The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6178: Swallowing artifact, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing that thousands of magical instruments, like dense raindrops, attacked one after another, with Wu Chenzi's strength, at this moment, there was a sense of fear in his heart.

Although his physical body is indeed extremely powerful, but he is not immortal.

As long as the power to attack him is strong enough, for example, any one of the three deities can easily be directly obliterated.

Although these magical instruments in front of us are only defective products, they are basically imperial instruments, and Jiang Yun personally controls them with his own soul, so that the various auras they exude are like one by one. The dead emperor is like a monk.

Wu Chenzi didn't go to fight against these magical instruments, but chose to hold his head with his hands, and the whole person curled up together, using his body to withstand the attacks of these magical instruments.

"Keng Keng!"

All the magical weapons hit Wu Chenzi's huge body almost at the same time, making a series of crisp metal crashing sounds, endless.

Immediately afterwards, another "bang-bang-bang" sound rang.

Wu Chenzi's body is not only capable of defense, but when the magic weapon pierced his body, a wave of counter-shock force was sent out, and all the magic weapons were knocked away.

Jiang Yun's soul, in the magical artifact, can clearly see that there are countless traces on Wu Chenzi's body, which is slowly disappearing.

But among them, there are more than a hundred traces, and there are faint blood spots overflowing.

In other words, among so many magical instruments, there are only a hundred kinds that can really hurt Wu Chenzi's body.

This Wu Chenzi's physical strength is really incredible.

However, Jiang Yun's first round of attacks did not explode the full power of all magical weapons, and could only be regarded as a temptation.

The next moment, Jiang Yun controlled all the magical weapons again, and attacked Wu Chenzi.

It's just that this time the magic weapon's attack was no longer aimless, but divided into hundreds of groups of more than one hundred kinds, and continuously pierced towards the location of Wu Chenzi's body with blood spots.

At the same time, a flame suddenly rose from the hands of Jiang Yun's deity, and a large amount of medicinal materials flew out of the storage artifact and fell into the flame.

Jiang Yun is refining poison!

Wu Chenzi's physical body is too strong, even if the opponent is not defensive, letting these magical weapons continue to attack, I am afraid it will take a long time to really pierce his body.

Therefore, it is better to refine some poison, put the poison on the magic weapon, follow the wound on Wu Chenzi's body, and penetrate into his body.

Although Jiang Yun can be sure that the various organs in Wu Chenzi's body must be equally powerful, but now he can only use this two-pronged approach to try to deal with each other.

And this way, only Jiang Yun can do it.

His refining knowledge is extremely high, and he has an understanding of various poisons.

The Primordial Medicine Sect gave him three medicinal materials that he used to refine the Primordial Pill.

However, when Jiang Yun started to refine the medicine while controlling the magic weapon to launch the third attack, then Wu Chenzi seemed to be aware of the crisis.

He heard the voice of "Keng Keng Keng" again.

It's just that the sound this time was not caused by the magic weapon hitting his body, but from the inside of his body.

Jiang Yun could see clearly that on Wu Chenzi's body that had shrunk into a ball, there were sharp spikes suddenly bursting out of his body.

In an instant, his whole body was covered with more than a hundred spikes.

If Wu Chenzi before was like a tortoise, then he is now a hedgehog!

Those spikes are Wu Chenzi's bones!

Each one is shining with cold light and exudes a sharp aura.

At the same time, the magic weapon happened to attack Wu Chenzi's body, and collided with his bones.

Suddenly, there was a chaotic sound.

Some magical instruments were knocked out by the bones, and some magical instruments were directly pierced by the bones, or even collapsed directly.

In Wu Chenzi's curled up body, his voice came out: "Fang Jun, you have enough fights, now it's my turn!"

In the voice, Wu Chenzi's body slowly stretched out!

At this moment, he said he was a human, rather than a monster!

His body was covered with spikes, his muscles were towering, and his eyes were gleaming with blood.

The moment he straightened up, he suddenly stretched out his big hand, grabbed a few magical artifacts that were closer to him, and squeezed it forcefully.

These magical artifacts easily turned into a pile of real waste products.

Obviously, after realizing the limited threat posed to him by these magical instruments, Wu Chenzi finally relaxed and no longer chose passive defense, but chose to attack actively.

Jiang Yun also gave up the act of refining poison, looking at Wu Chenzi, who was not human, demon, and demon, thinking about countermeasures.

Although Jiang Yun had a very high understanding of Wu Chenzi's strength, he knew that he had underestimated the opponent after he really fought.

Even if trapped in this mound, even if attacked by so many magical weapons at the same time, it is still not enough to cause a fatal threat to Wu Chenzi.

Now, there is still another way, which is to urge all the magical weapons to explode.

In that case, the power is much greater than the explosion of the previous five formations, and it should be able to make Wu Chenzi pay a certain price.

However, this is the inside of the tomb. If thousands of magical weapons are really exploded, the tomb will be completely abandoned.

Jiang Yun didn't feel sorry for this grave, but the grave, which was his only support now.

The rest of the array stones sent by the Array Spirit are basically for auxiliary use and cannot be used.

If Wu Chenzi still has a hole card in his body, or if this is still not Wu Chenzi's full strength, then once Jiang Yun has no weapon mound, he really has nothing to do with it.

"Fang Jun, get out of me!"

At this moment, Wu Chenzi let out a roar, while standing up from the ground, grabbed a few more magical artifacts.

And just when he was about to crush these magical artifacts, his brows suddenly wrinkled, and he sniffed and said, "No, why is there a breath of flesh in this magical artifact?"

Although Jiang Yun entered into the magic weapon to control with the divided soul, his soul and physical body have been perfectly fused, so it is not surprising that there is a physical body in the soul.

It was impossible to notice it when it was replaced by someone else, but Wu Chenzi had studied the physical body for a lifetime, and he felt it at this moment.

Wu Chenzi placed these magical instruments next to his nose, and said in confusion, "Are you using your physical body to control these magical instruments?"

When the words fell, he suddenly smashed the magical artifacts with force, and then stuffed them into his own mouth, and chewed them.

Those magical instruments are extremely strong, but Wu Chenzi's teeth are obviously more terrifying, just like eating broad beans, chewing them squeaky.

"I see!"

Wu Chenzi's eyes lit up and said, "The soul enters the flesh!"

"Your body and soul have become one, so you still use your soul to control these magical instruments, but you have the aura of the body."

"The soul enters the flesh. This is the way of the Demon Race. Are you actually a descendant of the Demon Race?"

"Hey, there is still the aura of grandeur in this soul!"

The light in Wu Chenzi's eyes was brighter, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, the spirit of Hongmeng, I haven't found it after looking for it for a long time. Unexpectedly, you have it in your soul."

"This is really God's help!"

"With the enlightenment, my physical body can go further!"

"Fang Jun, I came here to capture you this time, and there was such an unexpected gain, hahaha!"

Just like Jiang Yun's previous thoughts, the air of Hongmeng had a fatal attraction to Wu Chenzi.

And then, Wu Chenzi began to frantically grab those magical artifacts and put them all in his mouth.

Wu Chenzi hopes to use this method to rob Jiang Yun's spirit of greatness.

Instead of avoiding it, Jiang Yun took the initiative to send all the magical weapons to Wu Chenzi's mouth.

Because, he finally had another way to deal with Wu Chenzi!

At the same time, three figures appeared at the border between Jiehai and Dizun.

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