The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 5398: Divine Soul Search, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The sudden sound of Di Zun made the hearts of Jiang Yun and Yao Yuanzi throb.

They knew well that Di Zun was monitoring the entrance of Di Ya at all times and saw Jiang Yun's arrival, so they would transmit the sound to themselves and let themselves pass.

However, the look of surprise on their faces only flashed away.

Jiang Yun deliberately lowered his voice and said, "Sect Master, I am not as late as last time, am I?"

Yao Yuanzi shook his head and said, "No, the time set by your lord is tomorrow!"

"The adults should come to us for other things, let's go, don't let the adults wait for a long time!"

When the voice fell, Yao Yuanzi turned around and walked out, while Jiang Yun looked at Yao Yuanzi's back, opened his mouth, and wanted to transmit a voice to the other party to remind him, but considering that the earth-zun might still be watching Here, so I could only give up this idea, followed Yao Yuanzi, and walked out.

Under the leadership of Yao Yuanzi, the two of them quickly arrived at the residence of Di Zun.

Rather than waiting for the two to step in, another figure appeared next to him.

Naturally, the ten powerhouses under Dizun were the only ones who were missing, but one king was missing!

The eight people were all looking at Jiang Yun, with unexpected expressions on their faces.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Jiang Yun, the extreme emperor, was also among the summons of the earthly master.

The significance of this is very intriguing.

Someone who responded quickly, like Mr. Wen Liu, had already taken the initiative to smile, nodded to Jiang Yun, and expressed his kindness.

But a few of them still had cold eyes and fierce eyes.

For example, Mu Yangqing from the Qingteng couple, and Qi Longxiang, the ancestor of the Qi Yao tribe!

Especially Qi Longxiang, at this moment, staring at Jiang Yun with fierce eyes, wishing to break Jiang Yun's body into pieces with his eyes.

His descendants Qitian, in front of him, were killed by Jiang Yun.

He hated Jiang Yun already.

Since the last discussion ended, he has spent a great price to inquire about Jiang Yun and the entire Yujiao clan, hoping to kill these people and avenge his descendants.

But it is a pity that the Yujiao clan has temporarily retired, and Jiang Yun is constantly changing his appearance and changing his identity, leaving Qi Longxiang nowhere to be found.

Now, I finally saw Jiang Yun again, the real enemy met, and he was extremely jealous.

If it wasn't for the respect of the earth, Qi Longxiang could immediately attack Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun ignored him at all!

If it wasn't because Jiang Yun understood the rules of thunder, then it is very likely that Jiang Yun had previously destroyed not the Kui Monster Race, but the Qi Monster Race!

At this time, Mr. Wen Liu smiled at Shou Lao and said, "Shou Lao, please please!"

Shou Lao was not polite, nodded slightly, put his hands behind his back, and stepped into the residence of the Di Zun first.

Mr. Wen Liu looked at Yao Yuanzi again and said, "Brother Yao, please!"

It is not difficult to see that even if it is just the order of entry, there is a strict distinction between these ten strong men.

Whoever is strong is qualified to be advanced!

Yao Yuanzi arched his hand to Mr. Wen Liu, and then took Jiang Yun, followed closely behind Shou Lao, and stepped into the residence of Di Zun.

The other seven people also walked in according to the ranking order of the last time.

As soon as he entered the gate, there was a large hall, and the earth-zun sat at the top, looking at the people blankly without speaking.

All of them, headed by Shou Lao, bowed their heads and stood there with their hands down after saluting the earth respectfully, and no one dared to speak.

They all knew about the Kui Yao clan being almost annihilated, and they naturally thought that Earth Zun's current mood was extremely bad, so he didn't dare to speak any more.

After a long time, the Earth Zun finally spoke slowly: "Everyone, you must have heard of the experience of those strong men under my command back then!"

This opening remark of Di Zun made everyone confused.

Naturally, they have all heard of those things in the past, but they just don't understand why the earthly respect has to mention these things at this time.

