The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6447: A touch of respect, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The appearance of this thought made Jiang Yun suddenly feel a chill, and it came out of his heart, completely enveloping himself.

If Xiao Cunji is really the respected earth, then thanks to the efforts and sacrifices of a large number of Dreamland monks, the imminent victory that was finally exchanged will be in vain again!

One person of Dizun can easily reverse the whole battle and make all the efforts of Dreamland be in vain.

To be honest, since the Yao Yuanzi learned the news that the Earth Venerable did not even send a clone in this attack on Dreamland, Jiang Yun has always been a little puzzled, and can't figure out why he is so relieved of the people under him.

However, after analyzing the reasons with Yao Yuanzi, especially after knowing the powerful team sent by Earth Zun, and after barely finding a few reasonable reasons, Jiang Yun also accepted this fact.

But now, Gu Bu Lao suddenly asked him to call his superiors Situ Jing and Dongfang Bo to enter a place outside the law, which shows that Dreamland is about to face danger, and it should be a danger that is almost impossible to escape. Jiang Yun has this. idea.

Jiang Yun naturally did not obey the old sayings of the immortality, but asked through the voice transmission: "Master, Xiao Cunji, is it the respect of the earth!"

Gu Bu Lao didn't answer him at all, but quickly said: "Jiang Yun, if you don't leave, from then on, I won't have you as a disciple!"

Since accepting Jiang Yun as his disciple, this is the first time that Gu Bulao has directly called Jiang Yun by his name. Even if he does not recognize Jiang Yun as a disciple, it is even more clear that he is anxious.

But Jiang Yun shook his head firmly and said, "Master, not only I, but also the senior brother and the second senior sister can't leave!"

Knowing that there is danger, let the three of them abandon their master and run for their lives on their own. They couldn't do such a thing anyway.


At this moment, a laugh suddenly sounded, it was from Xiao Cunji who always closed his eyes and stood there.

Although Xiao Cunji's laughter was not great, it easily spread to everyone's ears at this moment, and it also caused the complexions of all true realm cultivators, including Situ Jing, Wei Yang, and others to change!

Because they have already heard it, that laughter is clearly the voice of the earth-zun!

This laughter seemed to contain an invisible coercion, making everyone involuntarily stopped and unable to move.

Gu Bu Lao, the nearest to Xiao Cunji, although still urging the token in his hand, the runes in the token are still pouring into Xiao Cunji's body continuously, but Gu Bu Lao's complexion has also changed.

Finally, Xiao Cunji slowly opened his eyes!

Obviously no sound was made, but a thunderous sound rang out in everyone's mind!

Xiao Cunji turned his head and looked at Gu Bu Lao.

Under the gaze of Xiao Cunji's gaze, the old-fashioned figure shook, and he was unable to maintain his figure, staggering back.

It is not difficult to see that Xiao Cunji's strength is too strong, so strong that it is just gaze that makes the ancient imperial, a pseudo-respect, unbearable.

Everyone was calmed by this sudden change of Xiao Cunji, and there was even a blank in his mind.

Only Jiang Yun, who had known the truth beforehand, was equally shocked at this moment, but still remained sober, staring at Xiao Cunji with his eyes firmly.

Only Jiang Yun had noticed, and Xiao Cunji's gaze towards his master contained a thick and complicated meaning!

Even in the midst of this complexity, Jiang Yun saw a touch of...respect.

However, the complexity in Xiao Cunji's eyes was only a flash, and there was no emotion in his eyes, and he smiled faintly, suddenly raised his hand, and grabbed at Gu Bu Lao Xu Xu.

I saw the token that Gu Bulao held tightly in his hand, and it flew out directly and fell into Xiao Cunji's hand!

Xiao Cunji also moved his gaze away from the immortal body, looked at the token in his hand, rubbed the token lightly with his finger, and said softly: "Forgetting..."

Others naturally did not understand the meaning of these two words Xiao Cunji said, or Jiang Yun was shocked and immediately realized that Master should have failed to stop Xiao Cunji after all.

Xiao Cunji had already recovered his erased memory. He should have remembered Master and Feng Beiling, so he recognized this token!

