The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6529: teach you a lesson, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Then it's even more impossible for me to let you go!"

Meng Zun smiled coldly, raised his hand again, and grabbed it towards Jiang Yun!

Even if he didn't dare to leave the place, his strength as the Supreme gave him the confidence that he could easily catch Jiang Yun.

However, just as he stretched out his hand, in the depths of this land belonging to his Supreme Realm, there was a sudden loud noise!


Before the loud noise disappeared, the earth began to vibrate, and the whole world shook violently.

And this piece of Mengzun has been in ruins for countless years. Those broken walls and ruins began to collapse under the shaking of the world.

Even, above Meng Zun's head, there was a wall that collapsed directly, and the bricks and rubble, like raindrops, smashed down towards Meng Zun.

"Damn!" This sudden change made Meng Zun's expression change.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to be hit by these rubble, but when he stretched out Jiang Yun's palm, he had to retract it, and instead pressed it towards the ground to stop the shaking of the ground.

Mengzun looked up and looked at Jiang Yundao viciously: "Boy, how dare you control my subordinates to destroy my Supreme Realm!"

Jiang Yun said expressionlessly: "Mengzun, since I have already suspected you, how can I come without a little preparation!"


After dropping this sentence, Jiang Yun's figure had already retreated towards the rear.

As Jiang Yun said, he has already noticed that something is wrong with Meng Zun. Although it may be that he is overthinking, he has always been cautious, so he decides to make some preparations, just in case!

However, on the site of a supreme being, Jiang Yun really couldn't think of any way to help him fight against Mengzun.

In desperation, all he could do was find a way out for himself.

Therefore, just now he changed his order to Di You, and no longer let Di You bring himself to Mengzun's residence, but let Di You take him to the place where he can enter the extrajudicial place first.

What Jiang Yun didn't expect was that not only did he know the specific location of entering the extrajudicial land, but along the way, when he tried to control other emperors and emperors, he accidentally discovered the boundary of this world. where the heart is.

The so-called world heart is the core of a world like the eye of the formation.

As long as you destroy the heart of the world, you can destroy the entire world.

Originally, even if Jie Xin was discovered, it would not have much effect on Jiang Yun.

After all, this is the Supreme Realm, and the firmness of the space is far greater than that of other worlds. With Jiang Yun's strength, it will take a great price to destroy it.

However, this Supreme Realm has long been riddled with holes, fragmented, and the heart of the realm is extremely fragile.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply manipulated an emperor's corpse with the strength of a pseudo-respect with his soul splitting, allowing him to quietly enter the heart of the world.

If you have misunderstood Meng Zun, then if the emperor corpse is taken out, it will not cause any damage to the Supreme Realm.

But obviously, Meng Zun is really malicious, and Jiang Yun took precautions, and this preparation in advance also came in handy.

The self-destruction of a pseudo-exalted emperor's corpse is extremely powerful, and it directly collapses the heart of the world, causing the entire Supreme Realm to be affected, and it also begins to go to destruction.

After realizing all this, Meng Zun naturally did not take action to leave Jiang Yun, but was busy releasing his own power to stabilize the entire Supreme Realm.

The Supreme Realm collapses. Although Meng Zun will not die, the time rules covering him will lose their effect.

If he fails to seize Jiang Yun again, then from now on, he really can only wait here to die, and it is impossible to leave again.

At this moment, Meng Zun, with extreme unwillingness, used his spiritual sense to watch Jiang Yun, who was far away from the ruins, and was rushing away in a certain direction, his eyes flickering with cold light, and he gritted his teeth: , I still underestimate this kid!"

In fact, Meng Zun did not underestimate Jiang Yun.

It's just that he never thought that Jiang Yun, who didn't know himself well, would control an emperor's corpse that his subordinates turned into without even seeing his own face, ready to destroy his own supreme world. Intend!

Meng Zun continued: "Also, this kid is really cunning!"

"At this time, if it is someone else, it must be the first time to flee to the prisoner dragon and seek the protection of the prisoner dragon."

"But he's good, he went straight to the place outside the law, which makes me chase it or not!"

If Jiang Yun fled to the prisoner dragon and sought protection from the prisoner dragon, then Mengzun might take a gamble, give up the time rules on his body, chase him out at all costs, and take Jiang Yun away.

When necessary, he can even kill the prisoner dragon together.

But Jiang Yun also thought of this possibility, and he was even more unwilling to implicate the truly selfless prisoner dragon, so he chose to escape this forbidden place directly and enter the extrajudicial place first!

In the end, Meng Zun shook his head, gave up to chase Jiang Yun, and said coldly, "Forget it, I'll let you escape this time!"

"It won't be long before we meet again!"

At first, Meng Zun was worried that Jiang Yun might have something behind him.

Second, he also believed that Jiang Yun would definitely come back here.

Because, unless you are the supreme being who is also proficient in the rules of dreams, the power of the rules that you have overlaid on the dream realm, almost no one can erase it!

As long as Jiang Yun still wants to wake up the monks in the dream realm and wake up the ancients, he must come back to find himself again!

"However, do you think you can escape so easily?"

After speaking, a sneer appeared on Meng Zun's face, and he didn't even pay attention to Jiang Yun anymore, closed his eyes, and let Jiang Yun escape, while he continued to stabilize the entire Supreme Realm!

After Jiang Yun escaped from the ruins, he ran all the way without looking back, leaving Mengzun's Supreme Realm as soon as possible.

And Meng Zun's worries are not wrong, Jiang Yun has indeed prepared a backhand, it is still those Emperor Corpse Emperor You!

Although Meng Zun knew that Jiang Yun could control Emperor Shi Di You, he did not know that Jiang Yun directly controlled Emperor Shi Di You by dividing his soul. Endless!

Now in the entire Supreme Realm, there are twenty or thirty emperor corpses in the body of Emperor You, all of which hide a part of Jiang Yun's soul!

Jiang Yun was worried that he would be noticed by Meng Zun. Although he did not let the soul divide control these emperor corpses, as long as he thought about it, he could let them all explode and continue to destroy this supreme world!

In this way, after only a few breaths, Jiang Yun came to a small valley unimpeded, and at the end, stood a cave.

This cave is the passage to the land outside the law.

Before Jiang Yun, under the leadership of Di You, saw this cave, he immediately understood why Mengzun had opened the channel connecting the Prisoner Dragon Supreme Realm.

Obviously, Meng Zun was inspired by this cave.

Seeing that the cave was close at hand, Jiang Yun had already reached the ultimate speed, and he exploded again, and his body rose into the air like an arrow from the string, shooting towards the cave.

Jiang Yun is also worried that Meng Zun will not let him leave so smoothly, so only by entering the cave as soon as possible can it be truly safe.

Although Jiang Yun's response was not slow, the moment his body was in the air, the ground in front of the cave suddenly split open, and a huge palm stretched out and slapped him fiercely.

Meng Zun has long been under this cave, hiding one of his own attacks.

At the same time, Meng Zun's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "This palm is a lesson for you!"

"Then I'll teach you a lesson too!"

In response to Meng Zun, it was Jiang Yun who said these words heavily!

As Mengzun's palm fell on Jiang Yun's body, there were also several earth-shattering explosions in this Supreme Realm!

And Jiang Yun was also slapped by Meng Zun's palm, and the whole person finally fell into the cave!

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