The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6298: Appear in response, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sudden sound made Chi Zhongjiu's complexion change, and he turned around abruptly, trying to find the direction of the sound.

However, this voice clearly came from all directions, from the clouds everywhere!

"Fang Jun!"

Chi Chongjiu quickly calmed down, and said coldly, "You don't have to pretend to be here!"

"Since you know who I am, don't hurry out and die!"

"Pretending to be a god?" Jiang Yun was the one who said, "Chi Chongjiu, I'm right here, can't you see it?"

Jiang Yun did not pretend to be a ghost, but just after he attacked those chains, he was shocked by the power of the chains.

Although his body collapsed and turned into countless pieces of fragments, at that time he was the cloud giant who absorbed all the clouds in the entire cloud core.

Therefore, his body was shattered, and it still maintained the shape of the cloud, turning into a cloud after another.

Such a powerful counter-shock force naturally caused him to be seriously injured.

In addition, he was also thinking about the chain and the game, so he did not restore his human form, and simply always used the form of a cloud to heal himself with the help of the power in the cloud pool.

Now that Chi Zhongjiu came here, he interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to his senses.

Chi Zhongjiu heard Jiang Yun's voice coming from all directions, although he felt a little strange, but he didn't have much fear in his heart.

When he thought about it, the more Jiang Yun pretended to be like this, the more it showed that Jiang Yun didn't dare to face him face-to-face.

Chi Zhongjiu smiled proudly: "Fang Jun, you destroy my Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, kill my subordinate manager, and say you want to wait for me."

"Now, I have come, why don't you even dare to show your face!"

Jiang Yun's voice sounded again: "Are you sure, you really want me to show up?"

"Hahaha!" Chi Zhongjiu laughed loudly: "You can do without showing up, the big deal, I will disperse all these clouds, so that you have nowhere to hide!"

When the voice fell, Chi Zhongjiu waved his hands, and a strong wind waved from his hand and blew towards the surrounding clouds.

As a true emperor, Chi Chongjiu's strength is naturally strong.

The strong wind he released, sure enough, the clouds around him fluttered wildly.

Jiang Yun said faintly: "Don't have to be so troublesome, I just show up!"


Amidst Jiang Yun's voice, clouds of varying sizes began to approach quickly, merged together, condensed into a human form, and became Jiang Yun again.

Seeing this scene, Chi Zhongjiu didn't react much, thinking that he had successfully forced Jiang Yun out.

But not far away, Fengqing, who was also incarnate as a cloud, was shocked!

As a cloud demon, in his eyes, Jiang Yun can turn into a cloud and then become a human being. He is also a cloud demon just like himself.

"This Fang Jun, is it my kin?"

"But, how come I have never heard of it, besides me, there is a Yun Demon!"

At the same time, Chi Zhongjiu Yinyin smiled and said, "Since I have shown up, then go to death!"

Chi Zhongjiu raised his fist and smashed it at Jiang Yun.

It seems to be a simple punch, but in the eyes of outsiders, what you see is not Chi Zhongjiu's fist at all, but a rough sea.

Chi Chongjiu, what he cultivates is the power of water, and what he is now using is also his great emperor's law!

Even if Chi Chongjiu judged that Jiang Yun's strength was not as good as his own, he must have been seriously injured, but he still did not have the slightest slightest contempt for Jiang Yun, and used his own great emperor's law when he shot.

The power of the great emperor's law of a true emperor is really amazing.

However, Jiang Yun didn't change his face. He just raised his hand and waved it lightly. A terrifying pressure suddenly appeared.

Chi Chongjiu's body, as well as his great emperor's law, under the coercive cover, suddenly seemed to be plunged into a quagmire, struggling to move forward, and it was difficult to move on.

"He can control the coercion here!"

This scene shocked the hearts of Chi Zhongjiu and Feng Qing!

Feng Qing had been to Yunhe, because of the terrifying coercion that existed here, he didn't dare to really enter it at all.

Although Chi Zhongjiu had never been to such a deep position, he had entered Yunchi several times, and he naturally knew the pressure that existed here.

And this time, the reason why he was able to come to the cloud core unimpeded was because the coercion of the entire Yunchi had disappeared.

