The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5267: That drop of blood, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world!

Facing Dongfang Ling's problem, Dongfang Bo's pale face showed a touch of helplessness and said, "I also have no choice."

"He is my junior and I have watched him grow up all the way."

"I know his character better than anyone else."

"However, before I knew him, there might be an unknown existence hidden in him."

"Until today, it's not just me, including the younger sister, including..."

"Including me!" Before Dongfang Bo finished speaking, an old voice suddenly rang in the ears of Dongfang Bo and Dongfang Ling.

A figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

This is an old man, not tall, with a rickety body, and his wrinkled face, also with a touch of helplessness.

If Jiang Yun could see this old man, he would naturally recognize him at a glance. The other party was the grandfather who brought him up, Jiang Wanli, the second-generation spirit father of the mirage!

Obviously, Jiang Wanli had been hiding here long ago, seeing Jiang Yun's arrival and leaving, and hearing all the conversations between Jiang Yun and Dongfang Bo.

But, for some reason, he didn't come out early to meet Jiang Yun.

He didn't walk out until Jiang Yun left.

For Jiang Wanli's sudden appearance, Dongfangbo and the two were not surprised.

Dongfang Bo followed Jiang Wanli's words and said, "Yes, all of us, including Senior Jiang, still can't see through the drop of blood in Jiang Yun, what is the origin of it!"

"If it is really left by a certain strong man, it means that Jiang Yun's words and deeds are actually under the surveillance of others."

"If I tell him something, not only will it not help him, but it may harm him."

Having said that, Dongfang Bo looked at Jiang Wanli and said, "Senior Jiang, do you have any guesses about the drop of blood in Jiang Yun?"

"Now, whether it is for Jiang Yun or for us, time is running out, so you don't need to be afraid."

Jiang Wanli pondered for a moment and said, "I did have a few guesses."

"In the beginning, I thought that the drop of blood might come from one of the three deities."

"After all, the various preparations that the Lord made for the cultivation of the Tao are extremely secretive, but the subsequent turbulent times of the Nine Emperors caused quite a lot of noise."

"As for Tianzun and Renzun, who are as famous as the deity, they must be aware of it, and they may all have guessed the purpose of the deity."

"Of course they will not stand by on such a major event, and they want to get a share of the pie."

"Even, I suspect that among the suppressed nine emperors or ten emperors, there are their people."

"Therefore, the two great masters may have used some unknown method to find Yun Wazi, leaving some marks belonging to them in his body to monitor Yun Wazi's growth."

Dongfang Bo nodded and said: "It is indeed possible."

"Behind Yu Hanqing of the Magic Realm, Karma Apocalypse and others, it should be the two who are supporting."

"The deity of the deity is still in the real realm, and they are not easy to come directly to the magic realm blatantly, so they can only use this method to find the four realms."

"However, Tianzun and Renzun, unless they can predict some future, otherwise, how could they find Jiang Yun so coincidental?"

Jiang Wanli shook his head and said, "This is just a guess of mine. Perhaps when they reach their state, they can really predict some future, but it is still unknown."

"In addition to them, I have another suspect, Nan Ion, the first bloodline master in True Realm!"

Hearing this name, a strange light flashed in Dongfang Bo's eyes.

Jiang Wanli continued: "Since the Lord is willing to sacrifice us, he may not be willing to sacrifice Nan Ion, especially the blood of the original creatures in Sijingzang have been changed."

"The only person who can do this is Nan Ion!"

"What's more, since Nan Ion has changed the bloodlines of those creatures, I am afraid he also knows some of the purposes of the prince."

"And with a respectable personality, such an important event, how could it be possible for Nan Ion to know about it, but still keep him by his side, in the realm!"

"Therefore, I suspect that Nan Ion, like Situ Jing, was wiped away by the venerable memory and thrown into the reincarnation of Sijingzang."

