The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6513: in the sky, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Tianzun could only watch the small ball that the dream domain turned into. After rushing into the door of the extrajudicial, it gradually merged into the endless darkness, until it completely disappeared from her sight. trace!

The door to outside the law is still standing there, and even the door has no tendency to close. It stands there quietly, like a giant, with his mouth wide open, launching a silent provocation towards Tianzun.

Tianzun is standing outside the door outside the law, and he only needs to take a step forward to step into the place outside the law.

However, after staring at the darkness for a long time, Tianzun still did not dare to take this step.

Finally, Tianzun turned around, raised his hand, and ripped casually in front of him.

Suddenly, the darkness was torn apart by a hideous crack.

Naturally, in the cracks, is the real domain!

I am afraid that the Earth Venerable and the Human Venerable will not think that if the Heavenly Venerate wants to come to the Dreamland, it will be so easy.

From the cracks, a stream of air flowed out and fell on Tianzun's body, causing her to close her eyes slightly, and her pale complexion gradually recovered some rosy.

In today's battle, even if Tianzun came here, not to mention the possibility of falling, but it really made her exhausted, and she felt a rare sense of weakness.

And these powers from the real domain are like medicine pills to her, allowing her to absorb and recover.

After a while, Tianzun opened his eyes again, turned his head to look, and the door outside the law was still standing.

Just glanced at the door outside the law, Tianzun looked away and looked around.

The dream realm has disappeared, and although the original dream realm exists, although it is still dark, Tianzun knows that the darkness is not a boundary gap, but a real nothingness, which is not suitable for living beings to survive.

Even myself, I can't stay in it for too long.

However, nightmare beasts, together with the ancient spirits, were born from such nothingness.

The dream realm is based on the dream realm of nightmare beasts, and the reason why the real world can exist is actually also derived from nightmare beasts.

As for the reason, Tianzun has no way of knowing, it can only be said that it is the magic of heaven and earth.

In addition to the dream realm, there is another realm near the void, which is the real world!

Although the Nightmare Beast has swallowed up a large area of ​​the Illusory Realm Domain, it is actually less than half of it.

At this moment, there are still countless creatures and monks in the Magic Realm.

Powerhouses such as Yuanfan were not far away, and witnessed the battle between Tianzun and Jiang Yun and others from beginning to end.

Now, they gathered together and looked at Tianzun with fearful eyes. They didn't know whether Tianzun would vent the anger that failed to catch the dream realm to the real realm, or would just leave.

Tianzun's eyes fell on them, and suddenly smiled slightly: "You continue to stay here, and there is no future."

"You guys, would you like to follow me to the real domain?"

Hearing Tianzun's words, Yuan Fan and the others were all stunned.

Originally, when they wanted to come, Tianzun ignored himself and others, and allowed himself to fend for himself in the realm of illusion, which was already a blessing.

But I never thought that Tianzun would be willing to bring himself and others to the real domain.

The real realm is the place that I and others yearn for. It is the real world. Compared with the real realm, it is countless times stronger in every aspect.

Especially when it comes to cultivation, only by entering the real realm can the path of cultivation be extended, so that oneself and others have hope and the possibility of continuing to improve.

Moreover, since Tianzun took the initiative to propose, once you enter the real domain, you and others should also become Tianzun's subordinates.

Among the three, Tianzun is undoubtedly the strongest.

With such a big backer as Tianzun, as long as you are obedient, there will be no worries.

For Yuan Fan and others, this is really great news!

As for whether Tianzun will have any other ideas, whether it will be detrimental to himself and others, everyone has not considered it at all.

After all, in the eyes of Tianzun, these people are like ants. Tianzun wants to kill himself, and he can do it now. Where is the need to take himself to the real domain!

Therefore, after being stunned for a while, Yuan Fan and the other powerhouses suddenly turned over and knelt down towards Tianzun, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Lord Tianzun, for your kindness, and I am willing to follow Tianzun to the real realm!"

Tianzun nodded and said: "Then you guys hurry up and pack up, I'll wait for you here for a while."

Tianzun's response made Yuanfan and others even more grateful.

They are going to leave their hometowns, and they really want to leave their homeland forever. Naturally, they want to go with all their belongings as much as possible.

It will definitely take some time to clean up these belongings.

Not only did Tianzun give himself time to wait for others, but he was also willing to wait here.

This approachable attitude immediately changed everyone's view of Tianzun.

Even, many people feel that the previous Jiang Yun, Gu Bulao and others should not fight against Tianzun at all!

As Tianzun waved his hand, Yuanfan and others no longer delayed, and hurriedly sent orders to let all the creatures in the real world quickly pack their things and prepare to go to the real realm with Tianzun.

Tianzun turned his head again, looked at the door outside the law, and said to himself: "Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the last life, is not old, these two variables have finally solved one."

"Although it still failed to stop Gu Bu Lao and Meng Yu from entering the extrajudicial land, but it allowed the Weiyang girl to enter the extrajudicial land."

"In this way, there will be my people in the land outside the law."

"As long as Weiyang Nv can leave the land outside the law alive, then I can learn more about the land outside the law!"

After he finished speaking, Tianzun sat cross-legged on the crack he had torn open, while absorbing the power from the real realm, restoring his own strength, and waiting for the creatures in the real realm.

Although Tianzun gave Yuanfan and others time, it was impossible for everyone to pack up slowly.

One by one, they chose some of the more important things at the fastest speed, and it took less than an hour to clean up all of them.

Yuanfan came to the vicinity of Tianzun and said respectfully: "Sir, we are ready!"

Tianzun stood up and said, "Okay."

While speaking, there was an extra bamboo slip in Tianzun's hand and said: "I will inhale all of you into this instrument, and I will release you after you reach the true domain."

"Yes!" Yuan Fan naturally had no opinion.

Tianzun didn't speak anymore, he stretched out his hand and threw it.

The bamboo slip flew out of his hand, and it suddenly swelled, and slowly spread out, revealing the runes or characters on it that outsiders could not recognize.

These rune words gradually lit up, exuding a strong suction force, sucking all the creatures in the real magic realm into the bamboo slips.

The whole process was over within a few dozen breaths.

The bamboo slips closed again and fell into Tianzun's hands.

So far, the dream domain has disappeared, and the phantom real domain has also become a dead domain, and it will not be long before it will be completely swallowed by nothingness.

That is to say, from now on, there are only the real and the extrajudicial places left in this world!

Tianzun took a last look at the door of extrajudicial that was still not closed, and said with a cold smile: "Ancient is not old, this time, you and I will win a game!"

"The next time we see you, it will be the final battle, look at us, who can have the last laugh!"

The voice fell, and Tianzun finally took a step and stepped into the crack that he tore.

With the departure of Tianzun, the cracks gradually closed, and the door to the outside world, which was always open, was also opened and closed!

It's like someone is hiding in the darkness, always waiting for Tianzun to step in.

Now that Tianzun has left, there is no need to keep this door open.


After a loud bang, the door to the outside world finally closed completely.

After a slight shock, the Outlaw Gate also disappeared into nothingness and disappeared, not knowing where it went.

True Domain, Vault of Heaven!

The dome of the sky, as the residence of Tianzun, contains some worlds.

At the center of one of the worlds stood a statue.

This statue is not carved by Tianzun, but a man with three heads and six arms!

If Jiang Yun can see this statue, then he can recognize it at a glance, it is clearly a fallen golem!

That man with three heads and six arms is... the Demon Lord!

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