The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5582: Sister, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

As Tianzun's voice fell, Xueqing's eyelids suddenly trembled.

After just a few breaths, Xueqing opened his eyes, staring at Tianzun standing in front of him, slightly startled.

Although Xueqing’s current cultivation realm has reached the Fate Dharma realm, this strength, let alone facing Tianzun, even when facing Yuan Ning, she has no resistance at all, and she is defeated by Yuan Ning. Caught, fell into a coma.

Naturally, she didn't know where she was, and who the Tianzun in front of her was.

Tianzun smiled and said: "This is the realm, I am Tianzun."

"I think you should have heard my name!"

Hearing Tianzun's words, Xueqing's complexion suddenly changed, and her body couldn't help but moved towards the back, and then withdrew a few steps.

If it were before Ren Zun attacked the Dreamland, Xueqing would never know who Tian Zun was, but she had witnessed the previous battle with her own eyes. From Jiang Yun's mouth, she heard the Three Zuns in the True Realm, and heard them and Tianzun's name.

And she didn't even expect that she would come to the real world and stand in front of Tianzun!

However, despite the shock in her heart, Xueqing didn't have much fear.

Even after stabilizing her figure again, she actually recovered her calm, looking at Tianzun and said, "I've heard of Senior's name, but I don't know why Senior wants to catch me?"

Tianzun smiled and said: "Because, I think you are pathetic!"

Xueqing was stunned!

When she thought about it, Tianzun’s only purpose for grabbing herself was to use herself to deal with Jiang Yun and lure Jiang Yun to save herself.

But never thought that the reason Tianzun grabbed him was because he looked pitiful!

Tianzun obviously knew Xueqing's inner doubts and shocks, and sighed: "You are Jiang Yunming's wife who is currently marrying and has worshipped Tiandi."

"But, since you got married, how many times have you met Jiang Yun? How long have you been together with your husband and wife?"

"As a wife, it is an extravagant hope to see her husband. You said, you are not pitiful like this?"

Xueqing recovered, shook her head and said, "I don't think I am pitiful."

"My husband, has a heart for the world..."

Before Xueqing could finish her words, Tianzun interrupted unceremoniously: "Yes, he has the world in his heart, and he is a great hero upright and upright."

"You are willing to comfort yourself and speak for him. This is your duty as a wife. There is nothing wrong with it."

"But have you ever thought, why can't you stay together for a long time?"

"Because your strength is too weak, instead of giving him any help, you will be a drag on him."

"For example, now, you must think that I arrested you just to take advantage of you and attract Jiang Yun to come."

Xueqing looked at Tianzun and said, "Isn't it?"

"If it's not, then please seniors, send me back to Dreamland."

Tianzun smiled and shook his head: "You really embarrass me!"

"Your husband has broken down the channel. In a short period of time, it is impossible for me to open the channel between the Dreamland and the Realm, and I can't send you back."

"However, since you know my identity, you should also understand that it is not difficult for me to catch Jiang Yun."

"I have no malice against you. I brought you here to help you, and even more to help Jiang Yun!"

Xueqing opened her eyes wide, and looked at Tianzun with a blank look in her eyes.

Rao was considered a clever and wise person, but at this moment, she realized that she couldn't understand the words of the Tianzun in front of her.

The other party arrested himself to True Domain to help himself and Jiang Yun?

Tianzun narrowed his smile and said, "I know, you don't understand or believe me."

"But you should understand that with my strength, there is no need to say these things to you at all."

"I just need to erase the memory in your soul and make up a memory for you. I want you to believe who you think you are."

"Even if I tell you that Jiang Yun is your unshakable enemy, right?"

Xueqing nodded silently.

Although she is not strong, she still knows all the methods the strong possess.

Not to mention Tianzun, even an ordinary emperor has a variety of methods to easily do what Tianzun said.

Erase your own memory and disconnect the predestined relationship between yourself and Jiang Yun.

Even, directly drew out his soul to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation and rebirth!

But Tianzun didn't do this, but awakened himself and told himself so much.

Thinking of this, Xueqing already faintly believed Tianzun's words in her heart, so she asked, "Then, how can you help me and Jiang Yun?"

Tianzun said faintly: "It's very simple. Improve your strength so that you can catch up with Jiang Yun as soon as possible until you surpass Jiang Yun, and then help him."

"Jiang Yun's situation is very dangerous. Many people treat him as a piece of meat and plan to swallow him."

"But it is precisely because there are too many people holding this kind of thinking, so letting everyone hold each other down gives Jiang Yun time to grow up."

"Jiang Yun is growing very fast, but the faster he grows, the greater the danger for him."

"This time, Ren Zun attacked you because Ren Zun couldn't wait and wanted to swallow Jiang Yun."

Upon hearing this, Xueqing couldn't help but said, "Isn't the senior one of these people?"

Tianzun nodded and said: "Originally, I was indeed one of them, but after I met Jiang Yun, I stopped this idea."

Xueqing immediately asked: "Why!"

Tianzun did not answer this question, but instead asked: "Do you understand the relationship between the real domain and the dream domain?"

"Or, do you know what the endless world we live in is like?"

Xueqing shook her head, how is she qualified to know this!

"I'm not completely clear, but I know a little bit more than you."

While speaking, Tianzun suddenly raised his hand and waved in the air, and an oval-shaped ball appeared in front of Xueqing.

"This is the real domain!"

Tianzun pointed at the ball and waved his hand again, and a large area of ​​darkness immediately appeared around the ball, which surrounded the ball layer by layer.

"This is outside the true realm!"

"The area outside the true domain is much larger than the true domain. Even though I have explored it, I still can't know the specific number of this area."

"However, outside the true realm, there are also powerful creatures. For example, the nightmare is a kind of creature outside the true realm!"

"They also want to enter the real realm, or in other words, want to bring the real realm into the darkness as well."

"The three of us look very beautiful, but we also need to protect the real realm to prevent powerful existence outside these real realms from entering the real realm."

"Fortunately, there are extremely solid space barriers around the real world, so that we don't need too much effort to block them."

"However, Zai Di Zun asked Sikongzi to refine the Sijing Zang and send the Sijing Zang out of the true realm. If you want to open up another world, or say that after a realm, the situation outside the real realm, just Some subtle changes have taken place."

"The Nightmare Beast actually created a dreamland based on the Four Realms Tibetan!"

"This is how you and Jiang Yun were born!"

"Why does Nightmare create Dreamland? It should also become a deity and an existence above the supreme."

"In the beginning, we didn't know this and didn't care too much about it."

"After all, even if the Nightmare beast becomes a deity, it can't threaten us."

"However, this time, after seeing the situation in Dreamland with my own eyes, I realized that such a thing is not something Nightmare can do."

"In other words, behind the Nightmare Beast, someone clearly pointed!"

Xueqing was fascinated by it, and couldn't help but follow Tianzun's words and asked, "Who?"

Tianzun suddenly laughed and said: "Now, I answer your last question, why should I help you and Jiang Yun."

"Although this relationship is a bit complicated, since you are Jiang Yun's wife, you can also call me... Senior Sister!"

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