The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6475: completely annihilated, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In a hurry, Jiang Yun did not control his own voice, so that the sound of his words resounded throughout the dream realm, and was clearly introduced into everyone's ears.

When they heard Jiang Yun shouting out the name of Weiyang Nv, the powerhouses from the real realm, except for Nan Ion, all showed surprise on their faces.

Especially Yao Yuanzi, his eyes widened, staring at the direction Jiang Yun was looking at.

Obviously, until now, no one has been able to discover the arrival of Weiyang Nu.

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, the figure of Wei Yangnu walked out of the dark seam.

Weiyang Nu's face was a little ugly.

Because, she originally wanted to hide in such a quiet way until after today's event was over before appearing.

Anyway, whether Di Zun wins or Mengyu wins, it won't have any effect on her.

Looking at her face, Earth Zun is also equivalent to letting go of Nan Ion and Yao Yuanzi.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yun actually called out her name in front of everyone, forcing her to come out.

However, Nv Weiyang also knew that Jiang Yun was too concerned about Dongfang Bo's safety.

Now that she appeared, Wei Yangnu stopped talking nonsense, and stepped to Jiang Yun's side, reaching out and pressing Dongfang Bo's eyebrows.

Soon, Nv Weiyang retracted her palm, shook her head and said, "His condition is very bad."

"Originally, there was still hope for his soul to recover, but because he devoured three Forbidden Soul Pills, it is now impossible to restore his soul to its original state."

"The most I can guarantee is that he will live for a while longer. As for how long he can live, it depends on him!"

"Also, I have to go back to the real realm, back to my territory, before I can save him."

Although the answer given by Weiyangnu was not too optimistic, Jiang Yun was already satisfied that he could let the senior brother live for a while longer.

After all, as long as you live, there is hope.

Maybe in the future, we can find a way to heal the soul of Senior Brother.

"Thank you, senior!" Jiang Yun nodded at Wei Yangnu and said, "If it's not bad, senior should be able to return to the real world soon."

The Weiyang girl raised her eyebrows, looked at Jiang Yun, and suddenly said with a voice transmission: "Are you Jiang Yun?"

Jiang Yun said calmly, "Why would senior say that?"

Weiyang girl said: "Because, not long ago, I helped Jiang Yun reshape his soul!"

"And when you revealed your soul just now, I also took a closer look. Not only did your soul have no traces of being reshaped, but your soul was a little strange, like more than one soul."

"But the weirdest thing is that your soul is indeed Jiang Yun's soul."

"I have cultivated the soul all my life, and my understanding of the soul can be said that no one is better than me, but a situation like yours is indeed the first time I have seen it in my life."

"Also, I can feel it. Not only do you have hatred for Di Zun, but you also have hatred for me, so I asked you if it was Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment: "I, not me, in short, as long as you can save my senior brother, I will treat you as one life for another!"

Leaving the words that made Weiyangnv confused, Jiang Yun ignored Weiyangnv and turned around and handed Dongfang Bo into the hands of Master Gu Bu Lao.

Then, Jiang Yun reached out and grabbed the unconscious Shi Wuhen, hesitated for a while, and handed it over to Gu Bu Lao Dao as well: "Although he is a subordinate of the Earth Zun, he has not harmed my dream creatures, so I also ask Master deal with."

In the end, Jiang Yun stood in front of Shou Lao again, his face had returned to indifference, and his eyes were rolling with killing intent, staring at Shou Lao.

Under Jiang Yun's gaze, Shou Lao's heart was filled with fear.

Jiang Yun's voice sounded in Shou Lao's ears: "Shou Lao, the life of one billion dreamland creatures, in exchange for your ten years of life, is this transaction worthwhile?"

Shou Lao's eyes are about to pop out of their sockets!

Although he did have a way to absorb the life essence of others and turn it into his own life essence, he did not kill the dream realm creatures, let alone as many as one billion.

