The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6491: Destroy the end of the earth, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The real domain, the end of the earth!

While Jiang Yun and the two supreme beings were fighting, the battle here was also extremely fierce.

The four gates of Diya have been completely blasted open, and Ji Kongfan and other ten people have all stepped into Diya.

Although until now, Ji Kongfan and the others have not encountered an enemy, but the deity of the earth who is hiding in the boundless land has stimulated the defensive power of the earth one after another.

Even if the strength of the Earth Venerable was greatly weakened, the various defensive methods of the Earth End, when they were first arranged, were for the Earth Venerable to deal with the Human Venerable and the Heavenly Venerate.

As you can imagine, these methods are powerful!

In addition, Di Zun also clearly realized that this time, he may not be able to keep the end of the earth, and he hated Ji Kongfan and the other ten people to the extreme, so the defensive methods he used were all in a posture of perishing together.

This also makes the original ten people at this moment, two pseudo-respected powerhouses from the land outside the law have fallen!

What's more, the area of ​​Diya is too large.

Even though Ji Kongfan and the others are all powerful, they are simply unable to reach the center of the Earth in a short period of time.

Although there are a large number of teleportation formations in the end of the earth, Ji Kongfan and the others do not know the direction of each teleportation formation.

And the longer the battle dragged on, the more unfavorable the situation became for them.

After all, Earth Venerable's strength will definitely recover slowly.

Therefore, Ji Kongfan changed his strategy, no longer let everyone go to the center to meet, but let everyone start to find the foundation of the whole world.

Because Ji Kongfan's purpose this time is to destroy Di Ya.

It is best to kill Di Zun, but if you can't kill it, at least let Di Ya disappear.

The end of the earth is both a building and a magic weapon.

Architecture must have its foundation, and magical instruments must also have its weaknesses.

As long as you find these places and destroy them, you can gradually destroy the end of the earth.

Ji Kongfan was standing on an open space, sitting cross-legged, his hands pressed tightly to the ground, and the extrajudicial divine marks all over his body were pouring into the ground continuously.

Shura stood not far away, clasped his hands together, and under the stack of runes in his eyes, emitting a little golden light, he looked in all directions.

As for Xuanyuan Xing and Jiansheng, because they didn't have the strength of a pseudo-respect, and they couldn't leave Ji Kongfan too far, they could only destroy buildings nearby to vent their anger and hatred.

Outside the end of the earth, some monks have gathered.

Naturally, they were all attracted by the huge movement of the previous four gates being blasted open.

Although they also saw the four broken gates and the loud noises from time to time in the end of the earth, they realized that someone should be attacking the end of the earth.

However, they did not dare to step into the earth at will without the permission of the Earth Venerable.

They could only wait in shock.

Di Zun naturally understands Ji Kongfan's purpose, but at this time, he doesn't care about it at all.

He looked indifferent, stared at Ji Kongfan with a fierce look in his eyes, and said coldly: "If you want to ruin my career, you need to pay a price."

"Today, I'll see how many of you will be buried with Di Ya!"

"Bang bang bang!"

As his voice fell, Di Zun stretched out his hand to strike a few seals, and then he heard a burst of explosions like a burst of cannons from the ground where Ji Kongfan and Shura were.

A ground fire suddenly burst out of the ground, turned into a fire dragon, exuding a scorching high temperature, and wrapped the four of them.

However, Di Zun did not know that it was precisely because of his actions that Ji Kongfan was overjoyed and said secretly, "I found it!"

Ji Kongfan is not only powerful in himself, but also a master of refining!

Even, he once refined and gave to Shura a magic weapon called Shura Tian, ​​regardless of the power contained in it, the level of sophistication is more than the end of the earth.

And the fires emerging at the moment are not the existence of volcanic lava in the earth of the end of the earth, but an attack method derived from the magic weapon.

