The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4760: Sacrifice to god, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

The gods caress me, the hair will be longevity!

This is a sentence circulated in the true realm. The general meaning is that the cultivation base has reached a certain level of power. As long as you gently touch the top of a mortal’s head, you can turn that person into a short time. A monk who also possesses powerful strength.

It can even live forever!

The reason why it was said to be a short time was because when this mighty man touched the top of the mortal's head, he actually brought the mortal into a place where no time passed.

There, even if you have experienced thousands of years, but in reality, only a few breaths and a few moments have passed.

Although the blood is impermanent, including many true realm cultivators have heard of this sentence, but the more powerful the more powerful, the more they regard this sentence as a story or legend, and they simply don't believe it.

Only those new practitioners who have just entered the path of spiritual practice will be obsessed with this sentence.

I hope that one day I will meet a mighty power, and if I touch the top of my head, I can become an invincible existence in the world overnight.

There is no other reason. The stronger the person, the more he knows. It is impossible and unrealistic to do this.

To stop time, there are many strong people who can do it, but even the emperor can't stop time for too long.

Not to mention thousands of years, even ten days and a half months are impossible.

For example, Jiang Yun's art of fixing the sea can only be fixed for a short time.

If Jiang Yun wants to set the time to more than dozens of breaths, he will definitely exhaust all his cultivation and die.

However, at this moment, after seeing this world where time stopped, Xue Wuchang couldn't help but think of this sentence, and even more thought that Dongfang Bo is the kind of power that exists in the legend!

He gently stroked the top of Jiang Yun's head and brought Jiang Yun into this world where time stopped.

Although Jiang Yun is not a mortal, if here, he can give pointers to Jiang Yun and increase Jiang Yun's strength. After Jiang Yun leaves here, the outside world has only passed a few breaths, wouldn't it be a verification of Fuding Changsheng. Words!

"Impossible, impossible!"

After being dull for a while, Xue couldn't help shook his head, and denied his own thoughts: "If this Dongfang Bo can really care for the top and longevity, how can he appear in this small area? How could it be just Jiang Yun's big brother!"

"Even the great emperor of the nine races, compared to him, I am afraid it is far worse!"

Just as Xue Wuchang comforted himself, Dongfang Bo's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear again: "Old fourth, here is the past!"

"It was a certain day when we were practicing on Tibetan Peak!"

Jiang Yun's body trembled heavily, suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Dongfang Bo's voice.

The next moment, Jiang Yun took a step and appeared in front of Dongfang Bo.


Dongfang Bo motioned to Jiang Yun to sit opposite to him, and opened his palms with a smile: "In short, I took you back to a certain day in the past, and let this day's time stop flowing."

"In this way, I will have enough time to instruct you on your practice, and it can be regarded as an incompetent senior brother, Master and me, to make up for our debt to you."

This sentence caused the shock and confusion in Jiang Yun's heart, and suddenly all disappeared.

No matter what strength the big brother has against the sky, and what he has done to himself, he is always his big brother!

This has never changed!

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not ask about the change of Dongfang Bo's strength, but just like facing the demon master, he showed all the magic weapons in his body.

Dongfang Bo glanced at these magic weapons and stretched out his hand. A magic weapon has already fallen into his hands by itself.

Altar of heaven and earth!

Jiang Yun naturally understood that the reason why the big brother took this magic weapon first was because he had been a priest of the tribe for a period of time!

Even the demise of the sacrificial family has a deep relationship with him.

Of course, this sacrificial tribe refers only to the sacrificial tribe in the extinction domain.

Dongfang Bo stretched out his hand and gently stroked across the altar of heaven and earth, and Gu Jing Wubo's face was always complicated, and finally said, "This holy thing, and the nine sacrifices of heaven taught by the master, you Haven't used it for a long time?"

Jiang Yun nodded.

Since merging with the tree of reincarnation and finding the clone of the ninety-ninth reincarnation, he has never used the Nine Sacrifice Heaven Technique again.

Because, the role of reincarnation and the nine sacrifices of heaven are similar, and the two roles cannot be superimposed.

In addition, in charge of reincarnation, it uses the power of one's own reincarnation clone.

After the display, the most is that the power is emptied, and it will not leave any hidden dangers on his body.

However, the Nine Sacrifice Heaven Technique requires oneself to use something as a sacrifice to make sacrifices to God to gain power.

Once the sacrifice is made, the sacrifice will disappear.

What's more, as one's own strength is getting stronger and stronger, there is no realm in this world, or even a realm of heaven, that can bear his own sacrifices and lend himself strength.

Therefore, the Nine Sacrifice Heaven Technique has become a bit tasteless.

Dongfang Bo nodded and said, "Actually, neither you nor me, including Master, really understand the Nine Offerings of Heaven and this altar of heaven and earth!"

"The altar is not used to sacrifice the heavens and the earth, but to sacrifice to the gods and seek shelter."

"Although, I don't know whether there is a **** or not, but this heaven and earth altar and nine sacrifices of heaven, so that one's strength can be improved in a short time, it is only a slight power."

"Its real function is to bring in someone who is comparable to the gods and protect you!"

"Now, I will show it for you, and you can also feel it."

Dongfang Bo stretched out his hand to hold up the altar of heaven and earth, and said in a deep voice, but the words spoken were no longer the original language, but another unfamiliar language that Jiang Yun could not understand.

In this language, the bytes are long and cumbersome, and the tone fluctuates greatly. It sounds like singing.

While speaking, Dongfang Bo stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and threw it into the altar of heaven and earth.

It seemed that there was nothing in his hands, but Jiang Yun could feel that the big brother's hands clearly seized the time.

With the power of time, as a sacrifice, sacrifice to God!


Above the altar, the nine columnar stone steles, with the force of time, radiated light, and became brighter and brighter, so that Jiang Yun's eyes could not bear the light, and he had to close it.

And at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that his divine consciousness had also submerged into the altar of heaven and earth, and it seemed that a certain connection had been established with the altar.

Therefore, I could faintly see that in the middle of this altar, an almost transparent whirlpool appeared constantly rotating.

Jiang Yun knew that the whirlpool was formed by the force of time.

From the depths of the whirlpool, there was even a trace of breath.

It seems that the whirlpool is a door.

Behind the door, there is a world that is completely unknown to Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Yun didn't know what kind of world it was, but at least one thing, Jiang Yun could be sure that there were strong people in that world far beyond his own strength.

Because the trace of breath that radiated from the whirlpool, if it were not in the altar of heaven and earth, once it appeared, it would easily collapse the world.

Not only Jiang Yun, but even the impermanence of blood also felt these breaths.

However, compared to Jiang Yunlai, he was much calmer at the moment.

Because of the real usage of the altar of heaven and earth, or in other words, he also knew something about the real sacrificial tribe.

And the trace of breath that came out of the whirlpool, although Jiang Yun could not bear it, was within the range he could bear.

However, immediately afterwards, Dongfang Bo continued to speak again, still speaking in that strange language.

"Boom boom boom!"

Every byte of Dongfang Bo's spit out will make the volume of the altar of heaven and earth skyrocket, and the aura from that whirlpool will strengthen a bit.

After Dongfangbo's voice fell, the calmness on Xue Wuchang's face was gone.

Therefore, the breath radiating from the whirlpool at this moment, even at his peak, is somewhat inferior.

And he, although he didn't understand this language either, but he knew that now, it is the altar of heaven and earth, three sacrifices to heaven!

The aura of a strong man communicated by the Three Jitians is so terrifying, if you really perform nine times of Jitian, what kind of horrible existence will appear in the whirlpool!

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