The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5441: Leaf pattern, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Regarding the lost tree, Jiang Yun's ears are already full!

From the time he encountered Lou Yan, the first outside monk in this ancestor-seeking world, the other party told him that in the lost ancient world, the most important resource for cultivation is the fruit of the lost tree.

The easiest way for the cultivation of the outside world to not be affected by the power of the illusion is to devour the lost fruit.

Even Lou Yan knew the exact location of a lost tree in this ancestor-seeking world.

In order to repay Jiang Yun's life-saving grace, he also invited Jiang Yun to go with him, but Jiang Yun refused.

Later, Jiang Yun swallowed a lost fruit in the mink family, and indeed felt the unusualness of the lost fruit.

At this moment, he finally saw a real lost tree.

It's just that this lost tree is really too big.

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help being a little curious, could it be that all the lost trees in the ancestor-seeking realm were so huge?

If this is the case, then I am afraid that few people can own a lost tree privately.

However, even if this lost tree is amazing, it is not very attractive to Jiang Yun.

Therefore, after looking at the lost tree for a while, Jiang Yun remembered what Shengjun hadn't finished saying, so he retracted his gaze and looked at Shengjundao again: "What did you just say?"

Shengjun was also watching the lost tree, with his mouth widened, his eyes widened, and his face was extremely shocked.

Obviously, he saw such a huge lost tree for the first time.

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, Shengjun came back to his senses, and a dazzling light appeared in his eyes inexplicably, so that the blood that permeated it was diminished a lot.

The shock on his face also turned into a look of excitement: "I understand, I understand."

"The biggest treasure in this bubble world is the lost tree!"

Seeing Shengjun's excitement, Jiang Yun couldn't help frowning slightly: "As far as I know, although lost trees are rare, there should be a certain number in the ancestor-seeking world."

"This lost tree is just bigger than the outside world, it's not the biggest treasure!"

Shengjun repeatedly shook his head and said: "You don't understand, the lost tree, just like our monks, there are different levels."

Jiang Yun stunned: "Trees also have levels. Is it a demon cultivator?"

"No!" Shengjun shook his head again: "It's not a demon repair, it doesn't have any spirituality, it's just an ordinary tree."

"We divide the level of the lost tree into upper, middle and lower."

"Different levels of lost trees have different effects on the lost fruits."

"Like what we take now, they are all inferior lost fruits."

While speaking, Shengjun opened his palm, and a lost fruit appeared in his palm.

Jiang Yun saw that it was the kind he had taken.

However, this lost fruit is obviously illusory.

And this also made Jiang Yun's heart move and understand.

There must be a lost fruit in the holy monarch, but because he is only in the state of the soul body, even if he can take out the lost fruit, he will naturally think it is true to the unsuspecting person, but in his own eyes, it is Obviously it is fake, imitated from the illusion.

Then, in this way, any monk who enters this bubble world, as long as they don't put things in their own souls, they can't take them out at all.

This is good news for myself.

Shengjun didn't care about the truth or falsehood of the lost fruit in his hands. He went on to say: "In the earliest days, there were high-quality lost trees in the ancestor-seeking world. One fruit can be worth a year of hard cultivation."

"But with the increase in the number of ancestor-seeking cultivators, the superior lost tree has long been extinct."

"Now, there are only two levels of lost trees left."

"Medium is also extremely rare, like I have walked almost all over my sanctuary, but I only found a dozen medium-sized lost trees."

Jiang Yun nodded, and reached out his hand to the huge lost tree in the distance and said, "That should be the first class!"

"No!" The light in Shengjun's eyes was brighter: "That is a lost tree that is at least two levels higher than the superior."

Jiang Yun asked puzzledly: "Why are there two levels?"

Shengjun suddenly changed to sound transmission and said: "Because, I once picked up a lost fruit that exceeded the first class."

"It is precisely because I ate the lost fruit that not only my strength has been greatly improved, but it also allowed me to see through the truth of the ancestral world."

"And the lost fruit I picked up that is more than the best is far inferior to any lost fruit on this tree we saw."

Jiang Yun finally understood the reason for Shengjun's strength, and couldn't help taking a deep look at him.

If the other party is willing to tell him this secret, it shows that he is really not hostile to himself.

Shengjun licked his lips and said: "Look at it, all the monks in the Ancestral-seeking Realm who entered here are now madly rushing towards the lost tree."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Listening to you, I am also full of curiosity about the lost tree. Why don't we go take a look."

"Haha!" Shengjun laughed out loud, and he reached out his hand and patted Jiang Yun's shoulder and said, "I knew that your kid would definitely have an appetite for me."

Jiang Yun's words have already indicated his willingness to form an alliance with Saint Monarch.

"let's go!"

When the voice fell, Shengjun had already rushed out first.

Looking at Shengjun's back, Jiang Yun sighed in his heart.

The reason why I am willing to form an alliance with the other party is not only because of the sincere surprise shown by the other party, but also because the two of them are the same.

The world is drunk and I feel alone, sometimes, it's not good!

Shengjun turned his head and said to Jiang Yun: "Brother, don't be in a daze, go quickly!"


Jiang Yun shook his figure, followed behind Shengjun, and flew towards the location of the lost tree.

But at this moment, a powerful pressure suddenly appeared above the two of them.

This coercion was so strong that even Jiang Yun's physical body was completely difficult to contend. The body that had just been lifted up was immediately under this coercion and had to fall downward.

Shengjun was even more unbearable, and also fell.

However, because Shengjun was one step ahead of Jiang Yun, the positions where the two fell were on the top of the two mountains.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the coercion suddenly became smaller, completely within the range that the two could bear.

But the mountains under the two of them shook violently again.

Shengjun looked down at the mountain at his feet and said, "Could this be, it's also a mountain demon!"

"No!" Jiang Yun looked into the distance and said, "Look at the Lost Tree!"

Shengjun hurriedly looked up, and his complexion changed drastically.

That tree suddenly appeared, already a lost tree standing upright, and it was also shaking violently at this moment.

And in the midst of this shaking, the volume of the lost tree, even its branches and leaves, was swelling sharply at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, the entire bubble world, as far as the area that two people can see with naked eyes, is shaking violently, as if it is about to collapse.

"What exactly is going on!"

At this moment, Shengjun's head has been raised to the extreme, because the height of the lost tree has exceeded the end of his gaze.

But Jiang Yun was still looking around, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "This world seems to be a lost tree."

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Shengjun was slightly startled, and for a moment he didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Yun's words.

Jiang Yun continued: "We, or everything here, are approaching the lost tree actively."


Jiang Yun's voice was interrupted by a series of loud noises.

However, Shengjun didn't need Jiang Yun to explain.

Because he had already seen that whether it was the mountains underneath him and Jiang Yun, or the desert outside the mountains full of blue faces, they all rose into the air by themselves.

Seeing this weird scene, Shengjun took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that everything here, in fact, grows on the leaves of this lost tree!"

As if to prove his words, the mountain under him was shaking, collapsed suddenly, and slowly slipped to one side, exposing a green earth.

With the eyesight of Shengjun and Jiang Yun, it was clear that there were very regular patterns on the earth.

That is, the lines of the leaves!

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