The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5904: How to break the game, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun did not hear the mysterious person's voice, but he clearly heard the master's voice, which made him repeat involuntarily: "Broken the game?"


Gu Bu Lao nodded again and repeated the same: "Although I don't know my true identity, I clearly remember that my purpose in coming to Dreamland and Sijingzang was to break the game."

Jiang Yun immediately asked: "What game will you break?"

Gu Bu Lao didn't answer, but instead looked at the Nightmare Beast.

The Nightmare Beast obviously knew the purpose of the old age, and his voice immediately sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "I felt like I was in the game a long time ago."

"It seems that Dreamland and I, no, it should be said that I created Dreamland and everything I did afterwards was due to other people's arrangements."

Jiang Yun was shocked again!

The Nightmare was originally an ignorant demon outside the true realm. It was because of an accidental acquisition of the Dharma that it opened up.

It just so happened that there was another earth-zun who sent Sijingzang to his side...

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's body trembled suddenly, and he blurted out: "Could it be that the person who lays out is the respect of the earth."

"It was he who deliberately sent Sijingzang to your side to open up your mind and know clearly that you will open up the realm of dreams and create us creatures?"

While saying these words, Jiang Yun had a shuddering feeling.

The nightmare's vague shadow shook for a moment, and it should have made a nodding motion and said: "I have had such suspicions, but I can't be sure."

"Not only the earth respect!"

"Ren Zun asked Yu Hanqing to contact the bitter old man, and arranged two large formations for the monks of the bitter territory, and divided me into two, and then divided into 108 souls, so that the dream domain gradually became more than the domain. , Extinction Domain and Dao Domain."

"This is also a round!"

"Respect, it is also possible to be the person of layout."

Jiang Yun was silent.

Suddenly hearing these inferred thoughts from Master and Nightmare, his mind was completely messed up, and he lost the ability to think.

Fortunately, Gu Bulao has continued: "Fourth old, you don't have to think too complicated."

"The whole thing is actually very simple."

"First of all, if all of this is true, and someone is really laying it out, then the person who is laying out is nothing more than the Three Realms of True Realm."

"Apart from them, no one else can have this means and ability."

"Secondly, the purpose of their layout, in the final analysis, is to be able to transcend the Supreme and become an existence above the Supreme."

"And to achieve their goals, you need to be like you, able to motivate the birth of people who seek to repair monuments."

Jiang Yun's confused thoughts became clear again in the master's explanation.

Hearing this, he slowly said: "Yes, that's why the earth-zun will refine the Four Realm Zang, and will send a large number of real-world creatures, erase their memories, and hope they can walk out of all kinds of things. A new way of spiritual practice."

Gu Bu Lao smiled slightly and said: "Yes, but don't forget that the founder of the four ways of cultivation is not related to Sijingzang at all!"

Jiang Yun's expression changed. Indeed, he had never noticed this!

The road of penance was pioneered by Shura.

And the reason why Shura was able to create a penance practice is because the nightmare gave Shura Buddhism inheritance!

The method of gathering repairs originated from the nightmare beast's separation of souls!

Jiang Yun once saw the lines of the various powers that make up the universe on one of the tentacles of the nightmare beast's soul division.

Although the specific creator of the method of cultivation of the realm is not clear, the source of all the power of the realm comes from the longevity lock on his body.

Ji Kongfan, the strongest person in Extinguish Domain, was influenced by the Great Nirvana from outside the law.

As for the founder of Taoism, it is the ancient spirit of immortality!

The emergence of the four cultivation methods has nothing to do with Sijingzang!

Even if there is no Four-Boundary Treasure, as long as there are places outside the law, there should still be four ways of practicing.

In other words, if Earth Zun really only wants to rely on the Four Boundaries to find the motivating stone for repairing? People, there is no hope at all!

Gu Bu Lao continued: "Now, you should understand why, my purpose is to break the game!"

Jiang Yun naturally understood.

The master came from a place outside the law, so logically speaking, he should be an outsider.

However, he remembered that his purpose in coming to Dreamland and Sijingzang was to break the game.

That means that he and the place outside the law are also in the game!

Gu Bulao seemed to be afraid that Jiang Yun still didn't understand, and continued to explain: "Okay, I'll summarize it for you."

"This round may be the work of one of the three deities, or it may be the work of the three together."

"Since it is a game, it means that they are not blindly waiting for the birth of a person who can help them become supreme, but they are deliberately cultivating such a person to appear."

"To put it simply, you can think that they can predict the future and know that you or someone is the person they need to find."

"Therefore, they, in turn, set up such a game to promote the birth of you or someone."

"Then, through individual people, one by one, one by one, we will guide your growth and practice step by step, leading to the results they know!"

Jiang Yun actually understood what the master meant, but was still shocked by Master's simple explanation.

If all of this is true, then self, even birth, is the arrangement of the person who arranges!

This is really terrible!

What's even more frightening is that in order to make oneself walk toward the result that they believe step by step, in this process, too many people and things have to be involved.

If you want to be born, you need the entire Jiang family to appear.

The premise for Jiang's emergence also requires the existence of the domain of suffering.

If you want to become a Taoist cultivator, you need the appearance of Taoist domain first.

In short, in the whole process, even if there is a small deviation, it may cause oneself to fail to appear, leading to ultimate failure!

Jiang Yun could hardly imagine how powerful and sophisticated deployment it would take to accomplish such a complicated thing!

However, the four words "foresee the future" spoken by the master made Jiang Yun's heart also shocked, and he couldn't help but look at the drop of blood in his body.

In the blood, the mysterious person's voice suddenly sounded: "There is such a possibility!"

"I can see the future, and naturally the three statues may also see the future."

"In the previous war, since you can change the future that originally happened, naturally someone can control everything and ensure that some kind of future happens!"

"Three statues, with such strength!"

Jiang Yun didn't care, why the mysterious man took the initiative to answer the doubts in his heart without having to speak by himself.

The mysterious man's reply made him believe the words of Master and Nightmare even more.

After a short moment passed, Jiang Yun finally raised his head again and looked at the master and said, "How to break the game?"

Since Master and Nightmare beast told themselves all this now, they must have thought of a way to break the game.

Sure enough, Gu Bulao changed his voice to say: "In such a big game, unless all the creatures are puppets and have no independent consciousness, otherwise, there must be an individual, or an object, to promote one thing. , So that everything can be developed in accordance with the ideas of the layout of the people."

"Since we suspect that the entire game is the work of the three deities, and we are not sure which supreme it is, we should consider the three deities to join forces."

"Then, the first thing we need to do is to find out all the people and things related to the three deities!"

"Now, what I can be sure of is that you, Nightmare, and Shura are not three people."

"As for your ancestor, I also deliberately tried before, and said so much in front of him. At present, it seems that his suspicion is relatively light."

Jiang Yun noticed that Master did not count himself in.

Just about to speak, but when the words came to his lips, Jiang Yun swallowed again.

Master himself has said that he has a relationship with Tianzun, so naturally it is possible that he is also Tianzun's person!

This made Jiang Yun smile bitterly. If Master is a person of Heavenly Honor, then what Master is doing now is to promote the continued operation of the whole bureau?

"The Nine Emperors and the Nine Clans are the most suspicious."

"Therefore, now you go to the Nine Tribes and Nine Emperors, and the Nightmare Beast and I will check it secretly. If we can be sure, we will kill them!"

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