The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6276: Imagine picture, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Chapter 6276: Imaginary Picture

Jiang Yun opened his eyes abruptly, and his face showed a thick color of doubt.

What he had just entered was not the real world, but just a space within a rune.

Even the thunder spirit condensed from countless runes has been swallowed by Jiang Yun and turned into his own Dao, but in the space within only one rune, there is a powerful might that can shred his divine consciousness. Pressure.

This made Jiang Yun feel puzzled. What exactly did that coercion come from? It can't be that there is a powerful existence or magic weapon in the rune!

However, while puzzled, it also made Jiang Yun a little excited.

Because it was the mysterious person who asked him to take a closer look at Lei Ling's runes.

With the character of a mysterious person, being able to give such specific instructions must have his purpose.

Obviously, releasing that coercive thing is most likely the purpose of the mysterious man.

Jiang Yun did not ask the mysterious person directly, but separated a more powerful sense of God, and once again entered the inside of a rune of thunder.

The whole process is exactly the same as before.

Jiang Yun also didn't know how long and how far he walked, but he felt a wave of pressure again.

Although his divine sense was still torn to pieces by coercion this time, before the divine sense dissipated, Jiang Yun at least vaguely saw a vague floc.

Next, Jiang Yun began to separate out more powerful spiritual consciousness, and continuously entered the world in the rune again and again.

Every time, he would still be torn to pieces by that coercion, but the picture he saw became clearer and clearer.

After not knowing how many attempts he went through, Jiang Yun finally saw the full picture of the thing that released the pressure.

That is a cloud!

The area of ​​the cloud is not large. From where Jiang Yun is standing, it can be estimated that it is only about a hundred zhang at most.

And the breath of thunder that Jiang Yun sensed came from this cloud.

It's a pity that no matter how hard Jiang Yun works, he can only see the cloud clearly. He can no longer see clearly what is in the cloud, nor can he approach it any more.

It seems that this cloud is the end of this world and the biggest secret.

Therefore, Jiang Yun temporarily gave up this rune and moved into another thunder rune.

Unexpectedly, in other runes, his experience is exactly the same as before.

Inside all the thunder runes, after reaching the extreme, there is a cloud, and the terrifying coercion that can easily tear his consciousness into pieces.

This result caused Jiang Yun to fall into contemplation.

"A rune hides a cloud that can't even get close to my spiritual sense."

"In a cloud, there is another hint of thunder."

"If these runes are large enough and condensed together, will the clouds inside also condense together?"

"The rule of thunder, the source of the rule, the cloud..."

In Jiang Yun's self-talking, a boundless sea of ​​clouds appeared in his mind.

In the sea of ​​clouds, light spots began to appear one after another.

Gradually, these light spots turned into hair-thin thunders again!

All the thunders, as if they had life, cruised fast in the sea of ​​clouds, and the electric light emitted was connected into one piece, covering the entire sea of ​​clouds, which was extremely magnificent.

Looking at it, people can't tell whether this is a sea of ​​clouds or a sea of ​​thunder!

Whenever two thunderbolts collide together, they will explode even more amazing electric light, as if two strong men are fighting.

The consequence of the fight is that the two thunders will fuse into a brand new thunder with the thickness of a finger.

After the fusion, the Thunder will continue to wander wildly in the sea of ​​clouds, continue to collide with other Thunder, and continue to merge.

In the end, in the sea of ​​clouds, there was only one thunderbolt, but the volume had been enlarged countless times, just like a huge thunder dragon, running through the entire boundless sea of ​​clouds.

The electric light it emits is even more dazzling and incredible, completely dispersing the darkness around it.

"Could this be the source of Ray's rules?"

Jiang Yun stared at the picture in his mind and muttered.

And as soon as his voice fell, the mysterious man's voice sounded again: "Go to the monk in the real realm and ask if the picture you imagined in your mind at this moment exists in real realm."

Jiang Yun moved in his heart and said in surprise: "Senior can even see the picture I imagined?"

Although the mysterious person is in Jiang Yun's soul, and indeed has vast magical powers, the sea of ​​clouds and thunder that appeared in Jiang Yun's mind at this moment was completely conceived and imagined by him.

Unless someone searches for his soul at exactly this moment, no one can know this picture at all.

The mysterious man said faintly: "Because I have also seen the inside of this thunder rune and had the same imagination as you."

"It's not just me, but any true realm monk who can understand the rules of thunder should be able to imagine such a picture."

This explanation of the mysterious man made Jiang Yun nod his head, which is very possible.

There are so many monks in the world, some people will definitely try to put their divine sense into the runes, and see the same picture as themselves.

The mysterious man continued: "Do you remember Lei Mu?"

Jiang Yun certainly remembered that Lei Mu was the first thunder born in the mountains and seas, and the mother of ten thousand thunders!

Even Jiang Yun understood the purpose of the mysterious man asking this sentence.

"Senior means that the picture I imagined is actually the place where the first thunderbolt was born in the real world."

The mysterious man replied: "I don't know if it is the place where the first thunder was born, but if there is such a place, then King Kuidoukui and their rules of thunder must be understood there."

"Those thunder runes should also come from there."

"The sight in every rune can be regarded as the memory of that place by the rune!"

"It's just that the memory of each of them is not complete, but one-sided."

"Therefore, you can consider going there, seeing it with your own eyes, experiencing the complete scene in person, and perhaps, there will be unexpected gains."

Jiang Yun was surprised again.

A piece of one-sided memory possessed by a rune can easily shred one's own consciousness and make it impossible to approach it!

Then if such a place really exists, it would be terrifying in it.

However, Jiang Yun asked incomprehensibly: "My Lightning Dao has already been proclaimed for the second time. Even if I go to experience that place in person, it shouldn’t help my Lightning Dao?"

"I can't. I can still use my Lightning Dao to prove the Dao three times, right?"

The mysterious man suddenly sneered and said, "I don't know if your Lightning Way can prove three times."

"I only know that your second proof of the way of thunder is even harder to match the rule of thunder of the leader of the district, so how can it be superior to the rule of thunder in the real realm?"

Hearing the mysterious man's tone obviously a little more dissatisfied, Jiang Yun immediately realized that he was a little arrogant.

Indeed, the fight between himself and King Kui was completely a collision of rules and rules.

A miserable defeat means that his rules of Thunder are still very weak.

The so-called secondary sermons sounds very strong, but in fact they are equivalent to several grades and levels of the realm of cultivation.

It's just that because of the road of Taoism, I have already walked in the forefront, without any reference at all, and I don't know how to divide the next realm, that's why there is only a second demonstration.

"Senior, I knew it was wrong!"

After speaking, Jiang Yun immediately withdrew from the dreamland and found the three-phase beast, ready to ask him whether there is an existence similar to the birthplace of thunder in the true realm.

However, to Jiang Yun's surprise, he just opened his eyes, and the three-phase beast said in a hurry: "You can figure out the level, Lord Demon Emperor has been waiting for you for a long time!"

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