The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6526: Manipulate Diyou, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Jiang Yun, in the gap between the mountains, is slowly moving forward.

Although the gap didn't look deep when he was outside, it seemed that he could easily pass through it with just a few steps, but when Jiang Yun really stepped in, he immediately felt a strong resistance!

Jiang Yun is no stranger to this resistance, which is the power of space.

Naturally, this also made it easy for Jiang Yun to speculate that he was not in the interior of a mountain, but in the middle of two worlds.

Although the two Supreme Realms are adjacent to each other, there is actually a certain distance between them.

This is like the original one hundred and eight sets of domains, in the middle of each other, are connected by domains of different lengths.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun himself is proficient in the power of space, so he does not feel too strenuous when he is in the gap.

However, as Jiang Yun traveled farther and farther in this space, he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

Since the two supreme worlds are not next to each other, how did the emperor corpse without consciousness and consciousness forcibly smashed through such a passage.

After all, no matter how strong the emperor's corpse is, it is unlikely that he will break through such a deep passage with brute force.

Although it felt strange, Jiang Yun didn't think much about it. Maybe it wasn't an emperor's corpse, but every once in a while, there would be an emperor's corpse, Emperor You, running to collide.

Over time, such a passage was knocked out.

After half an hour passed, Jiang Yun finally passed through the gap, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

In fact, there is still darkness around.

It's just that Jiang Yun was able to see the scene within a thousand zhang radius under the rays of light emitted by Jiang Yun's ancient mark.

Jiang Yun said to himself: "This should be the supreme world of Mengzun."

Everything Jiang Yun saw in his eyes was similar to the Supreme Realm of Prisoner Dragon.

The sky is dark, the earth is barren, no grass grows, and life is dead.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this.

Mengzun's experience should be similar to that of the prisoner of dragons. They were all attacked by the three masters when they became venerable, so this must have been a battlefield.

"Forgot to ask Senior Prisoner Dragon, where is the place where Meng Zun lives!"

Although Jiang Yun could not be affected by the negative atmosphere here, his divine sense could only be effective within the range covered by the power of the ancients.

And the light that the ancient power can release is limited, even if Jiang Yun pushes it with all his strength, it can only reach about 10,000 zhang.

Therefore, it is not easy to find Meng Zun's residence in one world.

No matter how difficult it was, Jiang Yun could only start looking.

Just after walking out, only a hundred feet away, Jiang Yun suddenly felt something flashing in the darkness ahead.

Jiang Yun didn't have to think about it to know that it must be Emperor Shi or Emperor You, and this also made an idea pop up in his mind.

"The Emperor Corpse Emperor You here is mostly Mengzun's former subordinates."

"Even if they don't have consciousness and sanity, they will still spontaneously protect Mengzun."

"If I can follow an Emperor Corpse or Emperor You, maybe he can take the initiative to take me to Mengzun's residence."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly accelerated, and the range of the light of ancient power also skyrocketed.

As the darkness was dispelled, an emperor corpse appeared in Jiang Yun's sight.

The emperor's corpse was illuminated by the light of ancient power, and there was a shrill scream in his mouth, and he immediately accelerated his speed, and his figure rushed into the darkness around him.

Jiang Yun also turned around immediately and followed behind the emperor's corpse.

However, when the light hit the emperor's corpse again, the emperor's corpse collapsed directly to the ground, twitching and trembling all over.

After just a few breaths, it turned into a pool of black ashes and dissipated.

This result was beyond Jiang Yun's expectations. He didn't expect that this emperor's corpse was so weak that it was illuminated twice by the light of the ancient power, and it was immediately wiped out!

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only continue in this direction, looking for the next emperor's corpse.

When another moment passed, Jiang Yun found an emperor's corpse again.

This time, Jiang Yun simply compressed the light of Gu Zhili to about a hundred feet to avoid hitting the opponent.

But in this way, Jiang Yun had to follow the emperor's corpse completely by feeling.

Under the condition that his consciousness and eyes are basically useless, no matter how sharp Jiang Yun's senses are, he can't keep up with the emperor's corpse for a long time, and soon loses the trace of the other party.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said to himself, "Chiyuezi and Taikoo Corpse Spirit can both control Di Shi Di You, and what they rely on is nothing more than death energy, so maybe I can do it too."

"Not to mention the complete control of Emperor Shi Di You, as long as you can perceive their location within a certain range, you can find the location of Meng Zun."

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the prisoner dragon and Chiyuezi would have something to do with each other, but after talking with the prisoner dragon, he realized that the prisoner dragon was able to control the Emperor Shidiyou because they used to be his subordinates.

However, since someone can control Di Shi Di You, Jiang Yun feels that he should be able to do it too.

Therefore, when Jiang Yun discovered the third Di You, at the moment when the opponent was about to escape, he directly displayed Ding Canghai to freeze the opponent's figure.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun did not hesitate to separate out a ray of soul and submerged into the body of Di You.

As soon as the divided soul entered Di You's body, Jiang Yun immediately felt a strong resentment coming from all directions, surrounding his own divided soul.

The next moment, these grievances began to devour their own souls!

"This devouring should be an instinctive reaction of them, just as they are afraid of the immortal tree."

While Jiang Yun was thinking about it, the split soul immediately soared, releasing a powerful soul power!

Jiang Yun's soul was reshaped by Wei Yangnv, and he had already understood the rules of soul, so when his soul power appeared, it was like a scorching sunshine.

The resentment in Di You's body, and even all the dark things, did not dare to approach at all, and hurriedly spilled out.

And at the beginning of that Di You, even though he screamed, his voice became smaller and smaller, and the expression on his face gradually softened.

It seems that the resentment and dark things in the body are dispelled, which is of great benefit to him.

Jiang Yun was not going to disperse all the grievances and dark things of the other party.

After all, Jiang Yun's purpose was not to kill the other party, but to let him lead the way for him.

He was worried that if there were no such resentment and dark things, it would likely make this Di You dissipate as well.

But looking at Di You's state, Jiang Yunwei pondered for a while, and simply did not do it again and again, and the power of the soul urged all the grievances and dark things in the opponent's body to disperse.

At this time, although Di You's expression was still dazed, it did not dissipate.

What surprised Jiang Yun even more was that he found that he was actually able to control this Di You!

This kind of manipulation is not to seize the house, nor is Jiang Yun's soul occupying Di You's body, but as long as Jiang Yun moves his thoughts, this Di You will do anything according to Jiang Yun's thoughts.

It's like becoming Jiang Yun's servant!

Jiang Yun didn't know if Chiyuezi and the others were in the same situation as him when they manipulated these Emperor Corpse Emperor You, but he guessed that this manipulation of his own should still be related to the rules of the soul and the power of the ancients that he comprehended. .

"Take me to Mengzun's residence!"

Jiang Yun did not delay, and immediately issued an order to this Di You.

Di You also flew out in one direction without hesitation.

Jiang Yun naturally followed.

But just as Jiang Yun was advancing, in the darkness that was not illuminated by the light of ancient power, there was a pair of eyes staring at him deeply.

As Jiang Yun's figure sank into the darkness, a voice came from under his eyes: "This son must be Zun Gu's disciple."

"The power of the ancients in him is not only stronger than Zungu, but also understands the rules of the soul, and also holds the power of dreams, so he can not be affected by the power of my dreams."

"However, this is more convenient for me!"

"If that's the case, I'll be waiting for you!"

The voice fell, and the eye also disappeared, and at this moment, Jiang Yun, although his eyes were staring at Di You in front of him, his eyes were deep. But there was a flash of cold light!

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