The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5000: Cannibalism, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

The prerequisite for the Jiang clan to be able to enter the burial ground is that a large number of clan lives are needed!

People are basically selfish.

Sacrifice yourself to perfect others, not many people can do it.

However, the burial place of the Jiang family is a huge treasure house, which exudes a powerful attraction and temptation to almost all the Jiang family.

So, when you are unwilling to sacrifice yourself to perfect others, and want to enter the burial ground, the simplest and most direct way is to kill other tribesmen and use the lives of other tribesmen to open the door to the burial ground!

Therefore, after understanding this, the first reaction of the Jiang clan was to guard against his clan.

Seeing that the Jiang clan members who were standing together have all been scattered now, Jiang Yun couldn't help turning his head, looking at the great ancestor, and asked again via voice transmission: "Great ancestor, is this true? fake?"

Although the great ancestor had just told Jiang Yun that he said that Jiang Yunna had the same concentration of blood as the ancestor and was able to open the burial ground, which was completely deceiving Jiang Yun, but Jiang Yun felt that the words of the great ancestor, You are lying to yourself.

In fact, you only need your own blood to open the Jiang family burial site.

And the reason why the great ancestor now says that the sacrifice of the Jiang clan members is needed, the real purpose should be only to unearth those members of the Jiang clan who have betrayed.

However, this great formation, and that unknown door, is not like it was temporarily arranged by the great ancestor, but should have existed long ago.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is really at a loss now, not knowing which method can really open Jiang's burial place.

Not only Jiang Yun, but even Elder Ge had the same doubts as Jiang Yun.

As a second-generation tribe, he knew no less about Jiang’s secrets than the great ancestor.

But the only thing he didn't know was whether he had seen the great ancestor secretly when the ancestor disappeared.

If there is, then whether it is the nameless gate or this great formation, including the method of opening the burial ground that the great ancestor said, it may be true!

"Second brother, you!"

At this moment, suddenly there was a scream full of anger.

Jiang Yun looked at the sound, among Jiang's family, a middle-aged man fell in a pool of blood.

He stared at a young man who looked a bit similar to him with his eyes widened, with an incredible expression on his face.

The young man's complexion was pale, he was holding a sword in his hand, his whole body was trembling slightly, his lips trembled, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end, he didn't say anything. Instead, he picked up the sword in his hand and pierced the man's brow once again.


The sword easily pierced the man's eyebrows and soul, making the man completely extinguished in an instant.

And from the center of his eyebrows, there was also a stream of light that soared to the sky and plunged directly into the big formation that covered the entire burial ground.


The speed of the big formation suddenly accelerated by one point.

Seeing this scene, the young man's pale face suddenly showed a touch of excitement and said: "Haha, it is true, and it can start the funeral..."


Before his voice fell, a hammer had already hit his head heavily from behind him.

Not only interrupted his voice, but also smashed his head into dust.

The man's body fell to the ground, and another stream of light rose up into the sky and sank into the big formation.

After a moment of dead silence, among the Jiang clan in all directions, suddenly more clansmen attacked the clansmen beside them.

A sorrowful scream continued to sound, golden blood burst into the sky, and the figures fell down one by one, and streams of light rushed into the large array.

Jiang, started to kill each other!

The collaterals kill the ancestors, the father kills the sons, the older brother kills the younger brother...

Not only ordinary clan members, but even among the twelve clan elders, there were five of them, and they did not hesitate to kill the clan elders beside themselves.

At this moment, the Jiang clan members are no longer relatives with the same blood, but become enemies of life and death who don't share the same life!

In an instant, there were at least a thousand members of the Jiang clan, including the two clan elders, who had died on the spot, both in their form and spirit.

It's not that their strength is inferior to each other, but that although they are on guard, they are all clansmen who are more distant from them.

They never thought that the person closest to them would suddenly attack and kill themselves.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, and knowing each other very well, they naturally cannot be opponents of each other, so they were easily killed.

Looking at the slaughter that had begun below, even though Jiang Yun didn't regard the Jiang clan as his home or his relatives, he still suffered a lot of shock in his heart.

And his divine consciousness immediately locked onto Jiang Shan, Jiang Qiuyue, Jiang Qiuchen, and the descendants of the previous Dazu elder and Sanzu elder without hesitation.

These people are the people he cares about most in Jiang's family.

They have also been attacked by those around them now.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that the hundreds of descendants of the previous great clan elder were also killing each other.

This made Jiang Yun even though he wanted to save him, but he didn't know who to save.

"Great Ancestor!"

Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head, looked at the great ancestor, and yelled: "Why? Why test their humanity?"

Human nature is the most untestable!

The great ancestor was also watching the fighting of the Jiang clan, his face seemed expressionless, but his cheeks that quivered lightly from time to time showed that his heart actually had great ups and downs.

Hearing Jiang Yun's roar, he turned his head to look at Jiang Yun and said, "It's not that I'm testing their humanity, but they themselves have made the choice long ago."

The words of the great ancestor shocked Jiang Yun's heart, suddenly turned his head and looked at the monks of other forces!

Whether it was Tai Shi Qi or Shadow Pavilion, these monks from other forces, faced with the sudden cannibalism of Jiang Clan, their faces were either indifferent or joking.

They, just like spectators, are watching a very lively drama!

Jiang Yun finally understood.

Those tribesmen who betrayed the Jiang clan, the reason why they suddenly attacked their relatives at this moment.

In addition to the fact that they are bound to advance to Jiang's burial site, it is also because they are the pawns secretly supported by other forces!

Those forces, it is very likely that just now, they have also ordered them to kill each other.

As long as they chose to fight with people from other forces, they should have already thought that there would be today's opposition, and they were already prepared for it, so they can do it!

Even Jiang Yun knew that his guess was half right.

Regardless of whether the method of opening the burial ground requires the sacrifice of the Jiang clan, at least the great ancestor has planned for so long to force the betrayed clansmen to reveal their true colors.

Moreover, he really did it.

The great ancestor's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear again: "Although this is cruel, I told you that Jiang's family has rotten to the roots and to the bones."

"Even I can't tell which ones remember that they are members of the Jiang clan, and which ones have completely betrayed the Jiang clan."

"Therefore, I can only use this method to pull them out one by one."

"Injury the enemy a thousand, of course it will hurt yourself 800, it is better than the same thing!"

Although Jiang Yun did not approve of Dazu's practice, he could not refute it.

Indeed, if the great ancestor had announced this plan in advance, it would be very likely that those betrayed tribes would know it.

Self-defeating eight hundred, at least two hundred are left, and if the same goes to the end, then Jiang clan will have nothing.

Jiang Yun no longer struggled with the method of opening the burial ground, and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "Now, my clan, should I also kill those who betrayed the clan."

What Jiang Yun hates most is betrayal, so he really wants to kill.

However, Grand Ancestor shook his head and said, "No."


"Because, you and me, there are stronger enemies!"

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