The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5456: Group of Orders, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the bitter territory, the bitter temple, the bitter voice knelt in front of the temple where the old man was, and said with a solemn face: "Master, after Taishi Mingfeng, people from the Spiritual Space Sect, the Shadow Pavilion and the Qiuzhen Sect have all come here for information. , Saying that the people they sent to kill Jiang Yun are all dead."

"Now, only Junior Brother Kuchen is left."

"Look, is it necessary to inform Yu Hanqing of this matter so that he can quickly find a way to solve Jiang Yun."

Before, when Yu Hanqing proposed to kill Jiang Yun, she said that she was 80% sure, and even more sure if there were strong people from the bitter domain to join.

However, now, four of the five powerhouses have been killed. Although there is still the strongest Kuchen alive, Kuyin has to worry, and eventually Jiang Yun will be able to come back alive.

After Ku Lao was silent for a while, his own voice came out: "Say with Yu Hanqing."

"Actually, I didn't pin the hope of killing Jiang Yun on Ku Chen and Yu Hanqing."

"The one who can really kill Jiang Yun is Yu Hanqing's senior."

Kuyin was startled slightly, "Yu Hanqing still has a senior brother? Who is his senior brother?"

The person who first came into contact with Yu Hanqing was Kuyin, and Kuyin really didn't know that Yu Hanqing actually had a senior.

Ku Lao's voice then sounded: "I didn't know how sacred his brother was, but this time he was able to open the Lost Ancient Realm."

"Furthermore, we can also give us five places, so that the Kuchen five can freely enter and exit the Lost Ancient Realm, and I can probably guess the identity of his senior."

"His brother should be a member of a clan!"

A family of items!

The incomprehensible color on Kuyin's face became thicker and said: "What kind of ethnic group is this tribe?"

"Demon race, or human race?"

Suddenly, Ku Lao's figure slowly walked out of the temple, looked up at the sky, and said: "The Mu Clan is not a tribe, but a group of monks who don't know where they come from."

"No one knows the true purpose of the existence of the Eye Clan, but their duty is to control the Eye of Fantasy Realm and even master all the secret realms in the Realm of Fantasy Realm."

"For example, the Lost Ancient Realm is controlled by a clan, so it can be turned on and off at any time, and it can also ensure that people come in and out at will."

Kuyin's eyes widened. He had never heard of these things.

Ku Lao continued: "Although I know the existence of the Mu Clan, the people of this clan are extremely mysterious. I don't know much about them anymore, and I don't even know how many of them are."

"They won't appear in any other places except for the secret realm and the Eye of Illusion."

"Therefore, anyone who has seen them will think that they are an illusion in the illusion, and will never think that they are cultivators who are beyond the illusion."

"This time Yu Hanqing set up this game against Jiang Yun, to put it bluntly, it is to use the power of his senior brother to kill Jiang Yun."

Hearing this, Kuyin couldn't help asking again: "Is his brother very powerful?"

"Very strong!" Old Kuo nodded and said, "It should be no weaker than me."

"Otherwise, how could he become Yu Hanqing's senior brother."

Kuyin's eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of disbelief.

In his heart, his master is definitely the magical domain, and the top powerhouse of the magical realm.

Even the ancestor of the original family, Yuan Fan, and his master are at best between the uncle.

However, now Master actually admitted personally that Yu Hanqing's senior is not weaker than him.

Kuyin thought for a while and said, "Since his brother is so powerful, then Jiang Yun will definitely die if he has his brother."

Old Ku shook his head and said, "It's not as simple as you think."

"A group of items has certain restrictions on its actions."

"It stands to reason that if there is a senior Yu Hanqing's brother to deal with Jiang Yun, then there is no need for us to send someone from the bitter region."

"But Yu Hanqing not only asked us to send people to increase the chances of killing Jiang Yun, but now the four strong men in my bitter domain have been killed. This shows that in the lost ancient world, something must have happened to us. Don’t know the changes."

"Therefore, I need you to inform Yu Hanqing, put some pressure on him, and urge his senior to take the action personally."

Kuyin nodded and said: "The disciple understands, this disciple will contact Yu Hanqing."

As Ku Yin left, Ku Lao looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "Who created the Mu Clan?"

"It shouldn't be Yu Hanqing's master!"

"But since it's not his master, who can it be?"

Ku Lao squinted his eyes slightly, then suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction.

That direction is where the ancient land is!

After a long time, Ku Lao shook his head and said, "Now, it's not the time yet!"

"Wait a little longer. After Jiang Gongwang is done cleaning up, I will have a good chat with him."

Old Kuo withdrew his gaze, slowly turned around, and returned to his temple.

At the same time, Yu Hanqing, who received the bitter news, couldn't believe her ears at all.

However, as Old Kuo said, the news did bring him a lot of pressure, so he finally took the initiative to contact his brother regardless of his disregard.

Yu Hanqing said angrily: "Brother, the four great emperors of the bitter region are all dead, then Jiang Yun..."

Before Yu Hanqing could finish speaking, his senior brother unceremoniously interrupted: "There was some accident in the ancestral world. I have sent a clone to check it out in person."

"Don't worry, as long as the clone arrives, Jiang Yun will definitely be killed."

Brother Yu's answer made Yu Hanqing immediately relieved and said: "Senior brother will go out in person, naturally there will be no problems."

"Then I'm here waiting for the good news from Senior Brother."

Yu Hanqing just wanted to end the communication, but his senior brother continued: "Junior brother, this accident in the search for ancestors is that the main fruit of a lost tree suddenly matures."

"I'm going this time, the main purpose is to find this main fruit."

"do you want?"

Yu Hanqing was taken aback for a moment, but fell into silence.

Of course he knew what the main fruit of the lost tree had and how precious it was.

I also know that if I get this main fruit, not only the broken leg can grow back, but the strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

Not to mention being able to catch up with the brother, at least one can make a big step forward.

For myself, this is a golden opportunity of a lifetime.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, Yu Hanqing smiled and said, "Thank you, brother, for thinking about you. It’s just that I’m not blessed to suffer from the loss, so I don’t want it.

His senior was also silent for a moment before he said: "You don't want it, I won't force it."

"I will keep the fruit temporarily, and if you don't pay attention one day, I will give it to you again, the same is true."

No matter what Yu Hanqing is like, in the eyes of his brother, he is his little brother, and he is very fond of him.

No matter what, it is for his sake.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the senior brother to open the Lost Ancient Realm just to kill Jiang Yun, a little monk, and to advance the opening time of the Eye of Illusion True!

Ye Yu Hanqing naturally couldn't refuse the kindness of brother, and hurriedly said, "Thank you brother!"

The senior brother's voice no longer sounded, but Yu Hanqing at this moment was as if she had lost her soul, no longer thinking about Jiang Yun's affairs, but was full of things that lost the main fruit.

No way, the temptation to lose the main fruit is too great.

But thinking of the price she had to pay, Yu Hanqing gritted her teeth and said: "Don't don't, you can't ask for anything!"

While Yu Hanqing was struggling, in the shattered world, around Ku Chen's body, Jiang Yun, Shengjun and Song Juewu had appeared!

The three of them surrounded Ku Chen, and as long as Ku Chen was killed, Jiang Yun's trip to the ancestral world would be completed successfully.

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