The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6500: End of the World Collapse, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Just when Jiang Yun finally killed the Di Zun clone, the Di Zun Domain, which had been standing for countless years in the real domain, completely exploded in a series of earth-shattering roars and turned into different sizes. A bunch of pieces!

The deity of Di Zun did not let Ji Kongfan and others destroy Di Ya, but destroyed Di Ya himself.

However, Di Zun still did not leave in a hurry, but stood in the gap, staring coldly at the ruins that Di Ya turned into.

He wanted to see how many of those eight daring people were still alive under the explosion of the end of the earth.

He wants to remember those who are alive.

Even if they hide their true faces, as long as their aura remains the same, one day, they will always be found by oneself, and they will be smashed to ashes!

But he hadn't waited for Ji Kongfan and the others to appear, but the voice of Ren Zun sounded in his ears: "Zun Di, can you sense your clone?"

"I haven't been able to sense the breath of my clone for a long time, is there something wrong?"

Because of Situ Jing's self-destruction, the connection between the two supreme beings and the deity has been completely cut off, and the connection between the real domain and the dream domain has been cut off.

Therefore, the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable, even if they are the Supreme Beings, have no way of knowing what the current situation of their clones is, whether they are dead or alive.

Ren Zun had always been patiently waiting, but now he couldn't wait any longer, so he couldn't help contacting Di Zun.

Where is the current Di Zun still in the mood to take care of his avatar.

Hearing Ren Zun's voice transmission, the first thought that popped into his mind was whether to inform Ren Zun and ask Ren Zun to come over.

If the deity of Ren Zun came to him immediately, he could easily catch Ji Kongfan and others, so that none of them could escape.

Not only can their revenge for the destruction of this end of the world be avenged immediately, but also from their souls, they can learn about the situation of the extrajudicial land.

However, Di Zun shook his head. Finally gave up on this idea.

His current strength has not recovered yet. If Ren Zun really comes now, it is estimated that the person who will be caught first by Ren Zun will be himself!

Therefore, the Earth Venerable replied in a deep voice: "I can't sense it either. It should be that there is a strong person in the land outside the law, which separates the connection between us and the clone."

"However, you don't have to worry too much. With the strength of the two clones of you and me, there should be no worries about life. Let's wait and see!"

Ren Zun still worriedly said: "Is there any way you can send us to a place outside the law?"

"Or, let's contact Tianzun, the deity of the three of us, go there again, and take advantage of this opportunity to completely destroy the land outside the law in one fell swoop?"

Di Zun smiled bitterly and said, "I can no longer send us to a place outside the law."

Ren Zun said helplessly: "Okay, then let's wait!"

Di Zun no longer pays attention to Human Zun, and at this time, among the ruins of Di Ya, silhouettes began to appear one after another.

The first to appear are Ji Kongfan, Shura, Xuanyuanxing and Jiansheng!

Under the protection of Ji Kongfan and Shura, Xuanyuan Xing and Jiansheng were not injured.

Then, Ming Yuyang and the other three powerhouses in the extrajudicial land also appeared one after another.

Of the eight people, none of them died!

Di Zun stared at the eight people, his eyes showing a cold light, and remembered their breaths one by one.

In the end, Di Zun, full of unwillingness and resentment, slowly walked towards the rear, hid in the darkness, and left.

Di Zun must leave quickly.

Because he knows that the news of the destruction of the end of the earth will soon be known by Tianzun and Renzun.

When the time comes, these two Supremes, especially Human Respect, will definitely come in person.

Once they arrive, they can't leave if they want to.

Naturally, Ji Kongfan and the others did not know that Di Zun had quietly left.

And he also sent a voice transmission to the powerhouses in other places beyond the law: "Now, let's leave quickly and meet in Jihai."

After he finished speaking, he nodded to Shura, and the two of them left with Xuanyuan Xing and Jiansheng.

