The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6505: heart broken, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!


This ancient sentence made Jiang Yun stunned again!

No matter what reincarnation it is, the birth of oneself, or the meaning of existence, all originate from the plot of the Earth Venerable.

The purpose of the Earth Venerable is to find a way of practicing that is different from the real domain, so that he can become an existence above the Supreme Being.

Now it seems that the way of Taoist cultivation is very likely to be the kind of cultivation method that the Earth Zun, or even the Three Zuns, are looking for.

However, with their status as the supreme, it is really impossible for them to start from scratch on the road of cultivation.

Therefore, the easiest and most direct way to obtain the path of Taoist cultivation is to wait until Jiang Yun's Taoist cultivation is complete, and then seize or swallow Jiang Yun.

In this way, all of Jiang Yun's memories and all cultivation bases can be easily owned.

However, Gu Bu Lao now told Jiang Yun with great certainty that Tian Zun would never take his body away from him, which naturally made Jiang Yun somewhat incomprehensible.

Gu Bu Lao smiled and said: "I just said, as your master, even though you have the same soul as the fourth, I can still tell the two of you apart."

"Because, in fact, you still have some differences!"

Jiang Yun's heart moved, the meaning of Master's words was not the "unique" he said to Tianzun before!

Whether it is myself or others, it seems that they have been reincarnated over and over again. Everyone is still the same person they used to be, but in fact, it is different.

everyone is unique!

Gu Bu Lao said: "The most simple and obvious difference is the hatred in your hearts!"

"Your eyes and heart are full of hatred, hatred for the three gods, and the Weiyang girl."

"And the fourth, although there is hatred for the three, but it is far less deep and strong than you."

"It's because your experiences are different!"

A look of surprise appeared on Jiang Yun's face.

Indeed, in his reincarnation, he is the only one left, so he hates the sky, and the purpose of his existence is to kill the three, or even destroy the real realm, and avenge the dead.

And Jiang Yun in the reincarnation of this life, under his own reminder, changed the future that should have happened.

At least so far, most of everything he wants to protect is still there, so he doesn't have so much hatred.

Come to think of it, it is through this that Master has judged his true identity.

It's just that Jiang Yun still can't understand, what does it have to do with the fact that the master said this, and Tianzun will not take away himself?

Gu Bu Lao pointed at his head and said, "Different experiences and identities will lead to different ideas for each person."

"And once someone is taken away, his thoughts will always stay at the moment when he was taken away!"

"The person who took away his family has obtained his memory and everything about him, but in the same way, from the moment when the bet is successful, the thoughts of the person who took the family will become his own thoughts again."

Seeing the dazed look on Jiang Yun's face, he obviously didn't understand his own words. Gu Bu Lao patiently continued to explain: "Take you as an example, if you see that I am in danger, you will definitely save me at all costs."

"However, if you are taken away by Tianzun before saving me, Tianzun also sees that I am in danger. Although she has all your memories, she is not you, and it is absolutely impossible to save me!"

"This truth, the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable may not understand, but the Heavenly Venerate will definitely be able to think of it."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun finally understood what Master meant, and admitted that what Master said was very reasonable.

And this is something I never thought about.

Everyone's thoughts and decisions must be closely related to his own experience, and even form a fixed pattern.

Like the fight between himself and Tianzun just now, Tianzun is proficient in all the magical powers and techniques he masters, and can imitate his own attacks, but he cannot imitate his own attack methods, so he entered the illusion of the eye of six desires.

Gu Bulao continued: "The way of Taoism and the way of practicing in the real world are two different paths."

"If you combine the two paths, you will definitely be able to surpass the Supreme, and the Heavenly Venerate will definitely take you away."

"But the problem is that even if the two paths are merged, a new path to the Supreme still needs to be opened up."

"Moreover, because Tianzun has reached the extreme on the road of the real domain, if you want to open up a new road, you can only work hard from Taoism."

"But even if she clearly knows all your experiences and experiences, it is not you after all, and all the decisions she makes are still based on her thoughts."

"So, she won't take you away!"

"Her choice should always follow your footsteps and walk behind you step by step, so she can use the same Taoist magic powers as you."

"Wait until one day, when you are about to reach the top of the Supreme, or when she knows how to go on the road ahead, and then kill you!"

Gu Bu Lao suddenly gave Jiang Yun a meaningful look and said, "And if you guessed correctly, in fact, your cultivation path has come to an end, and there is no way to go."

"Since you and the fourth child cannot coexist, she will definitely kill you this time, leaving the fourth child behind!"

Jiang Yun also looked at the master and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

"Yes! The reason why I can become the Supreme is because my Taoist heart has been broken, and there is only one way to become the Supreme!"

Jiang Yun's way is the way of protection!

However, when everything he wants to protect is gone, for him, this is equivalent to destroying his Dao heart, destroying his Dao, and letting his Dao cultivation road come to an end!

He will never find his way to the Supreme!

And he wants revenge too much, so he can only choose to become the same supreme as the three!

Gu Bu Lao sighed and said, "Tianzun should also know this, so last time when Renzun attacked Dreamland, she asked Yuan Ning to take Xueqing and the others away."

"This time, she came to Dreamland in person, indeed, to protect Dreamland, to prevent the disappearance of everything guarded by the fourth child, so that the fourth child can continue to maintain the Taoist heart and find the way to the supreme!"

"It's a pity that because I merged with Ku Lao, I actually made her change her mind!"

"However, don't worry, although I don't know why she changed her mind, I will do my best not to let the fourth child experience what you have experienced again!"

Jiang Yun suddenly turned over, kowtowed three times respectfully at Gu Bu Lao, and said softly, "Although I am not the Jiang Yun of this life, no matter what time it is, you are my master!"

"For a while, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to say goodbye to you, so I'll say goodbye to you now!"

Seeing Jiang Yun suddenly knelt down and kowtowed towards Gu Bu Lao, all living beings except Tian Zun changed their expressions!

Although they did not hear the voice transmission dialogue between the master and the apprentice, the significance of Jiang Yun's gift to Gu Bulao before the battle with Tianzun is naturally self-evident!

Jiang Yun, this is about sacrificing yourself!

Gu Bu Lao accepted Jiang Yun's three heads with a smile.

And Jiang Yun did not get up immediately after kowtowing to Gu Bu Lao, but turned to Jiang Wanli and Jiang Gongwang, and also respectfully kowtowed three times.

This made Jiang Gongwang and Jiang Wanli's eyes all wet, and they clenched their teeth one by one, wanting to persuade Jiang Yun not to do stupid things, but when the words came to their mouths, they couldn't say anything.

In the end, Jiang Yun also knelt down to Dongfang Bo!

The elder brother is like a father!

Jiang Yun's respect for Dongfang Bo was second only to his master.

Although Dongfang Bo was equally sad, he nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

Jiang Yun stood up and bowed deeply to all the real powerhouses and dream realms.

In the face of Jiang Yun's worship, most people were already in tears, and they also paid a salute.

When Jiang Yun straightened up, Gu Bu Lao's voice also sounded: "Child, let's take action!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yun immediately turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Tianzun!

Ancient is not old, followed closely behind!

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