The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5581: Respect plan, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The figure was vague, and his body was like a layer of mist, which made his figure a little distorted, making it impossible to distinguish between a man and a woman.

However, after seeing the other party's clothes, Jiang Yun recognized him, and he came from another clan!

The first thing Jiang Yun thought of was, could it be that the respected person has gone and returned?

Feng Beiling also saw this figure, which made his expression gloomy and almost dripping with water!

Without the slightest preparation, the eleven roads of the Great Emperor and the arrival of the illusion have made the difficulty of his Great Tribulation unimaginable.

However, now another vague figure of unknown origin came out.

This is clearly that God is not ready to make himself an emperor at all!

As soon as Feng Beiling gritted his teeth, he had to get up and solve the fuzzy figure first, but Jiang Yun's voice had already sounded in his ears first: "Brother, trust me, you will continue to choose your path to the Great Emperor!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Feng Beiling only felt that his nose was slightly sour.

I deliberately approached Jiang Yun back then in order to let Jiang Yun save his people, and didn't think too much about it at all.

Unexpectedly, it was this young man who had nothing to do with him, helping his people and helping himself step by step!

For my own sake, I have really achieved the level of benevolence and righteousness!

Today's Jiang Yun himself is seriously injured, but even so, he still has to protect himself!

Taking a strong breath, Feng Beiling smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, from now on, this life will be yours!"

After speaking, Feng Beiling closed his eyes, and he really didn't care about everything outside, completely handing over his safety to Jiang Yun's hands.

Jiang Yun then looked at the fuzzy figure whose complexion had stopped and said: "What's the matter with your excellency?"

The fuzzy figure spoke faintly: "You don't have to be brave, I have no malice."

"I am on the order of my lord to come to pick up the person behind you and go to a place to help him get through the Great Tribulation!"

Upon hearing this, not only Jiang Yun was stunned, but even Feng Beiling, who had just closed his eyes, couldn't help but opened his eyes again, looking at each other with incomprehensible expression.

Feng Beiling was completely confused, and didn't understand why he and the other party were not relatives, why the other party wanted to help him.

But Jiang Yun already understood it!

The other party is a member of the family, so there are only two adults in their mouths, one is Yunxihe, and the other is Renzun!

Before, when Ren Zun left, he deliberately glanced at Feng Beiling with a deep-sense gaze. Jiang Yun felt a little strange at the time, but didn't think much about it.

Now, combining the words of this clan member with this sudden illusion, Jiang Yun naturally knew that everything was done deliberately by Ren Zun.

Respect, even though he doesn't know that Feng Beiling has eleven roads to the Great Emperor, he should have seen the extraordinary aspects of Feng Beiling!

The realm of fantasy is also a place belonging to the respected person.

Any cultivator in the realm of fantasy, once became an emperor, it is equivalent to handing over everything about himself to the respected person.

From then on, as long as people are willing, they can be controlled.

Now that he could see the extraordinaryness of Feng Beiling, the respected person would naturally also think that Feng Beiling was about to usher in the Great Tribulation, and the possibility that Feng Beiling would survive the Great Tribulation was extremely slim!

However, Ren Zun obviously did not hope that Feng Beiling, the future strength of the emperor, would fall ahead of schedule, leaving him without a powerful subordinate.

Therefore, after returning, he immediately ordered the people of his clan to come, take Feng Beiling away, and provide help to Feng Beiling as much as possible, so that he can successfully break through and become the emperor.

As for one place the other party said, Jiang Yun guessed that it should be the Eye of Fantasy!

The Eye of Illusion and Reality, connected to the realm, is the real place of human respect.

There, Ren Zun may have the ability to interfere with Feng Beiling's Great Tribulation!

After trying to understand all this, Jiang Yun looked at the tribesmen and said, "Your lord, did you just meet us?"

The fuzzy figure nodded and said, "Yes, the lord said he also gave you a piece of jade pendant!"

This sentence is enough for Jiang Yun to be sure that his speculation is correct.

The figure continued: "My lord said that he is also kind and does not force it. If you don't want it, I will leave."