"Nan Ion is known as the first bloodline master, and he has been around Zun for so many years. How can he not guess that Zun will not let him have the idea of ​​revealing secrets, so I am afraid that he has been secretly prepared."

"Therefore, he should have recovered his memory a long time ago, left the Sijingzang, and went to the bitter realm just like the ancients, changed his body, and became...forgetting the old, became the ancient immortal master, and became the son of you and Yunwa. Master!"

"Nan Ion's title of the first bloodline master is not a vain name."

"I also suspect that he changed the blood of Yunwa's ancestor."

"Then it is even easier for him to follow the blood of Yunwa's ancestor and find Yunwazi, a descendant of the Jiang family."

"Yunwazi was born in the universe of the heavens, and at that time, Nan Ion was also in the universe of the heavens."

"Therefore, the drop of blood in Yunwazi's body is most likely left by him."

Dongfang Bo smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, I also doubted Master."

"It's just that I don't want to believe that Shizu would be such a person, so I didn't tell the fourth child."

Jiang Wanli nodded and said, "You are his disciples and grandchildren, even if it is really what he did, you can't seek revenge from him."

"But I can!"

A cold light appeared in Jiang Wanli's eyes and said, "If he is really watching Yunwazi quietly behind his back, then I will not let him go."

Dongfangbo was silent.

As Jiang Wanli said, he and Jiang Yun, including Situ Jing and Xuanyuanxing, are both people who respect their teachers and respect the Tao.

Even if their own master, their own master really wants them, it is impossible for them to seek revenge from the master.

After a long time, Jiang Wanli reduced the cold light in his eyes and looked at Dongfang Bodao: "Okay, your time is really running out. I must take action and seal you."

"Otherwise, if Yun Wazi knows in the future, he will hate me for a lifetime."

In fact, the reason why Dongfang Bo became so weak was not only because of Sikongzi's awakening, but also because other suppressed emperors, like Yuwenji and others, began to make small movements constantly, and there were faint signs of getting out of trouble.

On the contrary, it was the great emperor of the nine races, as if he had been suppressed, and there was no movement at all. Therefore, Dongfang Bo could only continuously separate his strength to suppress the nine great emperors over the years.

The nine great emperors that can be suppressed by the nine tribes, let Dongfang Bo take turns to suppress it, you can imagine the consumption of Dongfang Bo.

Unexpectedly, Yu Wenji awakened Si Kongzi again.

For Dongfang Bo, this is really worse, so it is backlashed by the veins and there is no way to self-seal.

When Sikongzi refined the Sijingzang, he hid some means in order to use the East for his own use.

This method, just like the blood slave seal and the puppet seal, has long been deeply engraved in the soul of Dongfang Bo.

Even if Dongfang Bo's strength far surpassed Si Kongzi, it still couldn't compete.

Therefore, Dongfang Bo could only ask Jiang Wanli for help.

Jiang Wanli, the second-generation spirit master of the mirage, has a way to suppress Sikongzi's methods.

Dongfang Bo held a fist at Jiang Wanli and said, "There is Senior Lao Jiang, the danger of a mirage..."

Jiang Wanli waved his hand and interrupted him, "Yunwazi should be able to solve it."

When the voice fell, he waved his big sleeves, and beams of light of various colors poured out of his body, toward Dongfang Bo and Dongfang Ling.

This is Dongfang Ling's own request, hoping to be sealed together with Dongfang Bo.

Jiang Wanli naturally agreed to this.

Dongfangbo closed their eyes and let the light enter their bodies.

With the light shining in the Dongfang Bo, there was also light shining outside the entire Four Realm Zang.

One thing Dongfang Bo did not deceive Jiang Yun, as the spirit of Sijingzang, once he was sealed, the entire Sijingzang would indeed be sealed.

At the same time, after being sent out of the space where the big brother was by Dongfang Ling, Jiang Yun suddenly discovered that he was already in the territory of a mirage.

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