The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5760: A village, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The reason why the avatar of Earthzun just asked Yuwenji was indeed because as a military master in the troubled times of the Nine Emperors, Yuwenji knew more things than others.

At this moment, he quickly recalled every word and response he had just said in the clone of the earthly respect, and continued in his heart: "The clone of the earthly respected person has always been here waiting for the deity."

"However, the deity never comes, and he cannot sense the existence of the deity."

"For him, life in this dream domain is actually no different from us. He can't leave the dream domain, let alone return to the real domain, just like he's in jail."

"It's just the cell he's in, a little bigger than ours."

"Therefore, he is tired of this kind of life, and hopes that his own death will be exchanged for the sense of the deity, in exchange for the deity's presence!"

"That's why, in his last sentence just now, he was asking me why his deity didn't come!"

Shaking his head, Yu Wenji calmed down his emotions, and said to the people: "Everyone, no matter whether the respected person can enter the true realm through the search for repairing the stele or not, let's go back and talk about it first!"

"This matter is not only something we can solve, we must tell everyone!"

Regarding Yu Wenji's proposal, other people naturally have no opinion.

Su Yu looked around and said, "Why don't you find the person who speaks for the earthly respect?"

The voice of the person who had just spoken never sounded again, as if he had already left.

Yuwen shook his head and said, "No need to look for it. Since the other party is our old friend, there will naturally be a chance to meet again in the future."

Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Do you know who he is?"

At this time, Yu Wenji regained his composure, and smiled slightly: "I can't be sure who it is, but it is Shi Wuhen, Jiang Wanli, and Xue Wuchang, one of the few people."

"And I personally think that the possibility of no trace is the greatest!"

Everyone is naturally familiar with the three names Yu Wenji uttered, and they also understand why he thinks they are the three.

Because, only these three people, either had a clone and left the outer world, or they were free bodies!

However, when Yu Wenji said that he thought Shi Wuhen was the most likely, everyone couldn't help but be slightly startled.

After all, Shi Wuhen, like them, is one of the nine emperors in troubled times.

Especially Shi Wuhen is the emperor of time, mastering the power of time that is recognized as the most difficult to master, so many people think that if there is no suppression of the three deities, then Wuhen is the most likely to become the fourth supreme one. people.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Wuhen hates the three deities most, so he cooperated with the other eight emperors and participated in the troubled times of the nine emperors.

Such a great emperor could actually be Ren Zun's subordinates?

Yuwen naturally understood the doubts in everyone's hearts, and said with a smile: "Everyone, if we, the people of the two camps, can stand together, then why can't the earthly respect draw those of us over!"

"Furthermore, I just said it's possible, and it doesn't necessarily mean it's always innocent."

"Everyone, let's not talk about these things, or the same sentence, we must now work together and think about how we can fight against the people who may come at any time."

This sentence made everyone feel heavy again.

They have planned for so long, seeing that the plan has been more than half successful, but they did not expect that they were put another one by the earth respect.

In the past, the respected person may not come, but now that people like himself have robbed the respected eye of the illusion and trueness, the respected person will definitely come!

Everyone stopped talking, it was Yu Wenji still taking action, urging the mirrors in their respective hands, causing a light door to appear in front of them.

The eight people stepped into the light gate one by one and turned back to heaven.

When the eight of them disappeared completely, a long river suddenly fell from the sky and appeared in this slowly healing seam.

In this river, there is a flat-leaf boat floating on the top of the boat with a person sitting on it. It is the emperor of time, Shi Wuhen!

Shi Wuhen originally stayed in the Hundred Clan Alliance, but before the Eye of Illusion Reality opened, he left the Hundred Clan Alliance, and no one knew where he had gone.

Of course, no one would have thought that he would have something to do with the clone of Earth Zun!

But the fact is like this, Shi Wuhen, who was originally a subordinate of Dizun!

And like him, he is a free identity on the surface, but secretly he is the powerhouse of the three subordinates. In the real world, there are many!

They are equivalent to three hidden children buried in each area in secret.

On weekdays, I live and do things in my own capacity.

Only when the three deities have an order, they will become their subordinates.

It is even possible that the three deities will not summon them or let them do anything throughout their lives.

Naturally, they do not know each other, and their respective tasks are different.

This time, Shi Wuhen was notified by the avatar of the Earth Venerable and told him to rush here, but he didn't let him show up, just let him hide in the river of time and just watch.

Originally Wuhen was still strange, why did Earth Zun inexplicably send him such a task, until he saw the arrival of Yu Wenji and others, then he understood.

He just secretly transmitted the voice to the earthly respect, and he was naturally the one who wanted to help.

Without the order of the earth-zun, he could only be aside, witnessing the joint attack of the eight Yuwenji, and heard the voice of the earth-zun before he blew himself up, and asked him to talk about the search for the monument. Tell Yu Wenji and others.

At this moment, with the departure of Yu Wenji and others, Shi Wuhen finally appeared.

His complexion was calm, and he didn't show any sadness or anger about the blew of the Earth-sovereign clone.

Because he knows better than Yu Wenji, the real reason for Di Zun's blew up.

As a clone, even though it is impossible to contact the deity, at least it must be the same in all aspects of the deity.

However, this avatar of the Earth Zun did not know whether it was because of too strong strength, or because of the time in the dream domain for too long, which gave him his own consciousness.

In this way, he can't be regarded as a clone, but a brand new independent life.

But unfortunately, he also has part of the memory of the earthly respect, which makes him extremely hope to return to the true realm.

It's a pity that he couldn't go back at all, just as Yu Wenji thought, he was also in prison in Dreamland.

While in jail, he had to inspect the Xunxiu monument for the Di Zun, to find people who could motivate Xunxiu, to perform his duties conscientiously.

Over time, this kind of life made Di Zun clone finally tired of it.

Therefore, the scene of today's Di Zun clone blew himself up!

After Shi Wuhen calmly stared at the place where Yu Wenji and others disappeared for a long time, he stretched out his hand and waved, the river of time beneath him immediately leaped like a dragon and disappeared into the crevice.

The small boat was naturally still going down the river, but Shi Wuhen suddenly stood up, took a direct step, and stepped into the river of time.

After several weird rays of light flashed in front of him, Shi Wuhen was already in a world.

This world is no different from most other worlds, except that it is full of strong aura.

Yes, the aura needed for Taoist monks to practice!

Shi Wuhen stood in the air, looking down at the whole world condescendingly, his eyes directly on a lake.

This lake has a huge area and clear water. There are several mandarin ducks playing leisurely in the water. It is a tranquil scene.

Behind the lake, there are several buildings, built on the lake, and inside them are clearly visible, there are many figures, like a small village.

Shi Wuhen raised his foot and stepped into the village below and landed in the village.

Suddenly, several figures came around, and after seeing clearly that Shi Wuhen appeared, these figures clasped their fists slightly and said, "I have seen the leader."

Shi Wuhen nodded and said, "How about you?"

An old man reached out his hand and pointed to a hut in the distance and said, "I have been practicing there, and I have never left."

Shi Wuhen nodded again, and before coming to the hut, he whispered: "You Dao!"

While he was speaking, only the slightly closed door of the room opened silently and automatically.

Shi Wuhen stepped into the house in no hurry, still standing outside, looking inside.

The decoration and layout of the house is very simple, with only some basic furniture.

However, looking at Shi Wuhen's eyes, the room was full of things that made him feel a little bit jealous...the power of time!

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