The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4728: Good fortune is coming, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

Jiang Yun didn't hear the exclamation of Xue Wuchang at all.

Because when he performed the postoperative blood escape, although his figure was indeed far away from the old man Apocalypse for an instant, he also fell into a coma.

The reason was that the speed he increased after performing the blood escape was so fast that his powerful physical body could not even withstand this speed.

Nearly two-thirds of his body was torn into countless pieces, and in the process of moving, he was directly transformed into nothingness by the powerful friction force!

There is still one third left, and it is not Jiang Yun's own credit, but the blood impermanence at the critical moment, releasing his own power and protecting this part of the body.

Even if it weren’t because Jiang Yun’s soul had been fused with the indefinite soul fire before, and the indefinite soul fire felt a huge threat at this moment, it burned on its own, blocking the force of external friction, then his The soul will also be torn into nothingness.

This process is the same as being swept by the infinite thunder web of the Han Shiru!

The reason why his speed has risen to this level is that both him and the impermanence of the blood have overlooked one point, that is Jiang Yun's blood, not ordinary blood, but the blood of Heiner!

If someone else's blood escape technique can double the speed, then Jiang Yun's blood escape technique can be at least three times faster, or even more.

In addition, the blood escape technique, the more blood is burned, the faster it will increase.

And Jiang Yun considered that he didn't know how much the old man Apocalypse's divine sense could cover, but the other party was a great emperor after all, and the domain road was full of various dangers.

Therefore, he burned at least one-tenth of his own blood this time, so as to ensure that he would be able to escape the range covered by the gods of the old man apocalypse.

In short, the combination of various factors made Jiang Yun's speed too fast and his body suffered a great deal of damage.

At this moment, he was already in an endless darkness, fell into a coma, motionless.

The impermanence of blood was also shocked into a cold sweat!

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough just now, plus Jiang Yun's soul fire, then Jiang Yun's body and soul would all be turned into nothingness, form and spirit will be destroyed, and completely vanished.

Naturally, together with him will also disappear.

Although his body is still there, it becomes impossible for him to escape from the outer sky and restore freedom.

"Huh!" Xue Wuchang let out a breath: "Fortunately, this kid has a big life, otherwise, my loss would be too great."

Although Jiang Yun's injury was extremely serious, at least his life was worry-free. As long as he was given some time, he would be able to recover.

Shaking his head, Xue Wuchang began to look around.

However, looking at it, his brows gradually wrinkled, and there was a rare look of doubt in his eyes, and said, "Why doesn't it look like Yulu?"

"Could it be that he entered another collection area? Or did he have left the area road?"

As soon as this idea appeared, it was denied by Xue Wuchang himself: "No, although Jiang Yun's speed is reaching the extreme, it is impossible to break out of Yulu's scope in just an instant."

The blood escape technique is not so magical. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is equivalent to the secret technique such as burning soul. It only temporarily increases the speed and cannot be used for a long time.

And its role is to be fast.

As for the distance, it won't go far.

"But if it's not Yulu Road, how can there be no danger here?"

Blood impermanence is so powerful that it can be distinguished at a glance. The environment here is completely different from Yulu, but it is also very different.

Especially the various dangers in the domain road, here have completely disappeared.

Here, it is like a deadly nothingness, there is nothing but darkness.

"Strange!" Xue Wuchang's brows have been completely wrinkled together, sinking into contemplation.

At this moment, the old man of Apocalypse also frowned. While stepping forward, he walked hurriedly in the direction of Jiang Yun's escape, while muttering to himself: "It is impossible for him to have such a fast speed. Some secrets from him were used."

"However, this is the domain road. No matter how fast you escape, unless you can always maintain this speed, you can't escape from my palm!"

As the blood impermanence said, the divine consciousness of the old man Tianqi can only cover a certain range.

He was not worried about Jiang Yun's escape.

When he wanted to come, he would definitely be able to find Jiang Yun.

However, after almost a day, the old man Tianqi finally stopped and looked around his body.

Although he did not want to admit it, he still had to admit that Jiang Yun had really managed to escape!

And if you want to continue to find Jiang Yun in this domain, the probability is almost a bit smaller than finding a needle in a haystack.

"damn it!"

At this moment, the expression of Old Man Tianqi was extremely gloomy. He never expected that he would be self-defeating this time.

Originally thinking of pretending to let Jiang Yun go, and then discovering Jiang Yun's secrets, and then catching him back, but now it is really let Jiang Yun escape.

Especially Jiang Yun has obviously been wary of himself, so I am afraid he will not appear in front of him again.

Standing still for a while, the old man Tianqi smiled coldly and said: "You can run, but the heavens cannot run."

"I don't believe it, you can't go back to the universe of the heavens."

"Next time Han Shiru and the others attack the universe of heavens, I will go with them."

"At that time, I will let you ask me to enter the universe of the heavens!"

After dropping this sentence, the old man Tianqi looked around again before turning around and walking towards the first domain of Tiangang.

Back in the first domain of Tiangang, the old man Tianqi took the initiative to appear in front of the Han Shiru.

Looking at the old man Tianqi, Han Shiru's face suddenly showed joy and said: "Master Tianqi, is there news about Jiang Yun?"

The old man Tianqi nodded and said: "Then Jiang Yun has escaped into the domain road!"

"What?" After the Han Shiru was taken aback, he blurted out: "Impossible!"

"The fourth child always stayed out of the area. If Jiang Yun escapes, they will definitely be aware of it. Moreover, our defensive array has not moved at all..."

Han Shiru's voice became smaller and smaller, until he stopped speaking.

Because he clearly saw that Old Man Tianqi's complexion had gradually become gloomy.

The old man Tianqi smiled coldly and said, "Why, the domain master doesn't believe the old man now?"

"Don't dare!"

Han Shiru hurriedly shook his head and said, "I am not suspicious of the master, but I just can't figure out how Jiang Yun could escape."

"I don't know this!" The old man Tianqi said with a stern face: "I have been calculating his whereabouts for the past few days. Until just now, I finally got the result. He has left the first domain of Tiangang."

"As for how he left and when he left, I can't figure it out."

"However, you should know that more than ten days ago, I informed the fourth child that there was a divine sense snooping out of the domain and asked the fourth child to take action and drive him away.

"It is very likely that at that time, the other party didn't know what method was used, and quietly took Jiang Yun away!"

After speaking, the old man Tianqi stopped paying attention to the Han Shiru at all, and turned around and left.

And Han Shiru stared at the back of the old man Tianqi, slightly narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Han Shiru naturally knew about the fourth shot more than ten days ago.

At that time, he suspected Old Man Tianqi, but he never said.

Although the old man Tianqi took the initiative to speak out and alleviated a little suspicion, the Han Shiru still had doubts.

Because, if you want Jiang Yun to leave the first domain of Tiangang quietly, apart from himself, only the old man Tianqi can do it!

However, Han Shiru did not question the old man Tianqi, but turned and left, thinking about how he should explain to the Taishijia.

At the same time, Jiang Yun, who was in a coma, was constantly shaking his eyelids.

Because in his ear, he heard the cry of blood impermanence: "Jiang Yun, wake up quickly, your great fortune is here!

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