The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6279: Unike Shokai, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun is going to Yunchi at this time, although he hopes to improve his cultivation level, but the fundamental purpose is to contact Ji Kongfan and the Primordial Spirit.

To be honest, even though Jiang Yun no longer knows how many major events he has gone through, the matter of Earth Venerable's attack on the Dreamland cannot be solved with his own power.

Therefore, he must quickly tell others about the matter, and with everyone's efforts, he may be able to think of a better way.

Especially Ji Kongfan!

As the lord outside the law, he can at least return to the dream domain, so that he can inform the nightmare Shura and others about the matter of the earth zun's attacking the dream domain.

Although telling them may not be of any use, it is always good to allow them to prepare in advance.

And Jiang Yun and the spirit of the ancient times, Ji Kongfan, and the three-party cooperation, Jiang Yun could not let him know before the demon yuanzi could not be fully trusted.

Therefore, Jiang Yun didn't even care about the second elder sister, and had to leave Demon Yuanzong first to avoid Demon Yuanzi.

Yao Yuanzi didn't ask much about Jiang Yun's decision, and after agreeing that if Situ Jing or Dongfang Bo came to inform him, he directly shot Jiang Yun out of the Monster Mountain.

Jiang Yun came to the teleportation formation of the Demon Yuanzong in a light car.

Although he was not afraid of Qi Yaozu waiting for his trouble, but now he was not in the mood to pay attention to them.

In order not to be disturbed, Jiang Yun changed his appearance again, and then left the Demon Yuanzong.

After confirming that his identity had not been seen through, and no one was following him, Jiang Yun hid in a crack in the boundary, took out the jade slip of the message, and contacted the Primordial Array Spirit.

Among the jade slips, the voice of the Primordial Array Spirit immediately sounded: "Fang Jun?"

"It's me!" Jiang Yun said straight to the point: "Senior Formation Spirit, please find other seniors. I have important things to tell you."

After a while, the voice from the jade slip changed to Bu Ling: "Little friend, what is important."

Jiang Yun didn't conceal the fact that the Earth Zun was about to attack the Dreamland, as well as the reason he and Yao Yuanzi speculated, including the method by which the Earth Zun might enter the Dreamland.

After listening, Yu Jian suddenly fell into silence.

Obviously, they were also shocked by the news.

Jiang Yun waited quietly for a while and then said: "Everyone, I know that the safety of Dreamland has little to do with you, and you may not care about it."

"But you are highly respected, well-informed, and know far better than me, so I hope you can help me find a way to see if you can stop it."

Although the Primordial Spirit has formed an alliance with Jiang Yun and Ji Kongfan, their purpose is only to break the game and for themselves.

If they were willing to help Dreamland, Jiang Yun would naturally be grateful.

But Jiang Yun would not place all hope of saving Dreamland on them.

"Also, if Ji Kongfan contacts you, please ask him to contact me as soon as possible."

The person Jiang Yun really hopes for is Ji Kongfan, all the powerhouses in Dreamland.

But Ji Kongfan hid in Chang Tiankun's body, and always stayed beside Ren Zun. The Primordial Spirit didn't dare to contact him at all, he always contacted the Primordial Spirit.

But Jiang Yun is not in Boundary Sea, so if the two want to contact each other, they can only help each other through the Spirit of the Ancients.

Bu Ling's voice finally sounded: "Your news came too suddenly, we were not prepared at all."

"Now you ask us how to stop the earthly respect, we also have no clue."

"Well, let's discuss it, and when Ji Kongfan contacts us, we will contact you again."

So far, it can only be so!

Jiang Yun put away the message jade slip, walked out of the boundary, and rushed to the location of Yunchi at full speed.

Now he really needs to race against time and hurry up.

His mind was not idle either, and he kept thinking about what to do in order to prevent Earth Zun from attacking Dreamland.

"Killing the human beings and causing chaos in the real realm, maybe it should be able to stop the earth beings!"

This is the only way Jiang Yun can think of.

However, it is so easy to kill Ren Zun.

If you have enough time, you can still plan for a long time and plan slowly, but the goddess will attack the dreamland within three years at the latest.

Want to kill the human being in less than three years, the difficulty is almost the same as preventing the human being from attacking the dream domain.

In this way, Jiang Yun rushed towards Yunchi under anxiety.

At the same time, in a certain world in the Territory, a man dressed in black with an ordinary appearance was wandering on the streets of one of the most prosperous cities in this world.

From time to time, his gaze would look at the various commodities placed in the shops on both sides of the street, as if he was looking for something.

However, when he walked the whole street, he didn't step into a shop, but shook his head, turned and walked towards another street.

But the moment he turned around, his figure suddenly froze, and he vigorously moved his nose a few times.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and looked not far away, where there was a slightly rickety old man walking fast.

The man immediately turned around and followed behind the rickety figure until he saw the other person stepping into a teleportation formation!

The man frowned slightly, muttering to himself: "There are treasures on his body, this teleportation array will eventually lead to... Yunchi Realm!"

"Understood, this is going to the Yunchi Realm to sell treasures!"

The man smiled triumphantly, and stepped into the teleportation array.

After only twelve days, Jiang Yun finally arrived at Yunchi safely!

Although Yunchi is a natural existence, not everyone can enter at will. Instead, it was shot by the deity himself, enclosing the Yunchi into a world.

This world is named after Yunchi.

In short, if you want to get close to the Yunchi, you need to enter the Yunchi world first, and then pay a varying amount of True Essence Stone according to the length of time you want to stay in it.

From the outside, the entire Yunchi Realm is a ring, and the hollow in the middle is the Yunchi.

It's just that, because of the master's shot, anyone outside the world will see a huge black hole, and you can't see the true face of Yunchi at all.

Naturally, under the deliberate arrangement of Di Zun, over time, this Yunchi realm gradually developed.

Although only monks who practiced the power of cloud thunder would be interested in Yunchi, the number of monks who traveled to and from the world of Yunchi was also quite large.

There is no other reason. Since this realm was set up by the earth-zun himself, and the realm master also personally admitted his fate, it is at least relatively safe to trade in this realm.

Therefore, in addition to Yunchi, the most famous in the cloud pool industry is the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce.

Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, to put it simply, is a large shop.

As long as it is an item with a certain value, regardless of its origin, it can be bought and sold here.

The demon Yuanzi told Jiang Yun about the situation in the Yunchi Realm, and Jiang Yun didn't care about it either.

Now he is not the one who was impoverished when he first stepped into the real realm.

After many fights with others and snatching other people's storage artifacts, his wealth is already quite rich. Even if he stays in Yunchi for a year and a half, the True Essence Stone on his body is more than enough.

As soon as he stepped into the Yunchi realm, a noisy atmosphere immediately rushed over his face. The realm was bustling with people coming and going, and it was extremely lively.

If it were changed before, Jiang Yun would still go and observe the local customs here with curiosity, and go around, but now he lacks the most time, where there is such a leisurely mind.

After looking for someone to inquire about the entrance of Yunchi, he rushed straight away.

At this moment, also in the realm of Yunchi, a black-clothed man stared at a huge nine-story building with a large area in front, which is the headquarters of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, muttering to himself: "Then what? What is it, the other party refused to sell me life and death, and insisted on selling it to the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce."

"The Yunchi Chamber of Commerce also designated that thing as an auction item, and doesn't know the pricing geometry."

"It's best if no one else knows the goods by the time, and no one bids, then I can wait until the auction is over and then buy it at a low price."

"Although I think that should be the heaven and earth spiritual things he needs, but I don't know if it is..."

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