The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6519: Tomb of the Supreme, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Because Jiang Yun is on the road of Taoism, so his cultivation realm cannot be classified into the corresponding and accurate realm according to the standards of other monks.

But his strength has actually entered the ranks of the real emperor.

The two rules of thunder and water that he masters are above the real domain, which allows him to kill the emperor of the same rank.

Even, even if he encounters the pseudo-zun and the ancient emperor, even if he can't beat it, it is not difficult for him to retreat.

But now, in this place where he doesn't know what it is, an invisible force can prevent him from moving forward.

In addition, when Jiang Yun, who had been reincarnated in the previous life, faced Tianzun, Tianzun once released her aura of being a supreme being, which made Jiang Yun remember it fresh.

Therefore, he felt that the power that blocked him could only come from the Supreme.

In a place outside the law, there is a supreme existence!

This thought emerged from Jiang Yun's mind, and it also reminded him of his last reincarnation himself, and just said his last doubt.

He suspects that other supreme beings should have been born in the real domain. They may have been killed by the three, or they may still be alive and hidden somewhere.

If there is a Supreme Being here, it will prove his guess is correct.

Jiang Yun quickly calmed down and was not afraid.

Now he is fearless.

What's more, if there is a supreme being in the land outside the law, then the other party must be the enemy of the three deities.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not try to break through this resistance, but stared at the darkness ahead, clasped his fists and said: "Junior Mengyu Jiang Yun, I have no intention of coming here, I don't know which senior is here, can you show up and see! "

After Jiang Yun's voice fell, there was no reaction at all in the darkness.

Jiang Yun waited quietly for a while, and then repeated the words again.

There was no response twice in a row, Jiang Yun pondered for a while, and the ancient power in the body suddenly poured into the ancient imprint between the eyebrows, making the light emitted by the imprint brighter.

Moreover, this kind of light is not hindered by that invisible force, and continues to push forward a little bit.

Jiang Yun's ancient power can make the light of the ancient imprint cover a wider area, but he considered that there may be danger here, so he always retained his strength, just let the light cover thousands of feet.

Now, when his body is unable to move forward, he can only choose to make the light cover a wider area, so that he can see whether there is really a Supreme Being.

The light of the imprint of the ancients continued to expand. When the power of the ancients in Jiang Yun's body had been exerted to the extreme, and the area covered by the light was about to reach ten thousand feet, Jiang Yun finally saw the source of that power in his eyes!

A huge tomb!

At the end of the ray of light, on the ground riddled with holes, there was a tomb with a height of 100 feet, standing there quietly.

Above the tomb, there was an equally huge tombstone.

It's a pity that it is extremely smooth, and there is no text or pattern left.

Jiang Yun's eyes stared at the tomb in the distance, and said to himself, "Isn't this... the tomb of a supreme being?"

"This is a battlefield. In the distant past, there was a great war."

"Although I don't know who the two parties involved in the war are, after such a long time, even the bones and instruments have turned into dust, but a tomb can still release such a powerful force."

"The one buried in this tomb should be a supreme being."

Once you become the Supreme Being, all parts of the body will undergo earth-shaking changes, with unimaginable enormous power.

Even a drop of blood can easily collapse one world.

Just like back then, there was a sea of ​​blood in the Four Realms, which was transformed by a drop of blood that was impermanent.

Only the Supreme Being can still release such a powerful force after being dead for so long.

Although he knew the source of the resistance, Jiang Yun looked at the tomb in the distance with an embarrassed look on his face.

Even the power released by the supreme corpse is not something that he can contend with.

In other words, he couldn't break through the resistance at all, let alone go to see the tomb of the Supreme Being, and he couldn't even continue to move forward.

The only way is to detour!

But seeing that there is a supreme tomb in front of him, but he can't get close, this is also a deep sense of frustration for Jiang Yun.

After a while, Jiang Yun finally shook his head, preparing to bypass this supreme tomb and find the monks in the extra-lawless land first.

Anyway, this supreme tomb must have existed for a very long time, and no one can approach it.

If you are really curious, the big deal is that after the strength is strong in the future, let's take a look at what is going on in this supreme tomb, and whether it is really the supreme being buried in it.

But just when Jiang Yun was about to leave, his footsteps stopped suddenly, and the eyes he had just averted looked at the tomb of the Supreme Being again.

Because, in the darkness behind the Supreme Tomb, an Emperor Corpse and Emperor You came out!

Jiang Yun came over this way, and encountered a lot of Emperor Corpse Emperor You.

Without exception, under the rays of light emitted by the imprint of the ancients, all the Emperor Corpse Emperor You did not dare to approach at all, and they simply disappeared into the darkness as if they were fleeing for their lives.

However, these two Emperor Corpse Emperor You, not only did not escape, but also dared to take the initiative to enter the light.

Regarding the appearance of these two Emperor Corpse Emperor You, Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "The Emperor Corpse Emperor You also has a distinction in strength, the stronger the strength, the stronger the ability to bear the light of the ancient imprint, so these two Only, don't be afraid of the imprint of the ancients."

"Did they come here unintentionally, or are they here specifically to protect this supreme tomb."

These two Emperor Corpse Emperor You, their two pairs of eyes without the slightest expression, just stared at Jiang Yun.

Suddenly, the Emperor Corpse Emperor You Qi moved!

The emperor's corpse took a big step and rushed towards Jiang Yun at a very fast speed.

The Di You, whose feet did not touch the ground, swayed, and shot towards Jiang Yun.

Seeing the Emperor Corpse Emperor You, who was clearly attacking him, Jiang Yun did not panic. Now, he raised his fist directly and faced the Emperor Corpse who had already rushed in front of him.

At the same time, between Jiang Yun's brows, a golden soul force burst out and shot at Di You, who was also coming.

In fact, this kind of emperor corpse and emperor secluded, if other monks encounter it, it will definitely be a headache.

Because Di Shi Di You has no sanity and is not afraid of death.

The emperor's corpse is thick and fleshy, which is equivalent to a pure body repair who is not afraid of death.

Di You is a pure soul cultivator who is not afraid of death.

Therefore, most monks, when they encounter them, are really helpless.

But Jiang Yun is different.

Jiang Yun mastered the power of life and death, especially the immortal leaf in his body, which was the nemesis of the existence of Emperor Shi Di You.

As long as the power of the immortal leaves is released, Jiang Yun can easily destroy the Emperor Shi Di You in front of him.

However, Jiang Yunyi wanted to test out their strength.

Second, it is impossible to determine whether they are the only two emperors here.

If these two are just like scouts, who go out to explore the way first, and kill them by themselves, only to attract more Emperor Corpse Emperor You, then it will be a big trouble.

In the end, Jiang Yun was still thinking about a possibility. Since there are so many emperor corpses here, is it possible that the supreme corpse also became an emperor corpse, or that his soul was immortal and turned into a corpse. Di You!


Jiang Yun's fist hit the emperor's corpse's chest, directly knocking the emperor's corpse back.

The golden soul power shot out from the eyebrows also pierced into Di You's eyebrows, causing Di You's body to tremble slightly, but soon returned to normal.

Suddenly, a shrill cry came out of his mouth, he opened his mouth and spat out a soul arrow.

Jiang Yun did not attack again, but stepped back.

Because, with Di You's cry, near the Supreme Tomb, there were another figure walking out of the darkness!

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