The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5792: Strong in the blood, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Hearing this abrupt sound, Jiang Yun's heart couldn't help beating hard, his divine consciousness swept into his body and looked into his soul!

That drop of golden blood was exuding a faint golden light at this moment.

Obviously, the sound comes from this drop of blood!

This drop is said to be from the blood of his first life, Jiang Yun hadn't paid attention to it.

To this day, in the Eye of Fantasy Reality, Jiang Yun has entered the twisted space where the Reality of Fantasy Realm connects with the Realm of Reality.

Seeing that it was about to be melted by the power of the rules of the three statues, this drop of blood suddenly burst out with power, enveloping Jiang Yun's body, and let him escape the fate of extinction, Jiang Yun realized this drop of blood The extraordinary.

But even so, Jiang Yun did not expect that there would be someone hiding in this drop of blood!

You know, although this drop of blood is hidden in your own soul, it is extremely concealed, but there are many strong people who can sense it.

Not to mention the true emperor, even Jiang Gongwang, the first ancestor of the Jiang clan, when he first saw Jiang Yun, he had some doubts about Jiang Yun's identity because he sensed this drop of blood.

Even Jiang Yun believes that the respected human and the respected earth should have also sensed the existence of this drop of his own blood, but Jiang Yun can be sure that there is absolutely no one among them who can know the existence of creatures within the blood!

Is the strength of this creature already stronger than the three, or is it that he has a special ability to hide, making it impossible for outsiders to sense his existence?

Jiang Yun has no time to ponder this question now.

Because no matter which answer it is, it can at least prove that the strength of this strong man will never be weak.

Especially since the other party chooses to speak to himself at this time, maybe he has to point himself!

With the guidance of the other party, I don't say that I can reverse this inevitable war, as long as I can make myself not like a waste, just be a bystander here!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun didn't ask the other party's origin at all, instead of asking why the other party was in his own soul, but eagerly asked: "Senior, do you have a way to make me play a role?"

"Haha!" The voice uttered a laugh without the slightest hint of smile: "Of course there is a way."

"However, even if you are allowed to play a role, in the end, I am afraid that it will still not be able to change the outcome of this war."

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "If you don't try it, how do you know!"

"In this war, as long as we can involve the respect, we have the possibility of winning!"

Suddenly, the voice no longer sounded, as if he was thinking about whether or not to give Jiang Yun some advice.

Although Jiang Yun was extremely anxious, but at this time, he did not dare to urge the other party.

He really didn't know the owner of this voice, he didn't know the other party's temperament.

In case you said something wrong, or made a move that made the other person unhappy, that would be the end.

Now, the other party is my only and last hope.

While Jiang Yun was talking to this mysterious strong man, the number of true emperors on this battlefield increased again.

In the Four Realms of Tibet, among the nine clans, the chief of the sacrificial clan Su Yu, the chief of the robbery clan Xiao Sanqin, the chief of the soul clan Kunwu, the chief of the chaotic clan, and the clan chief of the beast of the Yin and spirit world have rushed out one after another.

Among the nine emperors, the soul emperor Soul Ji, the body emperor Yue Yuan, and the dark emperor Dark Star also stood within the boundary.

Naturally, over there, the true emperors of the eight great families also appeared one after the other.

In short, so many real-ranked emperors played against each other, the real world was broken, the sun and the moon were dull, and the seams were like paper, constantly being broken and smashed.

The speed of space healing is far behind the speed of destruction.

Although these great emperors were playing extremely lively, and under the guidance of the military master Yuwenji, the great emperors of Sijingzang currently have the upper hand.

But everyone knows that it is impossible for them to tell the winner in a short period of time.

Moreover, the possibility of Ren Zun losing is too low and too low.

There is no other reason, Ren Zun hasn't shot yet!

But if there is a true-ranked emperor among his men who is about to lose, he will definitely help him, and he will be able to reverse the situation in an instant.

Of course, the reason why Ren Zun refused to make a move was also because of fear.

He worries about what traps against him are hidden in Dreamland and Sijingzang, so he has to wait and see for a while.

Seeing the passage of time a little bit, the number of true-ranked emperors who are fighting has reached forty.

But Ren Zun's side has slowly reversed its advantage.

No way, the twenty-two true-ranked emperors of Renzun have all played.

On the Sijingzang side, the mirage generation Linggong and Jiang Wanli still did not join the battle.

Although there were two Gu Bu Lao and Dong Fang Bo who acted for them, the total number was only twenty.

Compared with Ren Zun, there are two fewer!

One is more and one is less, which makes the number of true emperors over there to be four more!

That is the true rank emperor, there are four more at once, if they still can't occupy the advantage, then they will be regarded as white cultivation.

For the mirage generation Linggong and Jiang Wanli never played, although other people could not help but have already yelled at them, Dongfang Bo did not speak again.

Jiang Wanli is Jiang Yun's grandfather. Of course Dongfang Bo can't blame or accuse him.

At this moment, Ren Zun's gaze turned, and suddenly he beckoned to the darkness in the distance: "Come out!"

Yuan Ning walked out of the darkness and came to the front of Ren Zun all the way, holding a fist to Ren Zun and said: "Yuan Ning, meet your lord Ren Zun!"

Obviously, Ren Zun had long noticed that Yuan Ning was hiding in the dark, and he had also sensed the breath of Tian Zun that belonged to him!

For Yuan Fan and Ku Lao, who were also hiding in the dark, they both widened their eyes when they saw this scene.

They really didn't expect Ren Zun and Yuan Ning to know each other.

Ren Zun waved his hand, signalling Yuan Ning not to be polite, "How did Tian Zun tell you?"

Yuan Ning clasped his fists again: "Master Tianzun asked me to follow Master Renzun's dispatch during this period of time."

Ren Zun smiled slightly and said: "I see you, it seems that you are not very happy to be sent by me!"

"Otherwise, why always hide in the dark and not show up?"

Yuan Ning shook her head and said, "This is the first time I have seen Master Ren Zun, and there is such a battle. I was really shocked, so I didn't react for a while, and I just watched their fight."

Ren Zun naturally knew that Yuan Ning was just perfunctory, but he didn't break through Yuan Ning's words, and continued to ask with a smile: "How much do you know about Dreamland and Sijingzang?"

Yuan Ning shook his head again and said: "It's true that the younger generation came here to find Sijingzang for Lord Tianzun, but it is only today that the appearance of Lord Renzun made me see Sijingzang for the first time."

"As for the Dreamland, there is always a clone of Master Earthzun, and I dare not enter."

"So, the juniors really don't know much about Dreamland and Sijingzang."

This is the truth of Yuan Ning.

Ren Zun nodded and said: "Since you have the task of Tian Zun, then I will help you."

"Well, you take half of my people and enter the Four Realms of Tibet or Dreamland, you choose by yourself."

"Everything inside, if you want, just take it away."

"The creatures inside, whoever dares to block you, you kill it."

"If you meet someone who can't beat me, I'll call the shots for you!"

Ren Zun finally didn't want to continue to wait like this, so he called Yuan Ning to find the way for him.

Although Yuan Ning wanted to refuse, she also knew that she had no possibility to refuse.

In desperation, she could only nod her head and said: "Then thank Master Ren Zun for being so considerate."

"I still choose Dreamland!"

"Sijingzang, after all, is the thing of the master of the earth, I still don't want to enter."

Ren Zun smiled and said: "Okay, you take people into the dream domain."

"As for these four realms, I will go and see it myself!"

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