The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 4777: Spiritualization, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

Although Jiang Yun had already seen that the impermanence of the blood is extremely caring for the blood pill, but he did not expect that the impermanence of the blood would even be willing to hand over the impermanence to the other party.

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask curiously: "The blood race is actually your descendants!"

You know, the reason why the blood impermanence was passed to Jiang Yun impermanence was with a purpose.

And now he asked Jiang Yun to pass the Blood Pill Green Impermanence Jue, it was completely selfless.

This made Jiang Yun finally believe that the blood clan of the bitter region, together with this blood pill, should be the descendants of impermanence!

"I said no!"

Xue Wuchang said coldly: "You pass the determination of impermanence to him, but the condition is to let him pass on the method of empowering spirits to you!"

Jiang Yun stunned: "What is the method of giving spirits?"

Xue Wuchang explained: "The method of giving spirits is the so-called pill-green technique he just used."

"That technique seems to be magical, but it is actually very simple."

"All things in the world have spirituality."

"While spirituality seems to be illusory, but in fact, it exists in the body of everything.

"It's just that, except for the things of the human race, most things are hard to find their spirituality."

"The spirituality of the human race is hidden in the body, in the soul, and even more in the blood!"

"Blood, at the same time, also represents vitality, and it is the basis for beings to live."

"Therefore, the portrait drawn with blood as ink, in fact, is waiting for this portrait to be alive."

"But because there is no spirituality, what is drawn cannot become a living thing."

"And this pill of blood, regardless of his weakness, has created this unique method of giving spirits, which can make the portrait spiritual and become a living thing."

"The length of time these portraits exist is also closely related to the strength of the blood of the person who gave them the spirit."

After listening to the explanation of blood impermanence, Jiang Yun finally understood it.

The real purpose of the blood impermanence let himself save the blood pill, and his own personal action, is to use the impermanence decision in exchange for the other party's magic method!

Since the Blood Pill Blue is called the Pill Blue Mighty Hand, then this method of giving spirits should be his own original creation, a secret that other blood tribes do not know, and it is impossible to easily teach it to others.

Therefore, only to save his life first, and then let him experience the subtleties of impermanence determination, and finally lead him to actively seek impermanence determination and exchange the method of giving spirits with him.

However, Jiang Yun still has some doubts, that is, although this method of empowering spirits is indeed wonderful, it is not very useful for himself.

After all, there are already too many powers and magical magical powers at his disposal, and none of them is weaker than the magical method.

And my biggest shortcoming now is that I have learned too much and too complicated, so that it is not precise.

No matter how much he masters a method of giving spirits, I am afraid that he will also be ignored in the end.

In short, you can learn or not learn this spiritual empowerment method.

Blood impermanence obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking in his heart, and hummed coldly: "I said you have a narrow vision, you still don't believe it!"

"For you now, this method of giving spirits is really useless, but you have to remember that your blood is a bit special, and you have already practiced impermanence determination."

"Plus with my help, if you use this spiritual empowerment method, the power will definitely be far stronger than the blood pill."

"More importantly, in fact, the method of giving spirits will help you to cultivate your physical body to the fourth level and rebirth from a drop of blood!"

Jiang Yun's face was stunned!

The last words of blood impermanence really moved his heart!

After understanding this, Jiang Yun naturally no longer doubted, and turned to look at the blood pill green who was still kneeling there, pretending to mutter: "You and I are not a person in the world, and it is impossible for me to accept you as a disciple."

Jiang Yun's words suddenly made Xue Danqing's face a depressed look.

He really wants to learn impermanence.

Jiang Yun went on to say: "However, I can teach you the determination of impermanence, but I need to exchange it with the magical power you just painted!"

Jiang Yun's request made Xue Danqing hesitant.

Just as Jiang Yun guessed, his pill-green technique was his own original creation, and he was reluctant to teach it to others.

However, after weighing it for a moment, he nodded vigorously and said: "Senior is under the control of the power of blood, far surpassing the younger generation, and the technique of the pill will definitely be more developed in the hands of the senior."

"The younger generation is willing to use the technique of pill green in exchange for the impermanence of the senior."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Deal!"

Next, Jiang Yun and Xue Danqing exchanged impermanence determination and spiritual empowerment.

Jiang Yun naturally did not deliberately hide his personal information or teach wrongly.

And with blood impermanence, Jiang Yun didn't have to worry about the mistakes in the method of empowerment taught by the blood pills.

In short, after spending more than an hour, Jiang Yun and Xue Danqing are both satisfied.

Xue Danqing held a fist to Jiang Yun and bowed deeply: "Thank you, senior, that junior will leave!"

"If the seniors have the opportunity to go to the bitter territory in the future, you must contact the juniors and let the juniors do their best as a landlord!"

Although the two exchanged exercises, Xue Danqing's attitude towards Jiang Yun was still extremely respectful, which also surprised Jiang Yun and had a lot of good feelings.

Seeing Xue Danqing crushed the Guizhen Stone and left the universe of the heavens, Jiang Yun did not leave in a hurry, but continued to master the method of giving spirits.

Although Jiang Yun had first contact with the method of giving spirits, he was able to get started very quickly.

Because this is somewhat different from refining magic.

Fu Ling is the blood that gives spirituality to the painted portrait.

The magical technique also helps all things turn into demons, which is to help demons get through the nine orifices.

Jiang Ying was originally a group of shadows. After meeting Jiang Yun, he was turned into a demon clan until today.

It seems that the method of giving spirits is not as good as the method of enlightenment, but in fact the two different methods have their own merits.

The foundation of the method of giving spirits is also runes, which are runes condensed from their own blood.

The most important thing is the final finishing touch, which is also known as the touch of spirit.

Simply put, it is to maximize the vitality in the blood through runes, so as to condense into a little spirituality, so that the portrait can become a living thing.

The method of giving spirits is not just to give a person spirituality.

Anything, mountains and rivers, rivers, lakes and seas, flowers and trees, can give it spirituality and make it a living thing.

After pondering for a long time, a pen appeared in Jiang Yun's hand, a refining pen, and he also started to try this spiritual empowerment method in the air with his own blood.

But at this moment, Xue Wuchang suddenly let out a sigh of emotion: "This blood pill is a wizard."

"His qualifications, although not as good as me back then, are much better than you."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "I think so too."

Jiang Yun never thought that his qualifications were amazing.

Even, it can be said to be extremely mediocre.

He has never forgotten that the self back then, even the door of Wen Daozong failed to enter.

And this blood pill, being able to create this spirit-imposing method, is indeed incomparable to himself.

Jiang Yun's generous confession made Xue Wuchang a little surprised.

In fact, he only deliberately teased Jiang Yun.

In his opinion, Jiang Yun's qualifications are definitely not bad.

Jiang Yun's twelve forms of emptiness, his own creation of longevity, reincarnation, and the three arts of life and death, none of them are weaker than the method of giving spirits.

"Cough!" Xue Wuchang coughed twice: "I have carefully read this method of empowering spirits."

"The method of granting spirits at the level of the blood pill green is just the foundation."

"This method of empowering spirits still has great room for improvement!"

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