In Jiang Yun's eyes, there were nine colored marks, and under the rotation, nine rays of light shot out and fell into Shou Lao's eyes.

Jiang Yun weaved a dream for Shou Lao.

In the dream, the flow of time will speed up a little bit, so that the life of the old man will be quickly lost.

After solving Shou Lao, Jiang Yun came to Wen Qingzi's side.

For the monks in the real domain and the dream domain, this Wen Qingzi is quite unfamiliar.

But Jiang Yun also had a strong hatred for him, and killed him without hesitation.

Next, Jiang Yun kept appearing in front of Di Zun's men and took their lives one by one!

For the deaths of these people, the dream domain creatures and the nine clans and nine emperors will naturally not have the slightest sympathy.

However, some of them discovered that when Jiang Yun was killing these people, it was a brutal killing, and even listened to the screams of these people and watched them die.

They know Jiang Yun very well, and know that Jiang Yun's killings are basically to give each other a good time, and they rarely torture the enemy.

Although this made them a little puzzled, naturally no one asked the reason.

Still only Gu Bu Lao, narrowed his eyes slightly, with a suspicious look in his eyes.

When Jiang Yun stopped, only Situ Jing, Dongfang Bo and Yao Yuanzi were left among the more than 100 strong men that Di Zun sent this time.

The ending of Di Zun's attack on the Dream Domain this time was much worse than the last time Human Zun came, and it was really regarded as the annihilation of the entire army.

However, the dreamland creatures and the nine clans and nine emperors were not happy.

Because they all know that the Earth Venerable hasn't really died yet.

Even though Jiang Yun had already shown his strength over the Earth Venerable, they did not forget the previous situation when Gu BuLao and Feng Beiling joined forces.

The reversals they have experienced today are too many, so before Jiang Yun did not announce the death of Di Zun, they were still apprehensive.

Jiang Yun was facing the Di Zun who was busy taking over his body and said, "Di Zun, did you see it?"

"Your subordinates are all dead, and since then, among the three honors, your earthly honor is the weakest."

Di Zun ignored Jiang Yun's cynicism, but still focused on his own sack.

As long as he successfully captured Jiang Yun, no matter how many of his subordinates died, he would not feel distressed!

He knew that Jiang Yun was cultivating the fleshly body of the Demon Race, and it was his soul entering the fleshly body.

By taking Jiang Yun's body, he can grind off Jiang Yun's soul.

And now he has taken away Jiang Yun Qicheng's body.

Although Jiang Yun said that he didn't care, the Earth Venerable could see that Jiang Yun's actions would be affected to some extent every time he seized more than one percent of Jiang Yun's body.

Jiang Yun's voice continued to sound: "Originally, I wanted to wait until you succeeded in taking me, and then give you a surprise."

"But, I don't have that much time to wait."

"So, now, I will surprise you!"

"Di Zun, take a good look at my soul!"

With the sound of Jiang Yun's words, Di Zun had to stop his squatting and look up.

In front of Di Zun, Jiang Yun's soul had already appeared.

Di Zun thought that he could occupy Jiang Yun's soul again by taking Jiang Yun's house.

But now he naturally understands that even if his deity comes here, it is impossible to occupy Jiang Yun's soul.

At a glance, the soul of the Earth Venerable was suddenly stunned, and all the threads that spread out from the soul were even broken.

Because, he was shocked to see that there were countless souls in Jiang Yun's soul!

Jiang Yun's soul is like a container filled with all kinds of souls!

Di Zun screamed: "Jiang Yun, what the **** are you!"

In his opinion, Jiang Yun is no longer a person at all.

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "I am a dead person who should have died a long time ago, but has lived until now."

Di Zun hurriedly said: "I admit, I am not your opponent, I can only use the last killer!"

"Jiang Yun, you forced me!"


At the same time as the voice of the Earth Venerable fell, Situ Jing suddenly let out a scream!

In the voice, Situ Jing's body actually became illusory!

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