The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6308: Jie Haizhi, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although the Taikoo Formation Sect is also located in the boundary sea and on the islands, the islands it occupies are much smaller than the islands of other forces.

This is because all the islands of the entire Primordial Formation Sect have formed a large formation in succession.

Naturally, every island is a base.

Moreover, every island can be moved.

This allows the entire formation of the Primordial Array Sect to be changed at any time.

If you encounter an invasion by a foreign enemy, this constantly changing formation will play a very important role.

Therefore, among the six Primordial forces, although the overall strength of the Primordial Formation Sect is not the strongest, it is definitely the most difficult to attack.

Jiang Yun had no chance to appreciate the great formation of the Primordial Formation Sect.

Because the teleportation light had just disappeared, the voice of the spirits rang in his ears: "You have changed your face, even I have to admire it!"

Looking at the formation spirit that appeared in front of him, Jiang Yun knew that the other party must have been watching here with his spiritual sense, waiting for his arrival.

Jiang Yun clasped his fist to the array spirit and said, "I have seen seniors."

"I hope I can walk in the real realm with my true face, but I don't have that strength."

Among the six Primordial Spirits, Jiang Yun is not difficult to see that the Array Spirit is the simplest in character and the least scheming, and dealing with this kind of person is relatively easy, so there is no need to have too many worries between words.

Array Spirit looked up and down at Jiang Yun and said, "In addition to your appearance, your strength has also improved."

"Okay, come with me!"

After speaking, the Array Spirit did not give Jiang Yun a chance to speak, and directly rolled up Jiang Yun's body with his big sleeves, leading him to disappear from the place.

Soon, Jiang Yun was in a strange world.

This is different from the place of Primordial Trial. I think it should be an independent space created by Primordial Array Spirit, which is where she usually lives.

The area of ​​the world is not that big, and there are also many landscapes and plants.

But just by looking around, Jiang Yun felt dazzled and dizzy. He hurriedly withdrew his gaze and didn't dare to look again.

This also made him suddenly realize that all the plants and trees here should constitute a formation.

If Liu Peng is here in such a place, it will definitely be extremely exciting.

The formation spirit smiled and said: "The more people who have no feeling for me, the less they understand the formation method."

"You only took a few glances, and you didn't dare to look again, which shows that your accomplishments in the formation are not low."

Jiang Yun didn't say humbly, "I know a little bit."

Although Jiang Yun's formation skills were not as good as his disciple Liu Peng, it was much stronger than most monks.

Obviously, the formation spirit was not going to test Jiang Yun's formation. With a wave of his hand, a stone table and several stone benches appeared in front of the two of them.

The array spirit motioned to Jiang Yun to sit down and said, "The others will be there in a while. Let's wait a moment."

Jiang Yun asked: "Senior Ji Kongfan, has there been any news recently?"

"He didn't take the initiative to contact us." Zhenling replied: "However, we heard that Chang Tiankun seems to have been sent out by Ren Zun to perform some task."

Jiang Yun naturally understood the meaning of Zhenling's words.

Ji Kongfan was hiding in Chang Tiankun's body, so he should take advantage of this opportunity to perform the mission and come to Jiehai.

This also means that it won't take too long to see Ji Kongfan by himself.

Then, Jiang Yun asked about the situation of the nearest Jiehai and learned that Jiehai was still the same as before, and no major incident had happened.

During the conversation between the two, the four Yao Ling, Qi Ling, Bu Ling, and Rune Ling also arrived one after another.

Jiang Yun got up and saw the spirits one by one.

Except that Fu Ling was still extremely indifferent, the other spirits were quite polite to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun deliberately bowed to Bu Ling and said, "Thank you seniors for your life-saving grace, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see you seniors again."

The eight characters that Bu Ling had fortuned to Jiang Yun at the beginning really saved Jiang Yun's life.

Bu Ling laughed loudly and stretched out his hands to lift Jiang Yun's body and said, "The little friend is too serious. I just happened to be right."