Di Zun continued: "Well, I won't sell it anymore."

"To call you here today, I want to search for your souls and see what you have done these days!"

Upon hearing this sentence, everyone's complexion suddenly changed slightly, and they all raised their heads and looked at the earthly master.

Although they are the subordinates of the Earth Venerable, they have worked hard for the Earth Venerable, but the Earth Venerable has never searched for their souls.

Because there is no need at all!

There are marks left by the earth-zun in their souls, and it is impossible to betray the earth-zun anyway, and the earth-zun does not need to search for their souls.

Only Jiang Yun knew it well and understood that Di Zun had guessed that his purpose of attacking the Kui Yao Clan was to prevent him from attacking Dreamland.

As for the attack on Dreamland, I, the Dreamland cultivator, shouldn't know at all, it can only be that among the five known people, someone has leaked the news to him!

Therefore, the deity must find this person.

Although he understood, Jiang Yun was also a little anxious.

He was not worried about himself, but worried about Yao Yuanzi.

Jiang Yun had also thought that the Earth Zun might search for the soul of himself and others, and he had deliberately asked the mysterious person and was ready.

The mysterious man had thought of this a long time ago, and made Jiang Yun concoct a memory of the Yujiao clan when he was on the road.

Moreover, the mysterious man also gave Jiang Yun a guarantee that even if the earth-zun himself searched for his soul, he would not find any flaws in his soul.

Even Jiang Yun found a place to hide the quarry where Kui Rong was imprisoned.

Jiang Yun naturally considered it for Yao Yuanzi, originally thinking that he arrived at the end of the earth a day earlier, and after seeing Yao Yuanzi, he asked him to find a way to hide the memory in his soul.

Unexpectedly, I just stepped on the edge of the earth with my front foot, and the earth's back foot was called here by the earth veteran!

I just wanted to transmit a voice to Yao Yuanzi, but I didn't dare to say it.

Although Yao Yuanzi didn't know about his own attack on the Kui Demon Clan, Yao Yuanzi already knew that he was Jiang Yun and a grandson of Nan Ion.

Once Di Zun searched his soul, it would be fine for him to be implicated in the monkhood, and Yao Yuanzi would be involved, which would be bad.

But Yao Yuanzi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yun, his eyes really showed a deep worry.

As for the others, although there are some worries and some doubts, since it is the order of the earthly respect, they dare not say it even if they don't want to.

The earth-zun obviously knew what everyone was thinking at the moment, and smiled slightly: "Don't worry, what I want to see is only the memory from the last time to the present day."

"No matter what you do, even if you scold me secretly and curse me, as long as you haven't done anything that betrayed me, then I won't have any punishment for you."

Jiang Yun bit his teeth and wanted to transmit the sound to the Yao Yuanzi and asked him to find a chance to see if he could escape, but the gaze of the earth-sovereign had already looked at him and said, "Yufengxing, you have a low status. Let’s start with you first!"

Jiang Yun hesitated, then immediately walked forward, held a fist at the earth respecter, and said, "My lord, please search for the soul!"

The Earth Zun was very satisfied with Jiang Yun's attitude, and nodded, a light suddenly lit up in his eyes, directly submerging Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Jiang Yun really didn't make the slightest resistance, because his resistance was useless, so he simply pinned all his hopes on the mysterious person.

As the light in the eyes of the earth-zun fell into the center of his eyebrows, Jiang Yun clearly felt that in his soul, within the drop of blood hidden by the mysterious person, a kind of weird power of rules immediately poured out, which instantly covered his own. Soul.

The force of this rule made Jiang Yun's heart beat again.

Because, from these rules, Jiang Yun felt at least two different rules.

Rules of Soul and Rules of Dreams!

In other words, the mysterious man was able to fuse two different rules together!

The golden light in the earth's eyes stayed in Jiang Yun's soul for only two breaths, then took it back, nodded and said: "Yufengxing, you step aside, next, let's be the demon Yuanzi!

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