The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6327: You swallow me swallow, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Not only Wangchuan, but all the sea monsters who have not been sucked into the eyes of the sea by the suction of the tide, all saw this extremely strange scene!

The fall of these giant trees completely hindered their actions.

Although their strength is not weak, when the tall giant trees fall from above like a pouring rain, they have no guts to use their bodies to collide with these giant trees, so they have to stop. Down shape.

However, they also discovered that as these giant trees fall into the sea eye one after another, although the sea eye is so vast that the giant tree cannot fill the sea eye, it weakens the suction force from the tide swallowing. A lot.

In particular, these giant trees have a well-developed root system and numerous branches and leaves, so that many of the siren who had not had time to escape and were drawn into the eyes of the sea, have actually grabbed the root system and trunk of the giant tree. The body temporarily slowed down the speed of the fall.

Seeing this weird scene in front of me, a muttering like a dream sounded: "What the **** is going on!"

It was Old Ghost Qiu who was talking!

Even as a true-ranked emperor, even if he has spent more than thousands of years on this root system, he has never seen a similar scene before, and he can't figure out the reason.

The voice of Old Ghost Qiu was also clear to every Kraken's ear.

All the demons shook their heads, and they couldn't understand. Only Han Ruo suddenly said, "It's Dongfang. It must be Dongfang who did something in the eyes of the sea!"


As soon as Han Ruo's voice sounded, Old Ghost Qiu almost roared: "That human tribe is nothing more than an extreme emperor. How could he let the root system collapse and let these giant trees fall to the sea!"

Han Ruo smiled coldly and stretched out his hand to point away and said, "You should take a look at the square stele first!"

Because of the sudden collapse of the root system, where did the demons still have time and mood to look at the obelisk.

At this moment, when Han Ruo reminded him, the demons hurriedly followed the direction of Han Ruo's finger.

The obelisk is also composed of the root system of giant trees. Although the root system has collapsed and the obelisk has disappeared halfway, it can still be seen that Jiang Yun’s name has reached the second place. Location, second only to Wangchuan.

Old Ghost Qiu smiled coldly: "What are you looking at?"

"Are you trying to say that the Human Race not only left a name on the obelisk, but eventually surpassed Elder Wangchuan and ranked first, right?"

"This can only mean that he is still falling toward the depths of the sea eye, maybe he is already dead, but the body has not been torn apart!"

Although the other sea monsters didn't speak, they had the same thoughts as Old Ghost Qiu.

As long as Jiang Yun didn't die and his body wasn't torn into pieces, he would definitely continue to fall toward the depths of the sea's eyes.

As long as he fell to a depth of more than five thousand and one hundred feet, his name could surpass Wangchuan.

But this can only prove that Jiang Yun is getting closer and closer to death, and it can't prove that what happened here was caused by Jiang Yun.

Han Ruo sneered again: "Old Ghost Qiu, if Dongfang dies, his name will disappear from the square tablet."

"Now that the name is still there, it means he is still alive."

"Before the root system collapsed, Dongfang's name was ranked third, exceeding four thousand five hundred zhang."

"The second highest depth is 4,800 meters, which is only 300 meters away from the elder Wangchuan."

"Just when the root system collapsed, Chao Tun’s suction power reached an extreme. We ran away, and after saying this for a long time, it stands to reason that Dongfang should continue to fall after such a long time, at least more than three hundred meters. the distance."

"But his name has always remained second, which shows that he should have stopped falling!"

"When the tide is swallowing, even the pseudo-exalted strong will always fall toward the depths of the sea eye, but an extremely high emperor can stop falling at a position close to five thousand meters, does this still explain the problem!"

After listening to Han Ruo's explanation, all the sea monsters' complexions changed slightly, and they understood the meaning of Han Ruo's words.

Not to mention before, from the time they stopped escaping, until now, a few more breaths have passed, which is enough to make Jiang Yun fall a few hundred feet away.

But Jiang Yun's name was still ranked second, as if he was fixed there, which was too wrong.

Suddenly, Wang Chuan opened the mouth and said: "The root system of the earth was not collapsed by the suction of the tide swallow, but the giant trees loosened their root systems by themselves."

"These giant trees rushed to the sea eye again, is it possible, they are to save the east!"

This guess of Wang Chuan shocked the hearts of the demons again.

Old ghost Qiu extruded an ugly smile on his pale face and said, "Elder Wangchuan, what you said is a bit alarmist!"

"These giant trees are just ordinary trees. They are not monsters and have no consciousness. How could they save the human tribe."

"What's more, they have nothing to do with that Human Race, so why do you want to save him?"

Wang Chuan didn't speak again, nor did he pay attention to Old Ghost Qiu, just staring at Haiyan.

For a while, everyone was lost in thought, completely ignorant of whose speculation to believe.

At this moment, Jiang Yun stopped at this position at a depth of about five thousand feet in the sea eye.

Above and below him, the sea water was boiling, forming a huge vortex, with no marginal vortex at all, spinning frantically, exuding a terrifying suction that seemed to swallow the entire world.

His body was still under the influence of suction, and it was constantly rotating, but it no longer fell or rose.

And his gaze, looking at the frantically rotating sea water around him, couldn't help feeling sighed.

This is the real power of heaven and earth!

If he was not incarnate for water, his body would have been torn to pieces by that terrifying force.

I'm afraid, even if the pseudo-senior is here, he can't compete.

Han Ruo and Wangchuan's guesses are correct!

The root system collapsed, countless giant trees entered the sea eye, everything was caused by Jiang Yun and the immortal leaf urging the power of the wood together!

Although Jiang Yun did not see the collapse of the root system and the giant tree entering the sea's eye, he could sense that the power of the wood, which was originally only looming, became clear and thick at an extremely fast speed.

Even when he was pulled to this position by the suction force, the stretch of wood power was even more reconciled with his wood power.

It was like two separate ropes, finally tied together, making Jiang Yun's body no longer falling.

However, under Chao Tun's suction, it was extremely difficult for Jiang Yun to climb out of the sea eye along this rope.

Jiang Yun looked into the depths of the sea eye.

The breath of life always followed him like a shadow, and kept a certain distance, neither leaving nor showing up.

Jiang Yun always firmly believed that the master of the breath of life must be terrifyingly strong, but because the immortal leaf drew the countless giant trees in the sea of ​​the sea, the suction power of himself and the other party was temporarily contended.

But this kind of resistance, the longer you persist, the less beneficial it will be for you.

"Perhaps, this tide swallows from the master of the breath of life."

"Now, I used the power of wood to prevent my fall, which made him a little uncomfortable, but he didn't want to let me go."

After a moment of hesitation, Jiang Yun made a bold decision: "Don't think that you can swallow it, and I can swallow it too!"

"Since you refuse to let me go, then I will pull you up from the depths of the eyes of the sea!"


With the fall of Jiang Yun's thoughts, he suddenly recovered his human form, and behind him, a guardian palm appeared, protecting his body and helping him temporarily block the surrounding coercion.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth suddenly, and above the guardian palm, a huge and incomparable ghost spirit world beast appeared. Together with him, he opened his mouth.


With a roar, the mouths of Jiang Yun and the Yin Spirit World Beast exuded the same huge suction, swallowing the sea water in the eyes of the sea below!

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