The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6265: Future past, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sixth thousand two hundred and sixty-five chapters future past

Although Jiang Yun agreed to let Weiyang Girl use the so-called soul-changing method to save the second elder sister, he naturally did not dare to completely believe the other party, and he always paid close attention to Weiyang Girl's every move and his own soul.

At this moment, seeing the girl Wei Yang release her palm, she just looked at herself, and there was no discomfort in her soul, which made him a little puzzled and asked: "Senior, have you completed the soul change? ?"

Regarding Jiang Yun's words, Wei Young girl didn't react at all, as if she had never heard her, she still stared at Jiang Yun with straight eyes.

And there was no wave in her eyes, as if she was thinking about something.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun spoke again and asked again that she blinked her eyes, as if she was waking up from a dream, she finally had a look in her eyes.

And she still stared at Jiang Yun and said, "Who are you anyway?"

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to answer this question, she continued: "When I saw you here before, I felt that you made me feel familiar."

"Just now, I came into contact with your soul, which made me more certain. I am not familiar with your soul, but should know it very well."

"But when I think about it, I find that I don't understand it at all."

"Even, before today, I have never seen you."

Female Weiyang frowned while she was talking.

Obviously, she herself is a bit hard to understand this inconsistency.

However, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved, and four words emerged in his mind-cause and effect Suhui!

It is very possible that the Weiyang girl also possesses the wisdom of cause and effect.

In other words, Wei Yang had searched her soul in her previous life!

With the emergence of this thought, Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly condensed, and his divine sense looked directly at the drop of blood in his soul.

The mysterious man just told himself that in the future that originally happened, his soul was dismembered a little bit by Weiyang girl like Ling Chi, looking for the secret of Dao Xiu.

And now, Weiyang Girl feels that she has a feeling of deja vu about her soul, and she even knows it very well...

Since she has changed the future under the guidance of the mysterious person, it means that Wei Yang has no chance to mutilate her soul.

But she also possesses the wisdom of cause and effect, and feels that she has touched and understood her soul!

Jiang Yun suddenly spoke to the mysterious man one by one: "Senior, I would like to ask, is everything you see the original future or the distant past!"

Ever since meeting Shi Manyin of the Primordial Medicine Sect, knowing the cause and effect Suhui, and encountering the Primordial Spirit, Jiang Yun has actually had some doubts about the original future that the mysterious man said.

But those doubts were too vague to catch him at all, so he had been ignored, and he never asked the mysterious person.

Up to this moment, hearing what Wei Yang said, finally made Jiang Yun realize that something was wrong.

The mysterious person should be someone who also possesses causal wisdom, and he can remember far more things that happened in the last reincarnation than Shi Manyin and others.

The so-called future he saw that he told himself was actually the past, something that had already happened in the last reincarnation!

The mysterious man's voice quickly sounded: "Is there a difference between the two?"

"If Ren Zun succeeds in attacking Dreamland, the past will become the future, and the future will be the same as the past!"

The somewhat slurred words of the mysterious man made Jiang Yun not react for a while.

Fortunately, the mysterious man has continued: "Do you still remember the causal method you created!"

Jiang Yun naturally remembered that it was to draw a complete circle with the force of cause and effect.

"This circle can also be seen as the round in which all lives are placed."

"Whether you stand in any position of the circle, if forward means going to the future, and backward means the past, then no matter whether you walk forward or backward, you will eventually walk to where you originally stood. "

Jiang Yun thought about it for a moment before he understood the meaning of the mysterious man.

Indeed, all creatures are in the game,

Regardless of the purpose of the person who arranged this game, the development of all things will eventually coincide.

The future will become the past, and the past will also become the future.

"The so-called break is to blaze a new path out of this circle and welcome a brand new future!"

After the mysterious man dropped these words, he stopped talking, and Jiang Yun smiled bitterly in his heart.

Although I understand what the other party said, I still don't know anything about the other party's origin.

