The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5387: My realm, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun is not greedy, and even if it is just to win a comparison with the realm of fantasy, he is willing to choose the inferior world.

But above his head, there was always an invisible sharp sword hanging high, which could fall anytime and anywhere and take his life.

This sharp sword is the real land respect!

The stronger Jiang Yun's strength, the farther he walks on the path of cultivation, the closer he is to death.

Moreover, this sword, no one can help him to contend, even if the Four Realms Zang is his own body, he still can't stop this sword.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, he can only choose the superior world, use his own power to open up a world, to integrate his body and soul, to improve his strength as much as possible, and to enhance the solidity of this world. One day, I can save my life.

After listening to Jiang Yun's choice, the demon lord looked at him for a while and said: "Although, even my peak state can't stop the blow of the three, but perhaps, this is really the only one you can survive. Opportunity."

"Since you have decided, then I will teach you how to open up this world now."

Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Does this time take a long time?"

At the beginning, Jiang Yun spent nearly ten years in order to break through the realm of blood rebirth, under the guidance of the impermanence of the blood, and the assistance of the sea of ​​blood and blood clotting.

If it takes so long to open up a world, then he doesn't have this time.

A smile appeared on the demon master's face and said: "I know you are in a hurry right now."

"Don't worry, just to open up the world, it will take two or three years at most."

"You have a dream to help, that is, only two or three months."

"After the world is opened up, if you continue to grow the world and blend in the world, there will be no time limit."

Jiang Yun nodded in relief, then respectfully clasped his fists at the master demon, and bowed deeply: "I thank Senior Demon Master first."

The demon master smiled slightly, raised his hand, and moved towards Jiang Yun's eyebrows. Lines of words had already appeared in Jiang Yun's mind.

The demon master retracted his fingers and said: "Quickly enter the dream, I am here to protect you, if there is anything you don't understand, just ask."

Jiang Yun clasped his fists and bowed to the master again, and then sat down cross-legged and brought himself into a dream.

The demon lord stopped talking. After scanning his eyes, he muttered to himself: "The immortal tree, in fact, when you gave Jiang Yun luck that day, I knew that Jiang Yun would never choose to hide the four realms. Think of it as your own world."

"What's more, you think that the earth-sovereign will really abandon the four realms hiding!"

Shaking his head, the Demon Lord also sat beside Jiang Yun and closed his eyes.

Jiang Yun carefully watched the method of opening up the world in his mind.

Although Jiang Yun had the ability to open up a world for a long time, he hadn't really tried to truly open up a world.

After reading the method of the demon bishop, he realized that opening up a world is not a simple matter.

Especially the need to open up a world containing one's soul and body is extremely troublesome.

Simply put, the more complex the composition of the world, the stronger the world will be.

This kind of composition is best if it has all the environment it should have, just like the real world.

The sky, the earth, mountains, grass and trees, etc., all need to have.

Naturally, to open up such a world, the process is quite complicated.

Not only does it take a long time, but it also requires patience.

In addition, in such a world, if you have the power of the five elements to create corresponding environmental objects one by one, then it is naturally the best.

Without the power of the five elements, you can also use pure physical power to form various environments in the same way.

Like the world created by the devil himself, the composition is relatively simple.

In addition to heaven and earth, there are only mountains and rivers, and mountains and rivers are still condensed by the power of the flesh.

Jiang Yun doesn't know whether the demon lord has the power of the five elements, but Jiang Yun thinks that the simple reason for that world should be related to the patience of the demon lord.

After all, mountains and water are the easiest to condense.

To make an inappropriate analogy, grab a handful of soil, knead it, it is a mountain.

Water is even simpler. Draw a few ditches on the ground, which is water!

If Jiang Yun develops such a world, it will naturally be simple.

But the demon's text also reminded Jiang Yun that if Jiang Yun was to fight the earthly respect, then the world he opened up would naturally be the more complicated the better.

After understanding the method of opening up the world, Jiang Yun focused his attention on the immortal leaf, where the spirit tree also cultivated the physical body.

The method of cultivating the physical body of the spirit tree is relatively simpler, and it has the same effect as the body of the world.

It is to be transformed into thousands of trees, so that one's body and soul are distributed on top of a plant.

Although simpler than incarnation, this method allows the physical body to have strong vitality and self-healing power.

Jiang Yun believed that the spirit tree should have reached the level of embodied in the four realms of hidden trees.

As long as there are vegetation in the Four Realms, the spirit tree will not die.

After reading the methods of cultivating the flesh of these two top emperors, Jiang Yun was not in a hurry and immediately tried to open up the world, but fell into contemplation.

After thinking about it for three full days, Jiang Yun said to himself: "Since my ultimate goal is to contend with the respect of the earth, the stronger the world is, the better."

"It's better to merge the two into one."

"Open up the world and create vegetation with the power of wood. First try to integrate the body and soul into the vegetation."

"Once I succeed, I can use the powerful vitality of plants and trees to spread seeds in the whole world, open branches and leaves, and strive to cover the whole world in the shortest time."

"At that time, I will create other things."

"Finally, blend the body and soul into all other things, until they are transformed into the world!"

After Jiang Yun finally made a decision, he took a deep breath, and his whole body, including his soul, trembled slightly.

Since this world was created for the purpose of blending into the body and soul, it naturally needs to be condensed with the power of the body and soul.

At this moment, every drop of Jiang Yun's blood, every muscle, every bone, and every hair was trembling violently, and gradually released a trace of physical and soul power!

This is not the common physical and soul power that Jiang Yun uses when fighting against people, but a power similar to the source, and it is the source of all physical and soul power.

It is necessary to use these source forces as the cornerstone, or framework, of a world.

In the trembling of Jiang Yun's body, these source powers ooze out little by little and gathered in his palm.

After the world is formed, it can be integrated into one's own body, but when it is first opened up, it must be done outside the body.

The devil opened his eyes and stared at Jiang Yun's palm without squinting.

In this way, as time passed, more and more of these source forces overflowed in Jiang Yun's body, until it condensed into a watermelon-sized sphere in his hands.

The Demon Lord secretly nodded and said: "This kid has a lot of source power. Even me, when I opened up the world, I didn't have so much source power."

When the sphere stabilized, Jiang Yun's body no longer had a source of power gushing out, indicating that the source of power had been exhausted.

This is also normal. The world that was first opened up just made the world take shape. It doesn't matter if it is a little smaller.

Anyway, after the world takes shape, you still need to continuously send your normal body and soul power into it, so that the world will continue to expand.

Jiang Yun's complexion was a little pale. After resting for a while, the ball in front of him unexpectedly began to slowly change its shape.

The sphere itself contained Jiang Yun's spirit power, so as long as Jiang Yun moved his thoughts, he could control them.

And watching the shape of the sphere keep changing, at the end of the day, the demon lord had already smiled and said: "I knew that he would definitely imitate the world of mountains and seas!"

To open up the world, we must first conceive the shape of the world.

As for Jiang Yun, he didn't need to conceive at all, he only needed to shape his own world according to the shape of the mountain and sea world.

At this moment, after hearing the words of the demon lord, although Jiang Yun was in a dream, he suddenly said, "This is not the mountain and sea world."

"Oh?" The demon master said unexpectedly: "Then what realm is this?"

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun said, "This is the Dao Realm, my Dao Realm!"


As Jiang Yun's voice fell, a thunderous sound suddenly came from the universe of the heavens!

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