The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6496: Ren Zun was killed, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The illusion arranged by Human Respect, although everyone can't see it, it is difficult to sense it, but it is hidden in the real world after all.

And the person who came here is not the deity, just a clone.

Although the strength is greater than that of the nightmare beast, it is limited in the layout of the fantasy world than the nightmare beast.

Therefore, after the Nightmare Beast swallowed up a large area of ​​the Illusory Realm, it finally sensed the location of the Illusory Realm.

Hearing the beast's words, Gu Bu Lao suddenly hesitated!

He is always looking for the traces of Ku Lao, as long as he finds Ku Lao and integrates it, his strength will be improved again, so that he can help his disciples and deal with the three deities.

Now that he has found Ku Lao, the Nightmare Beast has also sensed the location of the illusion.

If you go to see the old man by yourself, you will have to let go of the illusion for a while.

Because Ku Lao will not be willing to be merged by himself, even if everything goes well, it will take a long time to completely re-refine Ku Lao's cultivation base into his own.

And Jiang Yun, who was in the illusion, although he was definitely still alive, he didn't know what the situation was.

It is very likely that Jiang Yun is in danger of being killed every time he is delayed here.

Of these two things, there must be only one of them.

After pondering for a while, Ku Lao immediately said solemnly: "Nightmare, can you make the illusion appear?"

Nightmare Beast replied: "Yes!"

"Then let the illusion appear first, and let's help Jiang Yun!"

Obviously, Gu Bu Lao finally decided to break through the illusion first and help Jiang Yun.

As Gu Bu Lao's voice fell, he saw that the rapidly advancing Dream Domain suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably huge bubble flew out of the Dream Realm and flew towards a boundary gap in the Illusory Real Realm.

There was a muffled sound of "bang", and when the bubble flew to a certain position, it suddenly exploded, as if it hit something.

The bubbles exploded, but they did not disappear, but split into more small bubbles, still gathering in that position, boiling frantically.


With the violent vibration, a huge almost transparent eye gradually emerged from the gap.

It is the illusion arranged by Human Respect!

The voice of the nightmare beast also sounded again: "I can only find the illusion, but I can't break the illusion!"

"I come!"

Gu Bu Lao stood up, clenched his hands, and a huge five-petal ancient flower suddenly appeared beside his eyes.

The five petals bloomed, just like opening a big mouth and swallowing the eye in one bite.

The power of the ancient three veins and the power of returning to the ruins were released at the same time, and they began to frantically squeeze their eyes.

At the same time, in the illusion, San Zun and Jiang Yun, who were fighting with each other fiercely, suddenly felt dark in front of them.

Moreover, the entire illusion is trembling crazily!

The four of them are all supreme, so they immediately understood that this was someone who attacked the illusion from the outside world and wanted to break through the illusion.

In this regard, the three statues did not have much reaction.

Because with Tianzun also displaying the three bodies of Taoism, Jiang Yun's advantage has been lost. Even if there is no illusion of Jiang Yun's suppression, they are still confident that they can beat Jiang Yun.

As for Jiang Yun, he knew very well that it must be Master, Nightmare Beast and others who were worried about their own safety and wanted to break through the illusion to help themselves.

Thinking of this, a sneer suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun's face, and he spit out a word: "Break!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Three explosions sounded almost simultaneously!

Those were the three incarnations of Jiang Yun, and they all exploded in unison!

Although Jiang Yun has tended to be at a disadvantage, there are three incarnations with the same strength as him, at least they can help him to restrain the earth and human beings, and help him share some of the pressure.

But no one thought that Jiang Yun would actually let the three incarnations explode at this time!

Naturally, the three statues and the three incarnations of Tianzun were not able to escape at the first time, and they were all involved in the turbulent waves generated by the explosion of Jiang Yun's incarnation.

The strength of Jiang Yun's incarnation, although not the supreme, is also the pinnacle of the pseudo-vendor, so their self-destruction power is amazing!

However, Jiang Yun's own mouth also spurted three mouthfuls of blood one after another, and the whole person's complexion instantly became a lot sluggish.

Although the three incarnations have the same strength as the deity, they are not real existences after all, and they will disappear after a period of time.

Once it self-destructs, it will cause damage to the deity, not to mention that the three avatars self-destruct at the same time.

The deity of Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun's deity, frowned slightly and said, "You explode your incarnation now, it doesn't seem to make any sense!"

Jiang Yun reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Is it meaningful, you will know soon!"


Suddenly, there was another loud noise, and everything around everyone was shattered.

The illusion of human respect was finally broken open by the ancient flower of ancient times and completely disappeared.

Jiang Yun suddenly took a deep breath, and there was a crackling sound in his body, which was the disappearance of the illusionary power that had been imprisoning his cultivation in order to suppress his strength.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand in the direction of Mengyu and said, "The Great Dao feeds back!"

Suddenly, in the dream realm, there were all kinds of powers, suddenly rushed out and poured into Jiang Yun's body, which also made Jiang Yun's sluggish aura suddenly rise again.

Seeing this scene, Tianzun's face showed a look of surprise and said: "When Renzun attacked you, you returned to the public and scattered a large number of Taoist seeds, just so that one day, when you need strength, you can Borrowed from Dreamland!"

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Then you really overestimate me. At that time, I didn't think so much."

"It doesn't matter!" Tianzun shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you guessed correctly, this should be your last hole card!"

"Although your trump card is indeed beyond my expectations, it is also of little use."

"Because, you are obviously no longer in the supreme realm."

Jiang Yun didn't speak, but looked at the place not far away, where his three incarnations exploded.

The rolling air waves there have dissipated, revealing the many figures within it, the three incarnations of the earth, the human, and the heaven.

At this moment, their faces were full of suspicion.

Because Jiang Yun's avatar's self-destruction might be extremely powerful and mighty, but let alone kill them, they didn't even hurt them a little!

But at this moment, in front of them, a nearly transparent river suddenly appeared, and it was a thousand feet long!

With the appearance of this river, the expression of the always calm Tianzun suddenly changed, and he blurted out: "The river of time!"

Just as Tianzun said these four words, the river of time suddenly began to flow backwards.

Everyone clearly saw that countless fragments appeared on the river, and as time went backwards, they re-condensed into the three incarnations of Jiang Yun at an extremely fast speed!

Before even a breath, Jiang Yun's three self-destructed incarnations appeared again.

And, let's do it together!

Jiang Yun's avatar, who was close to Ren Zun, suddenly stretched out his hand and forcefully tore open the eyebrows of Ren Zun who was full of astonishment, revealing his wound that was almost pierced by the regular golden sword.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder of rules was sent into it!


Ren Zun's face suddenly showed a look of fear, exclaimed aloud, and hurriedly reached out and inserted his eyebrows, trying to pull out the thunder of the rules, and turned his head to look at Tianzun, hoping Tianzun can still shoot help.

But it's a pity that Tianzun just stood there and didn't mean to help!

It's not that Tianzun doesn't want to save, but she knows very well that Jiang Yun will not give her a chance to take action at all.

And Jiang Yun's voice also sounded in Ren Zun's ear: "Ren Zun, killing your clone is some interest charged to you!"

"It won't be long before your deity will accompany you!"


As Jiang Yun's voice fell, a loud noise came.

The thunder of the rules in the heart of Ren Zun's eyebrows exploded!

The avatar of Ren Zun was finally killed!

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