Ji Kongfan naturally knows that the disappearance of the end of the earth, such a big event, the entire real domain will be disturbed, making it possible for the human beings and the gods to come, so they must leave quickly.

Ming Yuyang and several others also flew in different directions, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

After they left, a large number of figures appeared nearby.

These are naturally cultivators of the Earth Venerable Territory, and they hurried over when they heard the sound of the explosion of the Earth End.

And looking at the land in front of him that has become a ruin, everyone is dumbfounded!

Everyone is rubbing their eyes hard, wondering if they are hallucinating!

That is the end of the earth, the residence of Di Zun, and now it has turned into a ruin!

What about Di Zun? What about so many monks in the end of the earth?

Could it be that they have all died in the collapse of the end of the earth?

What the **** is going on here?

Countless doubts filled the minds of everyone, but there was no one to ask.

Just ten breaths passed, a powerful coercion suddenly descended from the sky, covering everyone, making everyone feel a sense of suffocation.

Everyone looked up, and a sturdy figure was standing above the ground that had been turned into ruins.


Just as Di Zun and Ji Kongfan guessed, Ren Zun quickly learned the news of the explosion of Di Ya, so he rushed over as quickly as possible.

Compared with other people, the doubts in Ren Zun's heart are even greater!

Because, just half a day ago, his avatar stayed with Di Zun for a while in Di Ya.

Before ten breaths, his deity was still communicating with the earthly deity.

At that time, Di Zun's tone was calm, and he didn't mention what danger Di Ya encountered at all.

How come the end of the earth has been destroyed in just a few short breaths?

Ren Zun's consciousness instantly covered the entire world, confirming that there was not a single living person in it, only a lot of mutilated corpses.

Ren Zun was able to recognize the appearance of several of the corpses, and knew that they were all monks from the end of the earth.

Moreover, judging from their appearance, they all looked serene. Obviously, there was no pain when they died, and they should have died instantly.

After reading the whole situation of Diya, Ren Zun frowned and said: "Even if I join forces with Tianzun, it is impossible to destroy Diya in such a short period of time!"

Di Ya is the residence of the Di Zun, and the various defensive measures arranged in it are designed to compete with the Supreme, so the words of the Human Zun are not self-defeating.

In the same way, if it was replaced by the earth and the gods to attack his territory, it would not be possible to destroy his statue in such a short period of time.

Human Reverence contacted Earth Reverence again, but Earth Reverence did not respond.

After pondering for a moment, Ren Zun turned to recruit a few monks from the Land Venerable Domain. He didn't even bother to ask, and searched their souls directly, hoping to know what happened from their souls.

Naturally, the result is nothing!

But anyone who knows why the end of the earth was destroyed is either dead or gone

Ren Zun stretched out his hand and stroked his chin: "If you want to know what happened here, you can see it by turning back time."

"But I'm not very proficient in the power of time, and Tianzun is better at it."

Speaking of this, Ren Zun suddenly raised his head, looked in the direction of Tianzunyu, and frowned even more tightly: "Strange, why Tianzun hasn't come yet?"

Renzun believes that the destruction of the end of the earth, such a big thing, Tianzun must have already known.

Even if Tianzun doesn't come to check in person, he should at least send someone to check it out.

But Renzun has been here for a long time, but there is no movement in Tianzun!

Then, Earth Venerable also hurriedly contacted Heavenly Venerate.

However, what he didn't expect was that there was no response from Tianzun!

"Heavenly Venerable, Earthly Venerable, what are you doing?"

Ren Zun hesitated for a while, his figure disappeared, and he went directly to the Tianzun domain and came to the sky!

Standing outside the dome of the sky, Ren Zun said in a loud voice, "Little brother, come to see eldest sister!"

As Ren Zun's voice fell, a young woman quickly appeared in front of Ren Zun.

The woman clasped her fists at Ren Zun and said, "Lord Ren Zun, my teacher left the sky not long ago, leaving no clones, and I don't know where to go. I haven't returned yet."

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