contact Jiang Shan, he is the war superintendent of the universe, let him confirm who awakened the bloodline."

The old voice was silent for a moment and then said: "Then go, don't let this matter out, and notify me as soon as there is news."


Jiang Jingxi agreed and left the secret realm. He looked up at the sky with a murderous expression on his face and said, "Bloodline Awakens! Isn't it, this time, our sideline has no chance to become a direct line?"


As the heavens gathered, Jiang Yun looked up at the golden road above his head with a thoughtful look on his face.

Although he didn't know the road to awakening, he naturally knew that this was not his road to the Great Emperor.

Because at this moment, the blood in his body, as if it had been ignited, was boiling, emitting a hot temperature.

This abnormal phenomenon did not make me feel any discomfort, on the contrary, there was a feeling of comfort.

In addition to him, Xue Wuchang naturally felt this abnormality, but he immediately understood: "This should be the blood awakening."

"Interesting, this helps me even more!"

After a few breaths passed, the road to awakening above Jiang Yunkongxiang's head had already revealed that the blood in Jiang Yun's body had also returned to normal.

Naturally, Jiang Yun didn't wait any longer, turning his head to look at Xuntiandao: "Do you want them to die faster or slower?"

In the sky survey at this moment, the body was trembling slightly, and the remaining time was obviously getting less and less.

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, he reluctantly forced a smile and said: "Die faster!"

Jiang Yun turned his head and looked at everyone again.

Facing the murderous Jiang Yun, the cultivators of the five major areas were silent, no one dared to move, and no one dared to attack Jiang Yun.

Suddenly, Jiang Chunyu said loudly: "Don't be afraid of him, even if he has survived the Tribulation of the Heavenly Sovereign, he is only a mere mere Heavenly Sovereign.

"In the universe of the heavens, even the angel patrol is about to die, and he is the only one left. We are nearly 200,000 people, aren't we his opponents alone!"

Jiang Luo on the side also hurriedly agreed: "Yes, this battle has been fought until now. Although you have suffered heavy casualties, you are not really incapable of fighting."

"I can call the shots. Today, as long as you kill Jiang Yun and win this battle, then I will ask the bitter region to see if I can grant you permission to enter the bitter region!"

"Of course, it is impossible for you to enter the bitter region for your entire region of life, but if you only let your relatives enter the bitter region, it is still very possible."

Jiang Luo's words, like a fire, rekindled the almost extinguished hope in the hearts of the five great Jiyu monks.

Killing Jiang Yun and winning this battle, Jiang Luo and the others will actually plead with the suffering region for themselves and others, and allow them and others to bring their relatives into the suffering region!

If it is true, then oneself and others can withdraw from the domain battle, and can no longer have to worry about fear, and wait for the death that may come at any time.

Going to the bitter domain, even as a slave, is much better than staying in the Ji domain!

At this moment, everyone's minds became alive again.

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