The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6363: Dreamland now, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun is very clear about the strength of the nine emperors and the heads of the nine tribes in troubled times.

The nine emperors all have their own unique titles.

The Emperor of Blood, the Emperor of Time, the Emperor of Space and so on.

As for the patriarch of the Nine Clan, even Earth Zun admits that few of the so-called top ten powerhouses under him now can compare with the original Clan leader of the Nine Clan.

The fundamental source of their power is naturally because their comprehension of a certain single rule has reached the extreme, so that they are already close to the ancient rule.

However, it seems that the division of strength between true-ranked emperors really cannot have an accurate and clear standard and boundary.

Next, Yao Yuanzi stopped talking, and Jiang Yun didn't ask any other questions, so he continued to fly towards the residence of Girl Weiyang.

Two days later, Yao Yuanzi took Jiang Yun to a very prosperous world, but no longer rushed through the teleportation formation like before, but stopped on a mountain in this world. .

Before Jiang Yun asked, Yao Yuanzi had already actively explained: "We are almost inaccessible to outsiders in the place of the Weiyang girl. We must be brought in by someone from her."

"Before I came, I had notified Weiyang and made an appointment with her. I am here waiting for her to arrange someone to pick us up."

"However, when I contacted you, I thought it would take a few days for you to have a round with me, so I decided with her ten days later."

"Unexpectedly, you are in the realm of surveillance, so we are here early now. The person she sent should have not arrived yet. Let's wait here for a few days!"

Jiang Yun nodded clearly, but after hesitating for a while, he spoke again: "Senior, then why don't you contact Senior Female Weiyang and ask her to send someone over now?"

If you change to another time, Jiang Yun is naturally not anxious, but now, he is worried that Ji Kongfan may contact the Primordial Spirit at any time to attack the family of the grandson, so he can’t wait to see the Weiyang girl right away. Immediately rush back after the situation.

Yao Yuanzi smiled bitterly and said: "Well, the Weiyang girl has a weird personality, she will be upset no matter what you change for any reason."

"So, let's wait, anyway, it will only take three days at most, very soon."

Hearing Yao Yuanzi's explanation, Jiang Yun couldn't help crying or laughing. In the final analysis, it was Yao Yuanzi who was a little afraid of Weiyang Girl.

Although Jiang Yun was a little anxious, since Yao Yuanzi had said so, he was naturally not good at urging any more, so he could only wait patiently.

It seems that Yao Yuanzi himself felt a little embarrassed, and coughed: "Actually, this time I went to see the Weiyang girl, besides having a personal relationship with her, there is another private matter."

Jiang Yun nodded, and did not follow Yao Yuanzi's words to ask.

Since they all said it was a private matter, then Jiang Yun would of course not be able to inquire about it.

But Yao Yuanzi continued to say: "I have practiced so far, although my strength is not bad, but I still have a regret, that is, I have not been able to find a suitable disciple."

"Girl Weiyang contacted me some time ago and said that she found a monster with good qualifications, which is very suitable to be my disciple, but she has a bit of a shameless personality, so I want to see that monster with my own eyes this time."

"If possible, I want to accept him as a disciple and pass on my mantle, but I don't know if it will agree."

This made Jiang Yun a little surprised. He didn't expect Yao Yuanzi to collect his disciples.

However, Yao Yuanzi does not seem to have any disciples.

And his such a powerful strength and inheritance, if you don't find a demon to inherit it, it is indeed a pity.

Jiang Yun smiled and said: "It is the blessing of any demon clan to be regarded as a disciple by the seniors. I believe no demon beast will refuse."

Yao Yuanzi sighed and said: "Not necessarily, Wei Yang has already told the monster, but she was rejected by the other party."

"Even if I go there personally, it may not be useful."

"If he doesn't want to, I can't force it, after all, the twisted melon is not sweet."

Jiang Yun can understand Yao Yuanzi's idea of ​​finding a descendant, but he can't help me with this kind of thing, so he can only persuade him: "Senior, don't worry, as long as that monster sees you, it must be I will be willing to worship you as a teacher."

Yao Yuanzi also laughed and said, "Let you auspicious words, I hope so!"

"I went to Dreamland this time, and I don't know if I can come back alive. Before I leave, I hurriedly spread my mantle, which is considered to have defeated my wish."

These words made Jiang Yun's mood suddenly heavy.

The day when the Earth Zun attacked the Dreamland was getting closer and closer.

If you and Ji Kongfan can't stop the earth-zun, then more than the Yao Yuanzi can't come back alive!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun slowly closed his eyes.

When Yao Yuanzi saw Jiang Yun's reaction, he naturally realized that his words had stimulated Jiang Yun, and shook his head helplessly.


In today's Dreamland, above the space, there is no longer the difference between the sufferings and the extinguishing of the Dao, just like the fantasy realm and the true realm, they have become a whole.

In addition, when Ren Zun attacked the Dreamland last time, Chang Tiankun took the strong from the eight great families and killed a large number of creatures in the Dreamland.

Therefore, at the request of the two false veterans of Shura and Nightmare, all the creatures in the Dreamland migrated towards the place of the original suffering area as much as possible, and gathered together so that they could respond to each other and be able to take care of them.

Especially the people related to Jiang Yun, except for those who are unwilling to leave their hometowns, they were basically taken directly to the suffering temple by Shura.

Firstly, Shura came to protect them, and secondly, he wanted to help them improve their strength as much as possible.

Jiang Yun's family, Jiang's family, did not go to the bitter temple, but still lived in the alliance of hundreds of races.

Since Jiang Yun left the Dreamland, the whole Jiang family began to retreat, and the whole family practiced!

At this moment, Jiang Gongwang, the ancestor of the Jiang family, was staying in his residence in retreat. He suddenly moved in his heart and frowned. He suddenly raised his head and looked above him.

I saw the space above him, and I didn't know when, a gap the size of a tenth was opened!

Looking at this gap and feeling the breath coming out of it, Jiang Gongwang's complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body suddenly grew up, as if facing an enemy, running his whole body's strength, ready to go. .

Because the breath that came out of this gap clearly belonged to the place outside the law that had trapped Jiang Gongwang for countless years!

Back then, Jiang Gongwang, with the help of Jiang Yun, followed the breath of Jiang Yun's blood, found his way home and escaped from outside the law.

Although Jiang Gongwang had returned safely at the time, he still had several lines of supernatural gods on his body.

Later, these extra-legal patterns disappeared from his body inexplicably, which also allowed him to completely get rid of the extra-legal land.

But he didn't expect that at this time, the land outside the law would appear next to him again.

He didn't know why the place outside the law appeared, but in any case, he didn't want to enter it again.

At the same time, Jiang Gongwang's side was suddenly shaking!

Three figures and three rays of light came out, together with him, looked up at the gap.

Seeing these three figures, Jiang Gongwang's hanging heart suddenly let go.

These three people, it is Shura, who has turned into a humanoid nightmare!

The three of them, in addition to the old age, the strength of the other two, in today's Dreamland, is already the top existence.

As for Gu Bulao's strength, no one knows how strong he is, but his four disciples are all prestigious, and naturally no one dares to look down upon him.

Therefore, the breath of the land outside the law, even though it only appeared in Jiang Gongwang's place, was still noticed by them, and it came in the fastest time.

After all the four appeared, a man's voice finally came out in the gap: "You don't need to panic, I am Ji Kongfan!"

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