Jiang Yun did not answer, but turned to look at Feng Beiling.

When Feng Beiling heard the jade pendant, he naturally understood the purpose of this fuzzy figure.

Jiang Yun looked at Feng Beiling and said, "He is Renzun's subordinate, Renzun, one of the three true realms, and his strength is above the true emperor."

"He should have noticed that my brother is about to become an emperor, and he has moved his love for talent, so he specially sent someone to take you away from the Eye of Fantasy."

"Eye of Illusion and True?" Feng Beiling was startled slightly: "Is the respectable person mastering the Eye of Illusion and True?"

Feng Beiling spent too much time in the illusion, so that he knew too little about the outside world, so he never expected that the status of the respected person would be so high.

Jiang Yun didn't have time to explain to him in detail, so he nodded and said, "Yes, brother, do you want to go?"

Feng Beiling smiled bitterly: "My brother, now my eyes are blackened and I don't know anything."

"I listen to you. If you say go, then we will go together. If you say no, I will wait for the Great Jie!"

Before Jiang Yun could answer, the vague figure rushed and said, "I can only take you there alone."

This was also in Jiang Yun's expectation. It takes certain qualifications to go to the Eye of Fantasy Realm, and even the cultivators of Bitter Realm and Real Realm of Reality have been contended with a bloodshed.

No matter how much the respected person regards himself, it is impossible for himself to directly enter the eyes of fantasy and truth.

In short, even though Ren Zun knew that Jiang Yun was the plot of the Earth Zun, he still had to see for himself whether Jiang Yun really had the corresponding strength.

Let Jiang Yun go to the Eye of Illusion and Reality by himself, which is the way to prove Jiang Yun's strength.

To be honest, Jiang Yun is also a bit tangled at this moment.

If everything is as he thought, then Feng Beiling's entry into the Eye of Huanzhen would be of great benefit to him.

Especially the possibility of becoming a great emperor will be greatly improved.

But if Ren Zun had other purposes, then letting Feng Beiling enter the Eye of Huanzhen would be tantamount to pushing him out of the trap.

He couldn't make a decision for Feng Beiling.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only briefly explain to Feng Beiling by means of sound transmission.

After the latter listened, he nodded slightly and said, "I am willing to go!"

Feng Beiling didn't just want to become an emperor, but also how he could repay Jiang Yun's kindness.

If I entered the Eye of Illusion and Reality in advance, maybe I could provide Jiang Yun with some help internally.

What's more, to enter the Eye of Illusion and True, at least you don't need to let Jiang Yun accompany him on the adventure.

Now that Feng Beiling had made a choice, Jiang Yun would naturally not object.

With a raised hand, a storage artifact appeared in Jiang Yun's hand and threw it to the tribe of the Mu Clan, saying: "Then trouble friends, take care of my old brother!"

Jiang Yun didn't know whether the Mu Clan needed the Emperor's Origin Stone, but there was no harm in sending some out.

The vague figure was not polite, and he reached out his hand to take the storage instrument, his voice became lighter and said: "Don't worry, the adult will explain it personally, we will naturally not neglect."

"Okay, let's go!"

Feng Beiling stood up, stretched out his hand and patted Jiang Yun on the shoulder and said: "My brother, if you are polite, I won't say anything. If you become an emperor, I will definitely find you!"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Brother Feng, he will definitely become an emperor!"

"I borrow your good words!" Feng Beiling retracted his palm, and said to the clan people of the clan: "You can go!"

The fuzzy figure smashed a piece of jade slip in his hand, and saw the entire illusion, suddenly retreating in the direction where it came from, like a tide.

The figures of him and Feng Beiling, also following the illusion, quickly disappeared from before Jiang Yun's eyes.

Jiang Yun silently watched the direction where the two disappeared, and sighed leisurely. He didn't know if he still had a chance to see Feng Beiling.

After a while, Jiang Yun retracted his thoughts and said, "Okay, now I also want to find a place to heal my wounds quickly, and then go to Ji Kongfan to talk to Master!"

However, at this moment, the demon lord's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "What is your principle?"

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