At this time, the girl Wei Yang spoke again: "In your soul, there is too much power, both the mark of the earthly deity, and the power of the demon yuanzi, and there is a power that I can't explain."

"I can crack them one by one, but in that case, I myself might also be hurt by the power in your soul."

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "It turns out that Senior hasn't started the method of soul exchange yet!"

"Nonsense!" Wei Yang said coldly: "I save Situ Jing, but it's just to save Di Zun's face, you think I really want to save her, and it is impossible to save her and hurt myself."

"Now, either you will remove all the power in your soul yourself, or I will not save Situ Jing."

Jiang Yun didn't answer, but Wei Yang suddenly shouted again: "Old monster, come in!"

"What's wrong?"

Yao Yuanzi's voice immediately sounded, and people had already appeared in the room.

Female Weiyang reached out her hand and pointed at Jiang Yun, looked at Yao Yuanzi and said, "Who is he?"

Jiang Yun was taken aback again!

Yao Yuanzi blinked and said, "His name is Yu Fengxing, Yu Jiao Clan..."

Before Yao Yuanzi could finish her words, Wei Yang's daughter had already unceremoniously interrupted: "Okay, old monster, now even I dare to lie!"

"If you don't tell the truth, then our friendship will end!"

Yao Yuanzi waved his hand and said: "Wei Young, it's not that I want to lie to you, but the identity of this child is really special. If I tell him, he will be worried about his life."

Weiyang female stared at the demon yuanzi with her eyes straight and said: "Why, don't you even believe me?"

"It's not that I didn't believe it!" Yao Yuanzi said with a wry smile: "I promised this kid to keep it secret for him."

"Don't tell me!" Wei Yang female stood up and said: "I'm leaving!"

Seeing that Wei Yang was leaving, Jiang Yun hurriedly said: "Senior, Your Highness Situ..."

Weiyang girl glared at Jiang Yun and said: "She is the daughter of Dizun, not my daughter. What does her life and death have to do with me."

Jiang Yun finally knew now that the first soul shaping master was not only cruel, but also had a really weird temper.

But he didn't dare to offend her.

After all, I still count on her to save the second elder sister, even the elder brother.

Looking at the Weiyang girl who had really reached out to open the door and was about to leave, Jiang Yun said helplessly: "Senior wants to know my true origins, I told Senior it is."

Weiyang's figure stopped immediately and turned to look at Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun sighed in his heart. The reason why he decided to tell his true origin was not only because of the second elder sister, but also because Soul Ji once entrusted him to find Weiyang Girl.

The soul girl of the nine emperors in troubled times is the disciple of Weiyang Girl.

Moreover, Hun Ji said that she had participated in the turbulent times of the Nine Emperors without telling the Weiyang Girl.

Because Weiyang is in Tianzun's place, she seems to have a lofty status, but in fact she is under house arrest.

Soul Ji wants to win the favor of Tianzun through the turbulent times of the Nine Emperors, so as to be able to give Weiyang female freedom.

Jiang Yun couldn't believe what Soul Ji said, so he didn't plan to tell Weiyang Girl right now.

But now that the second elder sister is dying, Jiang Yun can only hope that Soul Ji has not lied to himself!

The demon Yuanzi on the side had already closed his mouth. Since Jiang Yun wanted to say it himself, he would naturally not stop him.

Moreover, he actually wanted to know the specific identity of Jiang Yun.

At the same time, he also needs to consider how to tell Jiang Yun that the Earth Zun intends to let Jiang Yun lead the Extreme Emperor to attack the Dreamland.

Under the gaze of the two true-ranked emperors, Jiang Yun did not seek the opinions of the mysterious man anymore. Runes appeared directly in his soul.

Looking at these runes, Yao Yuanzi and Wei Yang's eyes widened at the same time.

They naturally recognized it at a glance, these runes are exactly the soul patterns of the Weiyang girl!

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