The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6311: Hospitality, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

This piece of rooted land, because the area is too vast, plus it is connected to countless trees, so the sea monster no longer has any means of defense on the land.

After all, monks like Jiang Yun and Primordial Array Spirit who are not affected by the aura from those trees are extremely rare.

The vast majority of cultivators will be trapped in the seclusion of the sea, unable to reach this root system.

Under Han Ruo's leadership, Jiang Yun was already standing on the ground of the root system.

And he immediately felt that he had several powerful divine consciousness concentrated on himself.

After seeing Han Ruo, these divine senses swept across Jiang Yun's body, but there was a divine sense that not only did not leave, but also directly rushed toward Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Jiang Yun's brows can't help but frown, knowing that the other party wants to search for his soul!

This also made Jiang Yun finally understand why the Primordial Spirit would repeatedly remind himself that even with their introduction, he must be careful of the sea monster!

The masters of these gods must be strong among the sea monsters, and they must know that they are recommended by the Primordial Array Spirit, and they were brought here by Han Ruo.

But even so, there are still sea monsters who dare to come up and search for their own souls. Not to mention that this behavior does not put the Primordial Array Spirit in his eyes, at least it is clear that he is going to give himself a smashing power.

Jiang Yun sneered in his heart and did not resist, letting this divine sense sink into his own soul.

Divine Sense entered the soul, and immediately began to search for the soul arrogantly, but a group of soul fire suddenly rose into the sky, enveloping this Divine Sense.

The strength of Jiang Yun's soul is definitely not weaker than some true emperors.

Therefore, under the burning of the Wuding Soul Fire, that divine consciousness was immediately burned into nothingness.

Even Jiang Yun heard a muffled hum clearly in his ears.

Damage to the consciousness will have some impact on the master of the consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, another roar suddenly sounded: "Human tribe, you are so bold!"

There was no concealment of this voice, just like thunder, it blasted above this root system, and it also made all the sea monsters including Han Ruo hear clearly.

Originally, the arrival of Jiang Yun and Han Ruo did not arouse too much attention from the Kraken.

But with the sound of this voice, and an old man who was not tall but fat as a ball fell from the sky and appeared in front of Jiang Yun, the demons naturally looked at Jiang Yun in unison.

Although they don't know the origin of Jiang Yun, the term Human Race Miscellaneous is enough to make their eyes full of unkindness.

And Han Ruo suddenly changed his complexion and his figure flickered. He blocked Jiang Yun in front of him and said to the old man: "Old ghost Qiu, what are you screaming at!"

Jiang Yun stood behind Han Ruo, looking at the old man blankly.

The strength of the opponent and Han Ruo should be between the two.

Judging from what Han Ruo calls him, the relationship between him and Han Ruo should not be very harmonious.

Although the two monsters are the same siren, they belong to different races.

Jiang Yun also remembered that the Array Spirit reminded him that the Sea Monster was not only extremely xenophobic, but they were also not harmonious inside.

Old Ghost Qiu said with a fierce expression: "Han Ruo, this is where our Sea-Monster practiced. What do you mean by bringing in a human tribe?"

Han Ruo said coldly: "Old Ghost Qiu, I brought him in. I greeted all of you just now."

"Everyone else has heard it, but you are the only one who pretends to be crazy here and asks knowingly, why, do you want to do it with me?"

It is not difficult to see that the Primordial Array Spirit only contacted Han Ruo.

Although Han Ruo's status in the sea monster is not low, he still informed other sea monsters of the same rank in advance.

At this moment, she didn't want to tell Jiang Yun's origins in front of many sea monsters, so she said it more obscurely.

Old ghost Qiu shook his head yinly, "I don't know if other people have heard it, I only know, I didn't hear you say hello."

There was a cold light in Han Ruo's eyes, and above her petite body, a faint aura rose up, obviously ready to do it.

But at this time, Jiang Yun suddenly spoke to Old Ghost Qiu: "This senior, I was reckless just now. You shouldn't ruin a piece of your spiritual sense."

"But the predecessors used God's sense to directly search for my soul, and I just resisted instinctively."

"Now, I am accomplices senior with a compensation, I also hope senior Haihan!"

While speaking, Jiang Yun pretended to bow his hand at Old Ghost Qiu, which was counted as an apologize.

The smile on Old Ghost Qiu's face was frozen by Jiang Yun's words.

The other sea monsters, including Han Ruo, were surprised.

They didn't know what happened just now, and they thought that Old Ghost Qiu just didn't like Jiang Yun, so they came out to find fault.

Now that they heard what Jiang Yun said, they realized that it turned out that it was Jiang Yun who destroyed Old Ghost Qiu's consciousness.

This also surprised them.

Old Ghost Qiu is a true-rank emperor, and Jiang Yun doesn't look like a true-rank, but he can destroy the other's divine sense!

Old ghost Qiu recovered first, raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Yun, and said viciously: "Fart, I will pinch you to death!"

Jiang Yun stood there and didn't move. Han Ruosu raised his hand, and a ribbon shot out from her hand, entwining Old Ghost Qiu's palm.

Han Ruo even smiled and said: "I said why you are so angry. It turned out to be angry into anger. Now you are going to kill people again!"

The sea monsters were still a little unbelieving, but seeing Old Ghost Qiu angrily, they couldn't help but believe it a little bit!

Old ghost Qiu's palm was entangled, and Han Ruo was ridiculed again, his fat face rose red and said: "The surname Han, if you talk nonsense anymore, I will tear your mouth."

Han Ruo said without fear: "Try it!"

Just when Old Ghost Qiu was about to take action, suddenly a hoarse man's voice came from far away: "Enough!"

"Old ghost Qiu, Han Ruo did say hello to us before, saying that he would bring in a human monk."

Hearing this voice, Han Ruo reacted extremely quickly, and immediately retracted his ribbon and withdrew a step backward.

Although Old Ghost Qiu still had anger on his face, he stared at Jiang Yun and Han Ruo bitterly, and he didn't mean to shoot.

Obviously, Old Ghost Qiu and Han Ruo both have a lot of jealousy about this speaker.

That voice also sounded again, but this time it was directed at Jiang Yun: "Human monk, I don’t care who introduced you, and no matter what your status outside. I hope you remember that this is the territory of my Kraken. ."

"If you dare to use your sharp teeth and sharp mouths to make trouble here, don't blame my Sea-Monster for not knowing how to treat guests."

Just a few words that Jiang Yun deliberately ridiculed Old Ghost Qiu made this man obviously also a little dissatisfied, so he taught Jiang Yun a lesson.

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he understood more in his heart, why the Spirit of the Ancients allowed himself to be here without any scruples.

The strong among the sea monsters obviously didn't give the Primordial Spirit a lot of face.

The cause of today's incident was entirely due to the fact that Old Ghost Qiu had to search for Jiang Yun's soul without saying a word.

But the other party didn't mention it at all. Instead, he warned Jiang Yun to remember his identity and don't even talk nonsense.

No matter where Jiang Yun is regarded as a guest, he is regarded as an enemy at all.

After understanding all this, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said: "It turns out that this is the way the sea monster treats guests, which opened my eyes to this human race."

"Senior can rest assured that I am here to practice the power of water, not to be an enemy of you."

"As long as the Kraken takes the initiative to provoke me, then naturally I can't deliberately cause trouble."

"But!" Jiang Yun's gaze swept the surrounding sea monsters, and finally stopped at Old Ghost Qiu, and then said: "If there are sea monsters who think I am a bully, then don't blame me for not knowing how to be a guest!"

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