The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6521: in the tomb of the supreme, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's experience in this life is absolutely colorful and extremely rich, but he has never entered a supreme tomb!

Especially until now, he didn't know what purpose this Supreme had.

He stopped himself from leaving just now, and let those corpse emperors attack him, but now he opens the door and invites himself into his tomb.

The reason for the change in the other party's attitude is naturally because of the immortal tree that he has condensed!

However, Jiang Yun did not believe that the other party, like those Emperor Corpse Emperor You, changed his attitude because of his instinctive fear of the immortal tree.

If it is the main body of the immortal tree, it may have this effect.

But it is just an inextinguishable tree transformed from an inextinguishable leaf. Even if it can restrain the dead, it will not be able to make a supreme being afraid.

Of course, the other party may not be the emperor's corpse, but still alive.

In that case, it is even more impossible for him to be afraid of the immortal tree.

Therefore, now Jiang Yun can't help but get tangled up.

Although the tomb of the Supreme Being is only a hundred feet in size, it is no different from the Heavenly Vault of Heaven and the Earth's End of the Earth. It is the residence of the Supreme!

Without the slightest understanding of the other party, I rashly stepped into the other party's residence, which was like throwing myself into the net.

But if you don't go in, the other party may not be willing to let him leave.

Just when Jiang Yun was tangled, an old and hoarse voice suddenly came out from the tomb, saying word by word, "Don't you want to see me!"

"Now that I have even opened the door, why don't you come in?"

"Could it be that you don't dare?"

Hearing that the other party finally spoke, Jiang Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Although the tone of the other party's speech was slow, the words were very orderly, which was enough to show that the other party had complete sanity and consciousness, not Di Shi or Di You.

Since it is a living person, Jiang Yun has no worries.

Because if the other party really wants to be unfavorable to him, there are ways to deal with him, and there is no need for such trouble at all.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said loudly: "Senior invites, junior is welcome."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun waved his hand, and even put away the inextinguishable tree in front of him, along with the grass that was about a square inch.

It seems that Jiang Yun is expressing full trust in the other party, but in fact, it is still a kind of temptation for Jiang Yun to see if those emperors and emperors will continue to attack him.

Although there was no impediment from the inextinguishable tree and vitality, those Emperor Shi Di You, who had retreated to at least a hundred meters away, were still standing quietly in place, and had no intention of attacking Jiang Yun.

This also led Jiang Yun to come to a conclusion that these Emperor Corpse Emperor You were indeed controlled by the other party.

Another thought popped into Jiang Yun's mind: "I don't know, whether the strong in the extrajudicial land can control Di Shi Di You, or only certain people can do it."

"If it's the latter, will this Supreme and Chiyuezi have anything to do with it?"

Chiyuezi, who was also the ancient emperor of Zhenyu, and has the title of Corpse Emperor.

The first time Jiang Yun saw Di Shi Di You was because of Chi Yuezi's control.

With these thoughts in mind, Jiang Yun finally strode towards the tomb of the Supreme Being.

And as Jiang Yun moved forward, the invisible resistance that existed before has disappeared.

In this way, before Jiang Yun came to the tomb unhindered, without the slightest pause, he stepped directly into the crack of the hole!

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the inside of this tomb, like the outside world, should be endless darkness, but what Jiang Yun didn't expect was that just after entering the crack, the eyes turned bright!

He was already in a huge underground palace.

Although this underground palace is also extremely dilapidated, the surrounding walls are inlaid with radiant beads.

It is the light of these beads that makes this underground palace not dark, but full of light.

Even Jiang Yun could infer from those beads, the structure of the underground palace and the incomplete decorations, that this underground palace should be extremely luxurious before it was ruined.

However, for all this, Jiang Yun just glanced at it, and then looked at a figure sitting cross-legged in the southeast corner of the underground palace.

Seeing the other party's appearance and clothes clearly, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be slightly taken aback!

The corpse emperors outside are all pale, skinny, and naked, looking like hungry ghosts.

According to Jiang Yun's original thoughts, the Supreme Being living in the tomb, even if he is alive, his appearance should be similar to Emperor Shi Di You.

However, what Jiang Yun did not expect was that the other side was ruddy, with black hair neatly draped behind his head, clearly a middle-aged man with a good-looking appearance!

Moreover, the other party was still wearing a bright yellow gown, not only was there not the slightest damage, but it was spotless!

In particular, although the other party does not have the slightest breath, but the whole person has an aura that is not angry and arrogant, and at first glance, it is a person who has been in the top for a long time!

If he was not in this tomb, then Jiang Yun would have the illusion that he was in the palace of a mortal and saw the emperor of the mortal world.

While Jiang Yun was looking at each other, the middle-aged man was also looking at Jiang Yun.

When Jiang Yun's feet were on the ground, he nodded to Jiang Yun and said, "I'm relatively simple here, you can do whatever you want, no need to be restrained!"

Hearing the old voice of the other party, Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, clasped his fists with both hands, and bowed to the other party: "Junior Mengyu Jiang Yun, I have seen senior!"

The man nodded again and said, "My name is Prisoner!"

Imprisoned Dragon!

Naturally, Jiang Yun had never heard of this name, and he didn't know whether it was the other party's real name or just made up.

However, of course Jiang Yun would not ask questions, but bowed again to the prisoner dragon and said, "I've seen the prisoner dragon senior!"

The prisoner dragon smiled slightly and said, "Can you use the magical power you just displayed again!"

The request made by the other party made Jiang Yun stunned again.

I just used the immortal leaf to transform the immortal tree. Although I restrained the emperor corpse and emperor you, it was not a special magical power. Why did the other party let him use it again.

Despite the doubts in his heart, Jiang Yun didn't talk nonsense. He took out the immortal leaves again, and transformed into an immortal tree, including a grass covering a larger area, extending all the way to the prisoner dragon.

Prisoner Long's eyes were fixed on the grass in front of him, and a flash of reminiscence gradually appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, gently plucked up a piece of grass, put it on the end of his nose, took a deep breath, and said softly: "After so many years, I finally feel the vitality again, smell the grass and trees. fragrance."

Although this is Jiang Yun's magical power, because of the special nature of the immortal leaves, these grasses that grow are not illusions, but real grasses.

Hearing the words of the prisoner dragon, Jiang Yun suddenly understood that the reason why the other party wanted to cast the immortal tree again was to feel the vitality and smell the fragrance of the grass!

Because, here, there is only death!

It is precisely because of the other party's words that Jiang Yun has a trace of sympathy for this prisoner dragon!

No matter what the identity of the other party is, but here, I have been alone for an unknown time.

And with him, only the endless death energy and the unconscious Emperor Shidi You!

This kind of loneliness, Jiang Yun does not know how the other party persists, anyway, if it is replaced by himself, he may not be able to do it.

Finally, the prisoner put down the grass in his hand and said to Jiang Yun: "Thank you, now, let me see your ancient imprint and confirm your identity!"

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