The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6503: Teacher for a day, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Among the nine powerhouses under Di Zun's command, except for Jiang Wanli, the mirage clan's spiritual master, the person closest to Jiang Yun is the Demon Lord!

The reason why Jiang Yun can have such a powerful physical body can be said to be entirely the credit of the devil.

But now, the Demon Lord was actually killed by Tianzun!

Looking at the body of the Demon Lord, everyone was stunned, especially the remaining powerhouses of the Nine Clans and Nine Emperors!

When Su Yu, the patriarch of the sacrificial clan, was killed by Di Zun before, because Su Yu could save his life, he did not hesitate to tell Di Zun that the altar of heaven and earth could draw out the unlawful land by absorbing negative emotions, making Di Zun almost open to the dreamland. Killing Jie, so everyone didn't feel much about Su Yu's death.

But the Demon Lord is different. The relationship between the Demon Lord and the other nine powerhouses has always been good. His death naturally caused everyone to be extremely sad and angry.

Not to mention Jiang Yun, he didn't even have time to be sad, so he shouted: "Everyone, hurry up!"

As for himself, he rushed towards Tianzun recklessly.

Everyone's response was not slow, and they also realized that Tianzun was really going to kill, so as Jiang Yun's roar sounded, they immediately fled in all directions.

Even the nightmare beasts have completely let go of the dream realm at this time, hoping that these people can escape the dream realm and escape the pursuit of Tianzun.

It's a pity that they are facing the deity of Tianzun, the strongest person between heaven and earth!

Tianzun smiled coldly: "Whoever escapes the fastest, I will kill whoever is first!"

While speaking, Tianzun raised his foot and took a step forward, easily dodging Jiang Yun who was rushing towards him, and appeared beside Soul Kunwu, the head of the Soul Clan, and slapped it with an understatement.

Hun Kunwu didn't even have time to let out the screams, his whole body fell straight down, and the soul, including the soul, was all smashed to pieces.

"Stop!" Seeing Hun Kunwu's death, Jiang Yun didn't dare to chase after him, he stopped, and said anxiously: "Tianzun, stop, I will cooperate with you!"

Jiang Yun could see that Tianzun was clearly red-eyed, and he was really determined to restart Samsara.

If Tianzun is not stopped again, then I am afraid that Jiang Yun, who has been reincarnated in this life, will eventually survive, just like himself. He can only be a lonely person to avenge the revenge that he cannot avenge at all!

"I don't need it!" However, Tianzun smiled slightly: "I can't find Gu Bu Lao, and it doesn't make any sense for you to cooperate with me!"

Between the words, Tianzun raised his hands and grabbed it!

This time, she is not attacking the strong of the nine clans, but the two emperors of death among the nine emperors.

These two are the strongest among the nine emperors, but under Tianzun's casual grab, there is not even a trace of resistance, and a burst of blue smoke emerges from their bodies, as if they had encountered the sun Like ice, it melted in an instant.

In an instant, the four true-level emperors died in the hands of Tianzun.

The rest of the people also gave up and escaped, because they couldn't escape at all.

They can only stand in place one by one, waiting for the arrival of Tianzun.

Jiang Yun knew that the only person who could stop Tianzun now should be his master.

However, once the master appears, I am afraid that he will also be killed by Tianzun.

What's more, it is impossible for him to let his master appear.

And even if he is one in two rounds, he is not the opponent of the deity of Tianzun now.

The strength of Tianzun is even stronger than when he was reincarnated last time.

Could it be that, apart from the appearance of the master, there is no way to stop Tianzun?

Tianzun also stopped the slaughter, but said again: "I am not old, you can't see your disciple's pain, right? As a master, do you have the nerve to continue to hide like this and not show up?"

Then, Tianzun looked at Jiang Yun again and said, "Jiang Yun, even though you have lived through two reincarnations, do you really know your master?"

"Have you seen the real face of your master, do you know his true identity?"

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "I really don't know the true identity of Master, but in my heart, no matter who he is, he is my Master."

"You don't need to provoke the relationship between our master and apprentice here, it's useless!"

"Hey!" Tianzun said with a disdainful sneer: "Have you ever thought that the reason why you became an ancient disciple was actually arranged by him?"

"Don't forget, your master once attacked Di Zun with me in Zhenyu, and you can join hands with Feng Beiling to erase the memory of Di Zun Ren Zun and other Supreme Beings."

"Such a person would not know that you are the target of Di Zun's conspiracy, and that you are the person we are all looking for?"

"Then, he entered the Four Realms, entered the dream realm, and found you in advance. Perhaps it was also to devour you and take you away when you reached your Dao cultivation!"

Jiang Yun said with a stern face: "So what!"

"One day as a teacher, life as a father!"

"Even if the master knows my identity, even if he deliberately accepts me as a disciple, even if he has plots against me, at least he really treats me as a disciple."

"When I am in danger, when I am in trouble, the old man can stand up and support me without hesitation!"

"Based on all this, his old man's status in my heart will never change."

Perhaps, Jiang Yun, who has been reincarnated in this life, has not thought about these issues, but Jiang Yun, who has experienced two reincarnations, how could he not have thought about it!

Jiang Yun did doubt Master, and thought about finding out Master's true identity.

And with his original supreme strength, he could do it, and he almost did it.

But in the end, he gave up!

As these words he said now express, the master is the master!

Tianzun nodded again and again and said with a smile: "filial piety is commendable, really filial piety!"

"Then let me tell you another fact. I killed these people not to stimulate you, but because they may have your master's soul hidden in their bodies!"

"In other words, each of them can be regarded as a clone of your master!"

"Your master seems to have committed suicide, but in fact it is because he may be hiding in these people's bodies."

When the voice fell, Tianzun raised his hand again, and shot out three consecutive palms.

This time, the head of the Samsara clan, the head of the Jiekong clan, Xiao Sanqin, and the head of the beast clan in the Yin Spirit Realm were also killed!

At this moment, Jiang Yun only felt that his mind was blank.

The master's soul might be hidden in the bodies of the nine clans and nine emperors and other powerhouses!

These powerhouses can all be regarded as Master's clones!

Although Jiang Yun wanted to believe it or not, when he thought about the inexplicable suicide of his master just now, he felt that Tianzun's words might not have been a lie.

The voice of Tianzun continued to sound: "Jiang Yun, I am killing people who are not too close to you."

"If your master doesn't show up, then I can only continue to kill."

"Next, Jiang Wanli!"

"No!" Jiang Yun raised his head suddenly, his figure swayed, and he directly blocked his grandfather.

In any case, Jiang Yun couldn't let Tianzun kill his grandfather!

At this moment, Gu Bu Lao's voice finally sounded: "Tianzun, don't kill anymore."

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of Gu Bu Lao's voice.

At a glance, everyone's complexion changed drastically, even Jiang Yun was no exception.

Because, Gu Bu Lao's voice came from the Great Emperor of Time, who had been unconscious for a long time, Shi Wuhen!

Shi Wuhen opened his eyes and stood up. Although his appearance was still Shi Wuhen's, those eyes were able to be recognized at a glance by anyone who was familiar with Gu Bu Lao, and that was Gu Bu Lao's eyes!

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