Both he and Feng Qing thought that the disappearance of coercion was caused by some changes in Yunchi himself.

But now, they finally understand that the disappearance of coercion is actually the work of Jiang Yun!

This discovery caused Chi Chongjiu's heart to go deep into this place for himself, actively looking for Jiang Yun's actions, and felt regretful.

Even more, he made a decisive decision, forcibly retracted his palm, and instead patted himself heavily.

The power in the palm was wrapped around his body, allowing his body to turn quickly, and as if temporarily out of the quagmire, he took a stride towards the direction he came.

Chi Chongjiu, even going to run away!

In the cloud pool, his strength will be affected, and even 80% may not be able to display it.

And Jiang Yun was able to control the coercion here, so that Jiang Yun's strength was not affected.

Under the circumstances, Chi Zhongjiu knew very well that his chances of winning were not great, so he chose to leave altogether.

Although Chi Chongjiu's reaction was not unpleasant, it was a pity that he had neglected one thing.

Jiang Yun is not only able to control the coercion of the Yunchi, but he has completely mastered the rules of thunder, and he can easily control all the thunders in the Yunchi!

There is no pressure and thunder here, because they were all borrowed by Jiang Yun, gathered in the thunder just now, and attacked the chains.

The moment Chi Chongjiu turned around, Jiang Yun raised his hand expressionlessly, reached out to Chi Chongjiu's body, and pointed.


Accompanied by the sound of earth-shaking thunder suddenly sounded, among the clouds beside Chi Zhongjiu, countless thunder suddenly appeared.

Although Chi Chongjiu's heart sank again, he still hadn't fallen into despair.

He is a true-ranked emperor anyway, even if the time and place are right, he doesn't have the advantage, but if he just wants to escape, he is confident that Jiang Yun can't stop him.

A green light burst out of Chi Zhongjiu's body.

After the light appeared, it shrank rapidly and pressed tightly on his body, forming a green dress, causing all the thunder that was rushing towards him to bypass him.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Zhongjiu's mouth even spit out a mouthful of blood, which condensed into a mark, which also fell on his body, causing his speed to increase again.

Suddenly, he suddenly disappeared from Jiang Yun's sight!

Jiang Yun stared at the direction Chi Chongjiu was escaping, and said to himself: "True-ranked emperor, as expected, there is no one that can be dealt with."

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun also stepped forward, chasing him in the direction where Chi Chongjiu fled.

After Jiang Yun's figure disappeared, Feng Qing, who had always been hiding by the side, also speeded up and caught up.

Chi Zhongjiu ran in the front, hating Jiang Yun to the extreme in his heart!

His own dignified true emperor, the master of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, would one day be chased and killed, so he flees in embarrassment.

"Fang Jun, after I leave the Yunchi Realm, you wait, I will definitely notify Wu Chenzi and Ren Zun, and join them to kill you!"

Chi Zhongjiu gritted his teeth and said cruel words, but his speed did not dare to stop at all.

I don't know whether Jiang Yun was injured too badly, or because he had been pulled away by Chi Zhongjiu, making the surrounding coercion weaker and weaker, causing Chi Zhongjiu to get closer and closer to the entrance of the Yunchi he entered.

Feng Qing, who was at the back, looked at Chi Chongjiu who was about to flee Yunchi, and Jiang Yun, who was always keeping a fixed distance from Chi Chongjiu in front of him, and a little doubt appeared in his heart.

"He has mastered the coercion here and can control the thunder here. Even if he is not Chi Chongjiu's opponent, it is not a difficult task to forcefully leave Chi Chongjiu."

"If he doesn't want to keep Chi Chongjiu, then just let the other party leave!"

"Why is he just following Chi Zhongjiu?"

In Feng Qing's doubts, Chi Chongjiu had finally arrived at the entrance of Yunchi.

As the true emperor and the president of the Yunchi Chamber of Commerce, he wanted to leave Yunchi without borrowing the formation stone at all.

Therefore, at this moment, Chi Zhongjiu's heart has been completely put down, and the last time he accelerates, his figure instantly becomes blurred, and he is about to disappear from Yunchi.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's voice rang in his ear: "Thunder!"

With a word of mouth, a thunder appeared in Jiang Yun's hand!

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