The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6449: For the time being, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The deity comes from the deity!

Hearing these words from Master, Jiang Yun was stunned!

This is simply impossible!

As the supreme, the three statues are too powerful.

Even if they converge their aura and suppress their cultivation base, perhaps they can enter the realm of dreams or realm of illusion through a land outside the law.

However, Xiao Cunji entered the dream realm through the channel opened by the second senior sister.

The space composition between domains and domains is different, and the space of dream domains is not as stable and firm as true domains, not to mention the channel opened by the second senior sister, which can't bear the three deities at all.

Once the three deities stepped into the passage, they would immediately collapse the passage.

Otherwise, when Ren Zun attacked Dreamland, he would not only send a avatar.

Since the human respect cannot do it, the earth respect also cannot do it!

However, now, the master said that the deity in front of him is not a clone, but probably the deity!

Although Jiang Yun's mind was full of doubts, and even suspected that his master had made a wrong judgment, he also remembered that after the appearance of Earth Zun, the huge sense of oppression brought to everyone was indeed the clone of Ren Zun in the first place. Incomparable.

Especially just now, the master who was a false deity shuddered back with just his eyes!

If the earth respect comes from a clone, it is at best a pseudo respect.

Even if the strength is stronger than that of the master, it will not be possible to shock the master with his eyes.

Naturally, Jiang Yun also understood why Master was so anxious that he had to let himself and the senior brother and sister leave quickly.

If it is the deity of the earthly deity, then the entire dream domain, plus all the monks of the illusion real domain, tied together, will not be the opponent of the earthly deity!

Especially for the powerful of the nine races, the senior brother has repeatedly emphasized that as long as the imprint of the rules that he penetrates into their bodies is not coming, there is no problem.

But now, not only has the earthly deity come, but it is the deity who has come!

As long as the earth-zun speaks, the powerful nine tribes will be obediently obedient.

Although Jiang Yun had believed Master's words, he still asked with the last glimmer of hope: "Master, is it possible that you have made a wrong judgment?"

Gu Bulao calmly said: "Whether it is the deity or not, it doesn't make much sense, but what I can be sure of is that his strength is almost the same as that of the supreme!"

"So, you don't have any chances of luck."

Jiang Yun's heart completely sank to the bottom.

Since Master said so surely, it shouldn't be wrong.

Gu Bu Lao continued: "You don't act rashly now, don't do any unnecessary things, I will find a suitable opportunity for you."

"Remember, if I let you go, you can leave without any hesitation."

"Have you heard!"

These last three words, Gu Bulao's voice has suddenly risen, and it explodes in Jiang Yun's mind like thunder.

Jiang Yun did not respond!

Because he still doesn't want to leave!

He may be able to leave, the master may also be able to escape, and even most of the creatures in the dream realm, the earth-sovereign will not kill, but what about the others?

Nine tribe powerhouses, Nine Emperors, Chiyuezi, Shizu, Yaoyuanzi, they have torn apart with the Earth Venerable, even if the Earth Venerable does not kill them, they will be completely used by him.

It is very possible that after the matter of the dream domain is solved, the earth respect will let them go to a place outside the law, and let them rush to the forefront.

After all, the overall strength of the land outside the law far exceeds the dream domain.

Even the earth-sovereign are jealous of the land outside the law, so attacking the land outside the law will definitely pay a great price, and there will definitely be true ranks, and even the fall of pseudo-sages.

Nine tribes, nine emperors, they are the best sacrifice candidates!

At this moment, the Earth Zun continued to speak: "I came to Dreamland this time. The first purpose you should all already know is to bring the Nine Clan, Nanion, Nine Emperors, and Nanion, Sijingzang, to all. Reconquer."

"You people, regardless of whether you betrayed me or not, after so many years, the punishment you have received is enough to offset your faults. Let us not blame it!"

Having said this, Di Zun couldn't help but looked at Shou Lao Dao, who was still kneeling there: "I thought that this little thing would definitely not require me to come out in person."


Shaking his head, Earth Zun didn't finish speaking, obviously he didn't bother to speak any more.

And as the voice of the earth-zun fell, among the nine races, the demon lord suddenly said: "My lord, after so many years, you should know that we did not betray you at the beginning!"

"Since there is no betrayal, we are not wrong, how can we offset it!"

No one thought that at this time, as the demon master, not only dared to speak, but also dared to question the earthly respect.

Only Gu Bu Lao took a deep look at the Demon Lord!

The earth-zun was obviously also a little surprised. He looked at the demon lord, but was not angry. He smiled slightly and said, "If I say you are wrong, you will be wrong!"

Simple but with supreme overbearing words, it makes everyone speechless.

Yes, he is the respect of the earth, and everyone's life and death are between his thoughts. Then he just said that whoever is wrong, whoever accepts it obediently.

The demon lord's lips squirmed, obviously still wanting to speak, but the earth-zun continued: "If you interrupt me again, it won't be as simple as a mistake!"

After finishing speaking, Di Zun stopped paying attention to the Demon Lord at all, and looked at everyone again: "My second purpose is to retrieve some forgotten memories."

"I didn't have much hope for this goal, but I didn't expect that this goal would be realized first."

"My third purpose, I have already told Shou Lao, to take a place outside the law."

"The land outside the law and the real realm are nowhere to be reached. Even in the real realm, it was impossible to draw Su Yu to perform the Nine Sacrifice Heavenly Art in the real realm."

"So, I can only come to Dreamland to try my luck."

"Su Yu, can you do it now?"

Su Yu, the former patriarch of the sacrificial clan, was also pale, standing in the crowd.

Hearing the Divine Master asking himself a question, even though Su Yu didn't want to answer, his mouth seemed to be uncontrollable: "Yes!"

The deity nodded with satisfaction and said: "You are originally from a place outside the law. If you can't even lead to a place outside the law, then I will have no use for you."

The sacrificial tribe, among the nine tribes once under the command, the chief of the clan with the strongest overall strength turned out to be from a place outside the law!

Hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Because, the land outside the law and the real realm, especially the relationship with the three deities are hostile.

And Su Yu comes from a place outside the law, which means that she should be a **** placed in the real realm from a place outside the law.

This chess piece has become the patriarch of one of the nine tribes under the command of Di Zun!

I'm afraid that Di Zun knew Su Yu's true identity a long time ago, and deliberately sent him out of True Realm.

Among them, Jiang Yun was rather calm. He had known that the reason why Ji Kongfan stepped into a place outside the law was because he met a group of tribesmen in the Realm of Illusion.

The Earth Zun ignored everyone's surprise, and then looked at Jiang Yun and said, "My fourth purpose is for Jiang Yun!"

"Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, I really didn't expect that you and my daughter would be the same door."

"I didn't even expect that my daughter protected you so well that I didn't know your true identity until I stepped into the realm of dreams."

Compared with Ren Zun and Tian Zun, the Earth Zun of the instigator was the last one to know that Jiang Yun was the one he was looking for!

Di Zun sighed helplessly: "As a father, it seems that I have failed too much."

"They say that they teach children face to face. Today, I will teach my daughter in front of all of you!"

When the voice fell, the body of the earthly master suddenly disappeared, and he appeared directly in front of Situ Jing, reaching out and grabbing Situ Jing.

Even Gu Bu Lao and Jiang Yun didn't expect that Earth Zun would suddenly attack Situ Jing at this moment, so that the two of them did not react at all.

However, the palm of the Earth Zun grasped a void.

Because, a figure also appeared in front of Situ Jing and pushed Situ Jing away in time!

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