"Little friend, can you tell us what you have experienced during this period of time."

Jiang Yun nodded, and then explained his experience during this period.

Except for the things about Shizu and Weiyang's daughter, and what he did in the Yunchi Realm, Jiang Yun didn't hide anything from them.

After listening to Jiang Yun's remarks, the five Primordial Spirits couldn't help looking at each other. Bu Ling was a little surprised and said, "You are the Yufengxing of the Yujiao clan!"

The Earth Zun summoned ten strong men to discuss the matter, although outsiders were not allowed to watch, but naturally someone would spread the general situation of the discussion.

The Primordial forces are well-informed, so I have heard that this time of discussion, a rookie of the demon clan, Yu Fengxing, has appeared.

Because Jiang Yun said that he wanted to kill the demon Yuanzi, they also guessed that Jiang Yun might be Yufengxing.

However, hearing Jiang Yun's personal confession at this moment still made them a little surprised.

And this also made their evaluation of Jiang Yun a bit higher!

Dare to discuss with people in front of the earth-zun, or even kill and win people in front of the earth-zun, this is not something you can do with strength alone.

Jiang Yun nodded, and continued: "The person in the Demon Yuanzong colluding with Ren Zun is not the Demon Yuanzi, but the sword in the stone, the head of the three evils, and the monsters such as the human slaughter."

"Also, not only the Demon Yuanzong, but Tianzun and Earthzun's subordinates, there should be many forces that have been secretly instigated by the people."

"Including Ren Zun looking for your cooperation, all to strengthen his own strength and weaken the other two."

As Jiang Yun's narration came to an end, there was a momentary silence in this space.

The five Primordial Spirits and Jiang Yun seemed to have nothing to say suddenly.

Jiang Yun watched the Five Spirits calmly, knowing that they should have something to say to himself, but it was a little hard to speak.

After a while, Qi Ling finally spoke, "Little friend, we are powerless regarding the matter of the Earth Zun's about to attack the Dreamland."

"Even if the earthly respect lets me and the ghoul go, we can't disobey his orders."

Qi Ling and corpse spirits belong to the subordinates of the earthly respect, and they are not listened to.

The Earth Zun did not even let the two of them send people to participate in the competition, so the attack on Dreamland might not let them go together.

However, there is no absolute thing, if the earthly respect really ordered, then the spirits and the others would definitely have to go.

Jiang Yun understood why they were so difficult to speak, and smiled slightly: "You seniors can tell me frankly, I'm very content."

"Dreamland has nothing to do with you, and your identities are special. Even if we really want to help us, we don't want to hurt you."

"By the way, is there any news from the ghoul?"

Hearing that Jiang Yun deliberately changed the topic, the five Primordial Spirits would naturally not bring the topic back.

Bu Ling followed Jiang Yun's words: "There is no news."

"However, I guess he was seriously injured, and he has always been hiding somewhere to recover from his injuries."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "The other things, when Senior Ji Kongfan arrives, let's talk about it in detail."

"Now, I would like to ask you, do you know if there is any place in the boundary sea where the power of water is larger or purer?"

Regarding the Spirit of the Ancients, although Jiang Yun had already trusted him, he also knew that because of his own strength, even if Ji Kongfan supported him, in the eyes of the five of them, he would obviously not be too seriously injured.

Therefore, some things, for example, I have seen the chains of those layouts, and I have mastered the law of top thunder, etc., I am not allowed to tell them for the time being.

After I have talked with Ji Kongfan, Ji Kongfan will go to talk with them. In that case, the effect will be much better than talking with them myself.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, Taikoo Yaoling thought for a while and said, "You want to practice the power of water."

"In the depths of the Boundary Sea, there is indeed a place specially for monks to practice the power of water."

"And the specific location, you have actually heard of it."

Jiang Yun was startled slightly: "Where?"

"The seclusion of the sea!"

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