The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5923: Forget yourself, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After being comforted by Jiang Yun, Feng Beiling has basically walked out of the shadow of the rules of human respect.

At this moment, he was meditating in retreat, and he didn't notice the arrival of the old age at all.

It wasn't until he heard Gu Bulao's voice that he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Gu Bulao, with a look of surprise on his face and said, "Brother Gu!"

"What did you just say?"

Feng Beiling knew Gu Bu Lao. When Gu Bu Lao went to the Realm of Fantasy for the first time, like Jiang Yun, he entered the illusion of Feng Beiling's world and met Feng Beiling.

In addition, Gu Bulao also became friends with Feng Beiling.

Later, Gu Bu Lao was held hostage by the Great Emperor Ninety, and went to see Feng Beiling again, which made Jiang Yun get news from Feng Beiling when he was looking for Gu Bu Lao.

Now, facing the emergence of Gu Bu Lao and the questions Gu Bu Lao asked, Feng Bei Ling naturally heard it, but did not understand the meaning of Gu Bu Lao.

What does it mean that I have forgotten who I am?

Looking at Feng Beiling's expression, Gu Bu Lao shook his head and said, "I told you a long time ago that your force of forgetting will definitely have side effects."

"You don't believe me!"

"Now it's okay, I thought you were pretending to forget who you are, deliberately confuse the respected person and the respected earth."

"But you're fine, you really forgot!"

Feng Beiling finally understood the meaning of Gu Bu Lao, and suddenly stood up and looked at Gu Bu Lao and said, "Gu brother, I am the ancestor of the Fantasy Realm Wind Clan, do you think I have other identities?"

Gu Bu Lao sighed and said: "You have more than other identities. At the beginning, we and Tianzun sneaked an attack on Earth Zun!"

"What!" Feng Beiling almost went out of his eyes.

Not only does he have another identity, but he also cooperated with Tianzun and attacked Earthzun!

Who the **** is it?

Gu Bu Lao sighed again and said, "Otherwise, if I run to the Realm of Fantasy, how can I find you well!"

Gu Bu Lao shook his head again and said, "Oh, it doesn't make sense to say this now."

"On the power of forgetting, no one can be better than you. You can forget your true identity, and I can't help you remember it."

"You can only think of a solution by yourself and see if you can remember it."

After a pause, Gu Bu Lao continued: "Or, when Jiang Yun's Forgotten Way is exquisite enough, see if he can help you remember it!"

Although the words were meaningless, Gu Bu Lao still couldn't help but stared at Feng Beiling bitterly: "I still think, Jiang Yun is about to go to the real realm. He is unfamiliar in life, if you still remember you Your true identity, your family and subordinates, maybe you can provide some help to Jiang Yun."

"Now, hum!"

Gu Bu Lao flicked his sleeves dissatisfied, turned and left.

Obviously he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Feng Beiling.

However, when he was about to step out of the door, Gu Bulao stopped his figure again, turned his head and looked at Feng Beiling, and continued: "If you forget who you are, then forget it. Anyway, we won't be able to return to the truth for the time being. Domain, little impact."

"However, you must never tell anyone about today's matter. It is better to let you forget it again."

"Because Jiang Yun is about to go to True Realm, in case something about you is known by the True Realm cultivator, it may be detrimental to Jiang Yun."

"Also, the rules of human respect in your body are not a big problem, you can't die!"

After speaking, the ancient body shape completely disappeared, leaving behind a dumbfounded Feng Beiling.

At this moment, Feng Beiling was in a mess in his mind.

Although he has been in the illusion for thousands of years and his memory is a bit chaotic, he can still roughly remember the important moments of his life such as his birth, growth, and marriage.

However, he actually has another identity.

Moreover, his other identity is not an ordinary person, and he is qualified to attack the Earth Zun with Tianzun.

Heavenly Sovereign and Earth Sovereign are the top powerhouses in the real domain.

He and Gu Bulao were able to fight side by side with Tianzun, so their status could be lowered?

After a long time, Feng Beiling scratched his head and muttered to himself: "I was really so good back then?"

"Couldn't, there are actually four Supremes in True Realm, no, they are five Supremes, Gu Bulao and I are the other two Supremes, right!"

"Then why did I go to the realm of fantasy and almost blew myself up. Fortunately, I didn't die. Wouldn't I be wronged if I died?"

"The old is not old, the old is not old, you just tell me everything!"

"However, he was right, Jiang Yun is about to go to the real world..."

"Huh?" Feng Beiling said in a daze: "Jiang Yun is going to True Realm? How is he going? What is he going to do, and should he die?"

Feng Beiling wanted to catch up with the immortality of the past, or to find Jiang Yun and ask for more information.

But he also knew that this dream domain was not safe, and if someone with a heart heard about him, it would be a great trouble.

"never mind!"

In the end, Feng Beiling could only sigh helplessly: "For safety's sake, I should forget these things quickly!"

At this moment, Jiang Yun has already come to the place of Jiyu's big array.

But what he didn't expect was that here, he actually saw his master, standing there with a smile, obviously waiting for him.

"Master!" Jiang Yun stepped forward in surprise: "Why are you here?"

Jiang Yun didn't tell Master that he would go to the true realm from Liu Peng's formation.

Gu Bu Lao smiled slightly and said, "You can hide it from me if you think carefully!"

"I know you are ready to leave without saying goodbye, so I hurried over to see you off."

"Don't worry, I'm not here to stop you from going to the real world, but to give you something and tell you something."

While speaking, Gu Bulao raised his hand, and two beams of light flew out of his hand and flew towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun caught the light group, swept away his spiritual consciousness, and found that it was a profound sense of cultivation.

"The power of assimilation?"

Gu Bu Lao nodded and said: "Yes, I have taken out all the cultivation insights of your uncle and Gu Ling!"

"The power of assimilation is actually the power controlled by the earthly respect, and it is also the embodiment of his rules."

"If you can go a step further in the power of assimilation, perhaps, you can disguise yourself as a person of the territorial respect."

"In this case, if you can't stay in the Human Respect Domain, at least you can still go to the Earth Respect Domain."

"Okay, hurry up, and now integrate their spiritual insights to see if you can prove the Dao, I will protect you!"

Only then did Jiang Yun understand Master's good intentions, and naturally he would not disappoint Master's kindness.

Nodded vigorously, Jiang Yun directly sent the two groups of practice insights into his eyebrows, then sat down cross-legged and began to preach.

Gu Bu Lao stood beside Jiang Yun and looked at him calmly.

At the same time, seven figures came out of Sijingzang!

When these seven people saw each other, they couldn't help being slightly startled, and they didn't expect to see each other here.

These seven people are the Soul Emperor Soul Ji, the Blood Emperor Blood Impermanence, the Flesh Emperor Yue Yuan, the Dead Emperor Sheng He Huan, the Demon Emperor Demon Lord, the Wild Clan Chief and the Soul Clan Chief!

After a start, the seven people snorted again, and their bodies disappeared without a trace.

But the next moment, the seven figures appeared at the same time next to the great formation of the universe!

Gu Bu Lao looked up at the seven great emperors coming together, smiled coldly, his sleeves rolled up, and a powerful breath covered Liu Peng.

Then, Gu Bulao looked at the seven people and said: "Why, what kind of wind is this, blowing the seven great emperors together."

"Could it be that all seven of you are looking for my fourth child?"

The seven people glanced at each other. Although there was a flash of surprise in their eyes, they immediately recovered their calm and understood that the other people had the same purpose as their own.

They are all here to find Jiang Yun!

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