Then, Xiao Cunji looked at everyone around him again.

Under Xiao Cunji's gaze, everyone was able to feel a huge pressure, instantly covering their body, imprisoning their body.

It seems that the opponent can easily kill himself with his eyes!

Even if you want to look away, you can't do it.

Fortunately, Xiao Cunji's gaze only glanced over everyone, only when he saw Situ Jing, he stopped for a few more breaths.

That is to say, after a few more breaths, Situ Jing's body trembled uncontrollably.

That is fear!

A kind of fear from the bottom of her heart made her want to yell, and even want to turn around and run away.

Because she is more familiar with those eyes than anyone.

Those eyes, looking at themselves like this back then, slowly turned into a monument to search for repairs!

But no matter how scared Situ Jing was, she couldn't do anything. She could only stand there, forcibly resisting the fear in her heart.

Xiao Cunji's gaze finally settled on Jiang Yun!

Naturally, like everyone else, Jiang Yun clearly felt the powerful pressure in the opponent's eyes, which made him tremble involuntarily.

So far, Jiang Yun has been completely certain that Xiao Cunji is the respected earth!

Obviously, Di Zun was still worried after all, Shou Lao and the others in front of the Dreamland, secretly followed.

This can also explain why Di Zun didn't stop the second senior sister from entering the passage and stepping into the dream domain.

It's just that Jiang Yun couldn't think of the reason why Earth Zun wanted to incarnate as Xiao Cunji.

If the Earth Zun enters the Dreamland with integrity, then in today's battle, the Dreamland has no possibility of winning, and it has already been defeated.

The reason is very simple. Once the goddess appears, the Weiyang girl should not reveal her identity again, and it is even more impossible to help Dongfang Bo restore the predestination in her soul.

Dongfang Bo didn't recognize his identity, and he would not fight against the call of the imprint of the earthly respect for the powerful of the nine races.

Even if Dongfang Bo still lays its own mark of rules for the Nine Clan powerhouses, the Nine Clan powerhouses and Nan Ion may not dare to take action in the face of the Earth Zun.

This can be seen from the expressions on the pale faces of Nan Ion and the Nine Clan powerhouses at this moment.

Di Zun is their master.

Even if they hate Earth Zun deeply, the years of experience as Earth Zun's subordinates still have an indelible fear when they really face Earth Zun.

But Di Zun just wanted to turn into Xiao Cunji, hide his identity, and enter the dream domain.

Even if it weren't for Shou Lao and the others who were seeing defeat, I'm afraid he would still not show up, and would not reveal his true identity!

"Jiang Yun!"

At this moment, the Earth Zun finally spoke: "Actually, I hope you are Yufengxing."

"You used the power of one person to kill the seven true ranks of my subordinates, and severely inflicted Helianyue. When I was your age, I was far inferior to you!"

"Of course, it's the people under me, it's too rubbish!"

Following the words of the Di Zun, the real monks, headed by Shou Lao and Wen Qingzi, all of them who were still awake, knelt down towards the Di Zun, and said in unison: "My lord, please forgive me!"

The voice of each of them was trembling.

Even compared to the monks of Dreamland, the fear in their hearts at this moment is greater.

More than a hundred true realm powerhouses, the weakest being the Extreme Great Emperor, came to Dream Realm, but were beaten by the opponent with heavy casualties. They were about to lose the battle, making them really faceless to face the earth.

Under the anger of the Earth Lord, it is really possible to kill them.

The Earth Zun's gaze also moved to them, and he sighed faintly, "You guys, I'm so disappointed."

"You are more than a hundred people, and I have dragged the most powerful nightmare for you. Under this circumstance, not only did you lose, but you could still lose so miserably?"

Shou Lao and the others lowered their heads deeply, and even those who were reprimanded by the Di Zun dare to breathe.

The Earth Zun continued: "If it weren't for my fear that no one would be available after returning to the true realm, I should kill all of you by myself now, so as not to spread it to me ashamed."

Upon hearing this, Shou Lao and the others suddenly sighed quietly.

Although Di Zun was very angry, at least his life and others were saved!

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