Therefore, the Earth Venerable urged the Earth Fire to emerge, which happened to allow Ji Kongfan to follow the source of the Earth Fire and find the weakness of the Diya magic weapon.

"Asura, help me, I will destroy this world!"

Shura smiled slightly: "No problem!"

The voice fell, and a huge figure suddenly appeared behind Shura, his hands folded, and the treasure was solemn.

Behind the figure's head, a golden halo was suspended, emitting ten thousand golden lights, wrapping himself, Ji Kongfan, Xuanyuan Xing and Jiansheng.

Under the coverage of golden light, those turbulent ground fires were instantly extinguished as if they had encountered water.

The rest of the ground fire was blocked from the golden light and could no longer move forward.


Soon, there was a continuous sound of explosions in the earth.

The whole place shook violently.

Ji Kongfan's voice even sounded in the ears of several other powerhouses in extrajudicial land: "Everyone, release the extrajudicial divine rune, and your most powerful attack, follow my power guidance and destroy this place. Earthbound!"

The other three extrajudicial powerhouses, including Ming Yuyang, all shot together.

Feeling the vibration of Di Ya, the expression of Di Zun changed, and he knew that he was powerless to return to the sky and could not keep Earth Ya.

Di Zun looked at Ji Kongfan, and said coldly: "One day, I will bloodbath the extrajudicial land!"

Di Zun stood up and stepped into the darkness behind him.

When the local respect left Di Ya and stood in the gap, looking at Di Ya, he clenched his palm heavily and spit out a word: "Blast!"


Di Ya, began to explode!

Di Zun would rather destroy Di Ya himself than let Ji Kongfan and others destroy Di Ya.


At the same time, in the illusion set up by Ren Zun in the Dream Domain, Rao is Earth Zun and Human Zun, and he did not expect that Jiang Yun, while competing with Human Zun for strength, could pull out and control the rule gold of Di Zun. Sword to attack Ren Zun.

At this moment, the expressions of the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable changed drastically.

Especially Human Respect!

If Jiang Yun is only holding an ordinary sword, even if it is a magic weapon, Ren Zun will not worry about it.

After all, his body is extremely powerful.

But Jiang Yun is using the golden sword of rules!

As a respected person, how can you not know the sharpness of this golden sword of rules, and how can you not feel the aura of regularity emanating from this golden sword of rules, which has become the aura of the Great Dao.

That is to say, Jiang Yun has completely controlled this golden sword of rules and can exert all its power!

Once stabbed by the regular golden sword, Ren Zun has no doubt that the regular golden sword will easily pierce his forehead and kill himself!

And the power of Ren Zun is partly used to maintain this illusion, and the rest is gathered in this punch, to decide the winner and loser with Jiang Yun.

If Ren Zun now withdraws all the power of the rules and gathers them between his eyebrows, he should be able to block the golden sword of rules.

But in that case, the power of Taoism on Jiang Yun's fist will pour into Ren Zun's body mercilessly, and it will also kill Ren Zun.

In short, Ren Zun has no way to save himself now.

Earth Zun also knew the consequences of Ren Zun being stabbed by this sword.

Although he also tried his best to save Ren Zun, the power generated by the collision between Ren Zun and Jiang Yun, the rule of the road, seemed to form an invisible shield, shrouding the two.

If Earth Zun wanted to save Ren Zun, it was like breaking the power shield of these two.

This is absolutely impossible for Earth Venerable.

Therefore, the two Supremes of Tangtang can only watch Jiang Yun holding the golden sword of the rules, piercing the eyebrows little by little!

Ren Zun's body trembled violently uncontrollably.

The shadow of death instantly covered his entire body.

And this feeling, he hadn't felt it for too long.

Until now, he finally realized that he was equally afraid of death.

Seeing that the golden sword in Jiang Yun's hand was about to completely pierce the eyebrows of Ren Zun, a leisurely sigh suddenly sounded: "Why are you two clones so weak!"

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